Student Edition

Win an iPad in our #FLVSCodes Contest

By on December 3rd, 2018

To celebrate our tech-savvy students, FLVS is hosting a contest from Dec. 3, 2018 through Jan. 14, 2019. We want to see how our students are engaging in computer science activities — from coding to construction!

Three lucky winners – one in elementary, one in middle, and one in high school – will be chosen to receive an iPad generously donated by the FLVS Foundation. Winners will be selected based on the quality, creativity, uniqueness, and relevance of their entry. Continue reading

Earn College Credit with Dual Enrollment

By on November 29th, 2018

Accelerate your college degree AND save money on tuition? YES, PLEASE!

FLVS Full Time High School is excited to continue our partnership with the University of Florida and offer dual enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year. We will have space for 50 current students in our program next fall. If you are not currently a student of FLVS Full Time High School, there’s still time to enroll for spring semester to become eligible for this opportunity with UF in 2019-2020! Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: Thanksgiving Edition

By on November 12th, 2018

With the summer sun slinking away, we’re furiously free-falling into Fall — and holidays are around the corner! These months are bustling with activities at school and at home, so we are combining your November and December highlights.

First, there were many festivities in October. Here’s a recap of a few notable events from last month. Continue reading

What is that noise?!?

By on November 9th, 2018

Do your parents constantly ask you to turn down your music? Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve finally reached the age where my children’s music not only hurts my ears, but I question if it’s actually music.

Having two teenagers and two toddlers, the music in my household ranges from “Baby Shark, do do do, do do do do do,” to Panic at the Disco, and everything in between! I find myself constantly telling my teenagers to “turn it down, it’s way too loud,” “How in the world is that music?” and “Why are there so many versions of Baby Shark?!?” I never imagined I would turn into my parents, who constantly complained about my musical choices, as if blaring New Kids on the Block would be anything to complain about! I mean, come on, now that was music! Continue reading

A Guide to FLVS DBAs: Study Tips & Tricks

By on November 1st, 2018

I have been a part of FLVS for multiple years now and discussion-based assessments (DBAs) are one of my most dreaded assignments. I often find myself writing long-winded notes, watching all the help videos, going to tutoring sessions, using the study guides, and more…I find myself stressing for days prior to the DBA. FLVS does provide alternative options like live lesson formats (instead of the phone which strikes anxiety in a lot of students), so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask about these options.

If you’re preparing for an upcoming DBA, enjoy these tips from one student to another. Continue reading

Passion is Developed, Not Discovered

By on October 18th, 2018

Author Angela Duckworth shares that passion isn’t discovered, it’s really developed.

What’s the difference?

If passion is just sitting in the wings waiting to be discovered, we don’t have much control over it. It’s there, we just have to find it somehow. But what if real passion, the kind that lasts, the kind that you build a life’s work on – what if that kind of passion isn’t discovered, it’s developed? Continue reading

Hello! Learning a Language is Good for You!

By on October 2nd, 2018

Hola! Bonjour! Nín hǎo! Salve! Merhaba!

No matter how you say it, learning a foreign language is beneficial to you in many ways.

When I was in high school (many years ago), I viewed taking two years of foreign language as simply a duty to fulfill my graduation course requirements; that unless I was fluent, a different language wouldn’t benefit me in life. (I also felt this way about math courses such as Geometry; sorry math teachers and lovers.) I would sure love to go back and redo it again now (language, not math).

In no particular order, here are a few reasons why I’ve learned that learning a foreign language is important. Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: September Highlights

By on September 25th, 2018

Ever wonder where the name September comes from? The prefix “sept” means seven. September was the seventh month in the original Roman calendar that included only ten months!

September is also National Piano Month. Celebrate by signing your high school student up for Music of the World, one of our electives that explores musical instruments and composers throughout history and provides perspective on various styles of music.

As we head into the month of October (National Pizza Month ?), here are a few highlights and opportunities to get involved. Continue reading

Skills You Won’t See on a Test

By on September 13th, 2018

Talk to any employer, and you will hear the same concerns: graduating students have mastered their hard skills – skills that can be taught through technical topics and academic subject areas. However, the same students are greatly lacking skills they need to interact successfully with co-workers and customers.

It seems hard to believe that we have so many “qualified” young people who are deficient in the fundamental soft skills needed to acquire a job.

Continue reading

Email Etiquette: Point, Click, Send

By on September 5th, 2018

Have you ever received an email that looks like this?

From:   Subject: I have a question.

That’s it! No real subject, no real question, and no name.

As part of the FLVS family, you know that email is not only a part of your daily life, but it’s an integral part of your education. Our teachers, principals, counselors, and family members communicate by email every single day. Are your emails professional, clear, and concise?  Continue reading