Search Results for: tips
7 Tips from FLVS Students for Taking Better Notes
By Florida Virtual School on January 14th, 2022
It feels like the first day of school was just yesterday, but here we are, starting the second half of the school year! With exams, graduation, and summer break just around the corner, it’s time to study smarter, not harder.
An Online Student’s 5 Tips to Help You Reach Success
By Guest Blogger on January 5th, 2022
Being an online student is great, but there are unique challenges that may present themselves. Not to worry! Not only does Florida Virtual School have great resources, but this list will also help you be the best student you can be.
4 Tips for Safe Teen Driving
By Florida Virtual School on October 19th, 2021
From road trips in the family minivan to catching an Uber to the airport—getting from point A to point B, can be a major part of our lives. While earning a learner’s permit or driver’s license means the freedom to hit the road on your own, driving comes with a lot of responsibility. Luckily, Florida […]
5 Tips for Learning a Language Online
By Florida Virtual School on August 4th, 2021
Learning a new language online might seem like an intimidating task, but what if we told you, it is as easy as watching your favorite show? Or listening to new music? Our World Language teachers know exactly what it’s like to learn a new language—and have advice to turn the challenge of learning a new language into a way of connecting with the […]
Tips for Creating the Perfect Learning Space
By Florida Virtual School on January 4th, 2021
Still settling into an at-home learning routine this semester? If so, you may find that you are having a tough time staying focused, on track, or organized. If this is the case, we have a few tips to help you create the perfect learning environment at home.
8 Tips for Parents New to Online Learning
By Florida Virtual School on November 8th, 2020
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more students than ever before are learning virtually and many parents have taken a more involved role with their students education. In honor of National Parents as Teachers Day on November 8th, we’re celebrating parents and their partnership with FLVS by sharing tips to help families adjusting to online education.
Planning Tips for Teachers Moving Online
By Florida Virtual School on June 8th, 2020
As the majority of Florida’s education system transitioned online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, much focus has rightly been on helping students cope, both academically and emotionally. However, teachers who teach in a traditional classroom setting have also made the transition, in emergency conditions, and require support. We know engaged teacher-student interaction is important to […]
Tried & Tested Tips for Teachers Going Virtual
By Florida Virtual School on April 8th, 2020
With so much panic and chaos going around us due to COVID-19, it is easy to get anxious and overwhelmed. This can be especially true for teachers whose schools have closed for an extended period of time. You may have been asked to leave your routine and embrace a virtual environment overnight and that can […]
Teen Driving Safety Tips
By Florida Virtual School on October 21st, 2019
National Teen Driver Safety Week is Oct. 20-26, 2019. This week, FLVS is encouraging parents to discuss the importance of driving safety with their teen drivers. To help start conversations around safe driving, we’ve compiled the following tips.
8 Tips for Homeschooling Your Kindergartner
By Cara Piper on August 15th, 2019
As a virtual Kindergarten teacher, I work closely with homeschool families. After spending three years in this role, I’ve seen firsthand what works for students learning at home. Read on for my top tips for home education families with young children!