5 Ways Art Activities and Clubs Can Benefit You

We’re excited to celebrate “Arts in Education” month! Did you know that the arts can play a very important role in your academic success? Research studies show that the arts engage students and increase learning and achievement. For example, students who participate in drama have increased reading readiness and word fluency in elementary grades, and continue to improve reading comprehension and writing skills through middle and high school. But that’s not all! Keep reading to discover five more ways art activities and clubs can benefit you.

1) Improve focus

David G.

Whether it’s drawing in Art Club or memorizing lines in Drama Club, the arts can calm your brain and help your body relax, allowing you to better focus on other school-related tasks. 

If you are interested in drawing, there are several coloring books for teens that promote “stress-free” coloring templates. 

And what better way to improve your focus than by coloring a Florida Virtual School (FLVS) coloring page? Download and print them here. Take a picture and share it with us on Padlet and you might see your creation on our FLVS social media pages.

2) Learn how to receive constructive criticism

While the term “art criticism” is defined as the analysis and evaluation of works of art, you don’t have to be an art expert to have your own opinions about what makes good vs. bad art. People will often interject their own opinions, and it is how you respond to constructive criticism that can set you apart. 

By believing in yourself and your art, you can learn to handle others’ opinions. Appreciate that this feedback can push you to continually improve, develop, and excel in your art and life. 

The FLVS Art Clubs use Padlet to help students with this skill, allowing them to share their artwork for feedback and comments from their classmates. 

“Sharing on Padlet allows students to feel seen and proud, while giving them the experience of sharing in the real world as artists do,” said Elizabeth Seltzer, Art Club 4-5 Co-Sponsor.

3) Build self-esteem and develop interpersonal skills

As mentioned above, when you believe in yourself and your ability, you stand by your creation and artistic creativity. This empowers you to know your worth and ability. And what better way to improve your self-esteem?

Art can also teach you interpersonal skills that you can use in school and in the workplace after you graduate. To create art that speaks to the human condition and encourages an emotional response from viewers, you must be in touch with your own emotions. 

By first learning to listen to your inner self and your own emotions, you can better listen to those around you. Listening teaches patience and empathy. These are all good skills to have as you continue on your academic and career journey. 

“Art is about the process of creating and instilling a growth mindset,” said Lisa Whittaker, Art Club 6-12 Co-sponsor. “You only get better by practicing, and the more you practice, the better you get.”

4) Reduce stress

Art therapy has been used for years as a way to reduce stress and anxiety. And the best news – you don’t have to be an artist to do this! There’s no pressure. Just let your creativity flow and let your mind let go of whatever is bothering you. 

The FLVS Art Club offers an excellent outlet where you can experiment with all types of mediums – pencil, charcoal, clay, watercolor, acrylic paint, sand art, jewelry, macramé, and more!

5) Enhance your academic experience


Lastly, the arts can enhance your academic experience and provide a well-rounded education. Get out of your comfort zone, try a new class, or join a new extracurricular art-focused club! You may find a new creative outlet or meet new friends that share the same passions as you. 

“It’s ok to be nervous, everyone is nervous their first time, but in Art Club, we are all open and accepting,” said Ms. Whittaker. “The students in the club are so kind to each other and so supportive.”

Ms. Seltzer echoes that same sentiment, “Please join us! We try to explore many different forms of art and always have a way to make it work with whatever supplies you have on hand. We love Art Club and know you will too!”

This month, take some time to appreciate the value of arts education. Embrace your creativity and let your artistic side shine.  Try out a new art form, attend a performance/exhibit, or join one of the many art-focused clubs that FLVS offers. 

We can’t wait to see what you create!

Katie HodginsKatie Hodgins brings her wealth of experience and passion to the FLVS team, assuming the role of Content and Public Relations Specialist. A military veteran and lifelong learner, Katie enjoys communicating unique and innovative stories about people, places, and opportunities to inspire and engage the next generation. Having traveled throughout the world, she is excited to plant roots here in Florida and with Florida Virtual School.

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