Family Support

Finding the Right Fit For Our Family with FLVS

By on May 31st, 2022

This post was written by Tina Morris, a FLVS Flex parent and hearing loss advocate. 

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and it undoubtedly prompts me to reflect on our medical and educational journey with my son, Karsen. Speech therapy, sensory integration therapy, audiologists, oral motor specialists, doctors, and special schools were all a part of Karsen’s early childhood and education. Karsen eventually closed enough gaps to mainstream into our neighborhood elementary school and was finally finding his place among peers and discovering his passions in middle school. But then the pandemic hit, and everything changed.

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Pinwheels for Prevention

By on April 18th, 2017

This post was written in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Pinwheels for PreventionMy first realization that not all parents behave as loving parents was in the third grade with news that Penny’s mom had hit her over the head with a trophy. It was shocking, as child abuse was not a topic you typically heard of in the 70s, but conversations soon sprouted throughout our small suburban school and community.

Fast forward to today, and news of children being neglected and abused is far too prevalent.

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and loving environment and it is our duty as parents, educators—as humans—to look after them.

Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed pinwheels have popped up in your community and throughout Florida. A ceremony was held in Tallahassee earlier this month on the lawn of the Turlington Building, which serves as the home of the Florida Department of Education. These pinwheels represent Pinwheels for Prevention, a national campaign that engages communities in a coordinated effort to prevent child abuse. Continue reading