Home Education

Benefits of Home Education

By on February 25th, 2016

Homeschool Benefits“My child is being bullied at school.”

“My child has a medical condition that makes it difficult for him/her to attend school regularly.”

“My child is a professional athlete/artist and a traditional school setting does not fit our busy schedule.”

“My child does not seem to do very well in the public school setting and I would like an alternative option for him/her.”

No matter what a family’s reason may be for considering home education for their child, it is wonderful to know that this alternative method for completing their education is not only available, but in many cases the best decision. Continue reading

Home Education

By on April 18th, 2013

Home Education
The term “homeschooling” continues to raise the eyebrows or evoke comments of skepticism from the mainstream. Even though homeschooling has been in practice since the 18th century, for some it still feels novel and new.

As we look at the evolution of homeschooling, we find that some of our most accomplished athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and leaders were homeschooled. The list may surprise you. Continue reading