High School

Student Promotes Kindness with Children’s Books

By on October 26th, 2020

October is National Bullying Prevention Month which unites communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Standing up against bullying is something FLVS takes very seriously. We’re pleased to spotlight FLVS high school senior Jhett Hill who has written two children’s books to help bring awareness to this effort.

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FLVS Celebrates Teachers on World Teachers’ Day

By on October 5th, 2020

Every August, thousands of teachers prepare for the new school year, decorating their classrooms, organizing lessons, and brainstorming fun activities for students. Teachers at Florida Virtual School are no different! Although they may not have a physical classroom where they can see students daily, FLVS teachers find unique ways to create engaging learning experiences for students in the virtual classroom.

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FLVS Introduces Agriscience Foundations 1

By on September 2nd, 2020

Have you ever considered a career in agriculture? 

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), agriculture and related industries make up 11 percent of jobs in America, including food service, farming and fishing, food and beverage manufacturing, and more! All these industries are made up of field professionals ranging from farmers to environmental engineers and food scientists to water quality specialists.  

Discover the possibilities with Florida Virtual School (FLVS) in our new course, Agriscience Foundations 1. 

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Finding Success with Florida Virtual School

By on July 25th, 2020

This post was written by Tangela Walker-Craft, parent of a FLVS Flex student and graduate.

I attended traditional public schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Homeschooling was not something that I ever planned to do when I became a mom. I even taught at traditional public schools for several years before I had my daughter. I knew nothing about homeschooling.

During that time, when I was teaching high school, many of my best students shared with me that they had been homeschooled at some point during their lives.

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Stay on Track this Summer with Online Courses

By on June 26th, 2020

The 2019-20 school year challenged students, teachers, and parents in unique ways as school closures transformed the way most students attend school. Now that summer is in full swing, we’re proud to say, “We made it!” but there are still a lot of questions about how schools will operate in the upcoming year.  

Despite the uncertainties, students can take summer courses and get a jump start on the coming year with Florida Virtual School (FLVS) to ensure they stay on track with their academic goals. 

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Kicking Off the Year at FLVS Full Time

By on August 14th, 2018

The 2018-19 school year has arrived at FLVS Full Time High School. Our amazing teachers, counselors, support staff, and school leaders have worked tirelessly this summer planning for the year ahead. During the summer, we were able to reflect on the past school year and think about not only the challenges we faced, but also the many accomplishments and achievements.

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Class of 2018 Senior Survival Guide

By on May 24th, 2018

Earlier this year, our FLVS Full Time Senior Class officers presented a “Senior Survival Guide” to the current juniors. Their presentation was fantastic and full of great tips from the viewpoint of a student. Whether you’re looking ahead to senior year or graduation is a few years down the road, several of these tips for FLVS students apply to any grade level.

Now without further ado, here are the top 10 tips for surviving senior year at FLVS from our Class of 2018.    

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6 Things to Think About When Starting High School

By on March 15th, 2018

One of the most important times of a student’s life is the transition from middle school to high school. Students often ponder important questions about high school, such as:

What should I wear the first day? How can I get into PE with my best friend? How am I supposed to get from one side of the campus to the other in two minutes?

While these questions might be on the forefront of an 8th grader’s mind, there are other important questions that they want to be thinking of before heading to high school. Continue reading

College and Beyond

By on June 9th, 2017

This is the twelfth post in a series by former FLVS student Makaila, a model, author, and student advocate.

Blog_Cover_June_CollegeHey FLVS teens! As you look ahead to your final year(s) of high school, the next couple of years may seem challenging. You may spend most of your time focusing on studying or on making straight As. It can be a challenge, and some days it can seem impossible.

I can assure you – it’s possible and you can do it (and if worse comes to worst, then a few Bs or even Cs may not be the end of the world).

So, what’s the next step? College.

It may seem so far away, and that’s what I thought in high school too. But it’s not. It is way closer than you think.

Before you know it, you’ll be going on college tours (try to schedule a few this summer!) and getting merchandise from schools you may not even attend in the end. I know I did. I only went on one college tour, and that was to Florida State. Turns out I wouldn’t get into Florida State, so here I am to this very day with shirts, hats, and mugs that I refuse to use. Continue reading

Making Connections for the Future

By on April 13th, 2017

FBLALife is about the connections we make. Sometimes these connections come from people we’ve known our entire lives, friends next door, colleagues, or even classmates at school.

Because fitting in is a big part of a student’s success, especially during the teenage years, making these connections and collaborating with others can help students grow and learn. Studies have demonstrated this, but I learned it firsthand when I was still in school.

Transitioning from middle to high school was difficult for me, so the 9th and 10th grade years were a trying time in my life. Luckily, I had some excellent teachers who helped me adjust. One particularly important moment was the day my 11th grade computer teacher encouraged me to attend a Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) meeting.

When I finally relented and decided to go, I didn’t yet realize I’d made one of the best decisions of my life. Continue reading