School Counseling

Take Action to Stop Bullying

By on October 8th, 2013

1058875_87211051As the following statistics show, bullying is widespread and touches someone we all know.  It is increasingly important that parents and educators talk to their students about bullying. 

Be aware of the signs of bullying, pay attention to your students, and check in frequently to ensure their safety.  One of the best ways to prevent and reduce bullying is to talk about it.  Continue reading

Recipe for Success

By on August 13th, 2013

I enjoy cooking and baking.  Cooking allows me to try new things, experiment, add a dash of this, a pinch of that, and just get creative!  It suits the rule-breaker in me as I don’t always like to follow recipes.  Baking is a bit more of an exact science, some room for experimentation, but lots of room for error (if you don’t measure correctly). Baking keeps me on the straight and narrow as I’m rewarded with a yummy treat, but ONLY IF I follow directions.  Continue reading

Cut it Out: Self-Injury Awareness

By on March 12th, 2013

Self-Injury Awareness MonthSelf-injury is the deliberate infliction of damage to your own body, and includes cutting, burning, hair pulling, and other forms of injury.

Experts estimate that about 4 percent of the population practices self-injury, almost equally divided between male and female. According to researchers, recent studies of high school and college students put the number at approximately one in five.

While cutting can look like attempted suicide, it is most often not the intent, rather an unhealthy way to deal with emotional stress.  Most people who self-harm do it as a way to regulate mood, escape feelings, cope with stress, express pain, or punish themselves.  People who hurt themselves in this way may be motivated by a need to distract themselves from inner turmoil, or to quickly release anxiety that builds due to an inability to express intense emotions. Continue reading

National School Counseling Week

By on February 5th, 2013

CounselorYesterday marked the first day of National School Counseling week (February 4–8, 2013). In anticipation of this weeklong event, I’ve been considering the question, “What makes student counseling services unique and valuable?” School Counselors endeavor to make an impact on student lives and act as change agents to affect positive outcomes. The unique service provided by Professional School Counselors is to critically examine a problem while focusing attention toward providing the most relevant options for families. The advice offered is valuable in that it leads all parties toward resolution.

Various students have contacted me over the years for assistance with academic advising, planning for college, dealing with peer pressure, or working through emotional concerns. One particular student comes to mind. Continue reading