
Got Notes? (Part 2)

By on November 5th, 2015

More sketchnoting tipssketch – note
/skeCH nōt/

1. A substantially awesome method for taking notes that is easy, fun, and does not require drawing ability (stick figures welcome!)

2. Combining doodles and notes and increasing your memory retention by transferring an idea from your head to the paper!

This definition summarizes some of what we learned in part one of this series. Continue reading

Got Notes?

By on September 17th, 2015

sketchnotingPicture this:
You are in front of your screen, you have logged into your live lesson, and your instructor is about to start.

He or she reminds you to “take notes!” You find yourself unprepared, so you either open a Word document (which by the end of the lesson remains basically blank) or you hastily gather a pen and a paper napkin left in your room from last night’s pizza. At the end of the lesson, you barely have a few notes and the main idea of today’s lesson eludes you like the ghost of Christmas past…

Sigh…sound familiar? Continue reading