Online instruction

Communication is Critical

By on March 7th, 2014

teacher communicationThe Importance of Effective Communication between Teachers and Parents

I have been teaching for almost nine years, most of that time being in the traditional classroom. When I came to FLVS last year, I was seriously impressed with the level of care and importance that is placed on effective parent communication.

Regular communication, however, does not necessarily equal effective communication. Whether meeting face-to-face, virtually, or by phone, misunderstandings can happen. I wanted to share with you some insights and tips I have found useful as a teacher to keep communication with parents effective: Continue reading

Can Students REALLY Learn Math Online?

By on December 3rd, 2013

mathWhenever I tell someone I am a teacher, they give me an approving look as if to say, “Oh! That’s great.”

In the natural progression of the conversation, they always ask next, “What do you teach?”

Once the word “Math” or “Algebra” comes out, the look changes to one of pity as if I were drafted to teach such a subject.

As the conversation spirals, the final question is, “Where do you teach?” This is the question that shifts the gears of the conversation and allows me the opportunity to explain the amazing work that is done at FLVS. Once I tell someone I teach Math online, it is as if I have personally uncovered the lost city of Atlantis. The many questions surrounding this new discovery start rolling in. Continue reading

A Good, Firm Handshake in a Virtual World

By on November 15th, 2013

We live in an ever-changing digital age where our interactions have become increasingly more “virtual” than face-to-face.

Today, most companies are turning to phone conference or webcam interviews to save time and money for incessantly busy Hiring Managers.  Job candidates are expected to answer complicated behavior based interview questions, supplying well-thought-out responses, all while making it perfectly clear why he/she is the right person for the job, often in 30 minutes or less.  So, how do you leave a lasting impression at the end of a phone interview?  You develop a good, firm virtual handshake. Continue reading

Lights, Cameras, Lesson Plans

By on October 30th, 2013

What it’s like to be a Florida District Teacher of the Year

I’ve had a lot of questions about what it is like to be a district-level teacher of the year in Florida. There are so many adjectives I could use to describe this wonderful experience, but the one that sticks out to me the most is “unforgettable.”

The day it was announced that I was the FLVS Teacher of the Year was one of the most exciting days of my life. Emails and phone calls poured in with congratulations and well-wishes from people I know and people I have never really met. It felt like I was a celebrity, which can make a person feel a little uncomfortable at first – being rushed to the front and into the spotlight. Continue reading

The Power of Negativity

By on September 30th, 2013

crticsmathRemember the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” I have to say, that through life experiences, I’ve come to realize that this statement is completely false. The bruises that are caused by sticks and stones may last for a period of time, but the scars words leave can last a lifetime.   Continue reading