Benefits of Home Education

9 Simple Rules for Homeschooling

By on April 30th, 2019

Being a parent can be tough! However, being a student’s principal, school counselor, teacher, custodian, cafeteria worker, and bus driver can be just as tough. When you choose to homeschool your child in the state of Florida, you are taking on many additional hats and full control of your child’s education.

Do you know the “9 simple rules” of homeschooling in Florida? Continue reading

Benefits of Home Education

By on February 25th, 2016

Homeschool Benefits“My child is being bullied at school.”

“My child has a medical condition that makes it difficult for him/her to attend school regularly.”

“My child is a professional athlete/artist and a traditional school setting does not fit our busy schedule.”

“My child does not seem to do very well in the public school setting and I would like an alternative option for him/her.”

No matter what a family’s reason may be for considering home education for their child, it is wonderful to know that this alternative method for completing their education is not only available, but in many cases the best decision. Continue reading

Benefits of Competency-Based Learning

By on December 7th, 2015

Competency Based LearningOne of the common symptoms of leukemia is a significant decrease in functional white blood cells.

Which components of nonspecific and specific immunity will be negatively affected by leukemia? Which components of the immune system will remain unaffected?

Can you answer that? My guess is that many of you reading this post cannot answer it AT THIS TIME. That’s because you haven’t been able to learn all of the necessary information to understand the question and process it to result in an answer. In some cases, that’s what happens to students in a brick-and-mortar classroom based on a traditional 180-day school calendar.

Students try learning the preceding information, but the teacher must move on in the lesson to meet the seat-time based school-year plan before each student can master the content, potentially leaving a student without the skills to answer correctly. Continue reading