Shawn Achor

Happiness Starts with YOU!

By on February 4th, 2015

happinessAttitude is Everything.

Have you ever thought about it? It’s true. In 2014, I read The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. You should read it too! It has really helped to change my mood and shape a new way of positive thinking. In the book, Achor posits that daily affirmation of three happy or good things, no matter how big or small, will help your mind re-focus on the positive.

I have really worked hard to exercise the “three good things daily” practice. My team also shares positive things in their world regularly, creating a positive team and work environment (And if you know anything about counselors, we deal with some pretty tough stuff!) Overall, this daily habit creates a mindset focused on being grateful. It has positively affected my attitude at home with my family and at work with customers and colleagues. Continue reading