creative writing
My Path to Becoming a Published Teen Writer
By Guest Blogger on November 7th, 2023
A National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Experience

This blog was written by Joi T., 12th grade Florida Virtual School Flex student in Miami
“You can make anything by writing.” – C.S. Lewis
As I began my journey to become a teen author, I imagined new worlds, exciting adventures, and a story my peers could relate to. I loved seeing myself in the characters I read and watching how they could overcome any conflict that arose in their lives. However, I felt like I was not always represented by those characters. So, when I was invited to participate last year in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) by my Florida Virtual School (FLVS) English teacher, I was ecstatic.
Continue readingCreative Writing Club Hosts Student Challenge
By Melodie Robelo on November 4th, 2019
Are you an aspiring novelist? Do you dream of becoming the next J.K. Rowling or John Grisham? Do you enjoy imaginary world-building and developing relatable characters? If so, crack open that laptop and join the FLVS Creative Writing Club as we participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short). Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Summer Edition
By Florida Virtual School on June 10th, 2019
Ah, summer. It’s the ideal time for hanging out with friends, heading to the pool or the beach, soaking up the warm weather, enjoying cookouts, reading good books, and maybe taking a vacation with family. It’s been a great year, and you’ve earned a break!
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” – John Lubbock
In between all the fun, be sure take a few minutes to catch up on FLVS happenings! Continue reading
Connecting through Creative Writing Club
By Guest Blogger on May 13th, 2019
This post was written by Lia, a student in the FLVS Creative Writing Club.
The Creative Writing Club is a place where students of Florida Virtual School (FLVS) can come together and appreciate the joys of writing. Being in virtual school, it can be hard to connect with other students, let alone find anyone who is interested in the same things as yourself.
This is where clubs have a huge role. They allow for students to connect in ways that would have been impossible on their own. The Creative Writing Club is only one of the FLVS clubs that do this. With more than 300 students, the Creative Writing Club is a popular choice for many students looking for a club. Continue reading
For the Love of Grammar
By Guest Blogger on March 2nd, 2018
What’s something everyone uses every single day, but is not often thought about? Give up? It’s grammar!
National Grammar Day is observed in the United States on March 4. It was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, author of “Things That Make Us [Sic]” and founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: February Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on February 16th, 2018
February is flying by and there are lots of fun-filled activities to get involved with at FLVS!
First, a friendly reminder that Presidents’ Day (Monday, Feb. 19) is a designated holiday for all FLVS instructors and support staff.
NaNoWriMo: What’s it All About?
By Guest Blogger on November 1st, 2017
This post was written by FLVS student and Creative Writing Club board member Grace Robbins.
November. A time of changing leaves, crisp air that brings out jackets and scarves (well, except for all of us who live in Florida), and a warm sense of nostalgia. But it’s also a time to bathe your face in the glow from your laptop screen as you near the early hours of the morning doubled over typing furiously to reach your word count.
You guessed it: it’s NaNo time.
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: October Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on October 24th, 2017
October is full of outstanding events, and there are many spectacular (and some spooktacular) ones you can be a part of with FLVS. First, October is National Bullying Prevention month which unites communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Standing up against bullying is something FLVS takes very seriously. Join FLVS and the FLVS Full Time Middle School and wear orange on Wednesday, Oct. 25, to show unity against bullying.
Here are other notable activities happening this month. Continue reading
Embracing Nostalgia: The Good and The Bad
By Guest Blogger on July 5th, 2017
This post was written by Charissa, a student in the FLVS Creative Writing Club.
Have you ever passed by a place you used to visit when you were young and a nostalgic feeling started to resonate in your chest?
The feeling blew you back in time a bit, and sparked that good memory concealed in your mind to come and revisit. It was probably a joyous occasion, and that feeling of ancient and special happiness surfaces again.
Well, what if something bad happened to you? Would the nostalgic feeling be the same? I highly doubt it would. If I visited a place that held a bad memory, I would feel suffocated by air tainted with unhappiness and regret. I wouldn’t have a happy and elated feeling in my chest. I would feel empty and alone.
Something I have realized in this society is this:
We all have our good places reminding us of the joy and happiness life can bring you, but we also have our bad places that are a reminder of how the world can be messed up sometimes. Some people have one more than the other. Continue reading
The Close of a Chapter: Plugging into the Virtual Community
By Guest Blogger on May 19th, 2017
This post was written by Olivia, a student in the FLVS Creative Writing Club.
As I near the end of my high school career, I can’t help but think about all of the wonderful memories and lifelong friends that I have made through FLVS.
As a writer, I have been able to thrive in clubs like Creative Writing Club, News in a Click and NEHS. I have participated in Poetry Read-Ins, Shakespeare Festivals and Celebrate Literacy Month. I have also had the invaluable opportunity to collaborate with immensely talented writers and highlight student work through Open Mics. These experiences have greatly enriched my writing and provided inspiration that I will carry with me when I go to college.
In my final [Creative Writing Club] blog post, I wanted to remind you of the power of plugging into our virtual community. By getting involved in FLVS clubs and activities, you are introduced to a world of inspiration. Continue reading