FLVS Clubs
FLVS Corkboard: Back to School Edition
By Florida Virtual School on August 24th, 2017
Some of you may be new to FLVS and others have been with us through the summer, but we want to officially welcome everyone to the start of the 2017-18 school year!
This year marks our 20th anniversary, and we could not be more excited. FLVS has come a long way from our humble beginnings in 1997 when we opened our virtual doors. Now we are celebrating 20 years of innovative student learning! Check out our video, milestones, pinboard, and more at flvs.net/20-years.
You can also subscribe to the blog to view our 20-year series! Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: June Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on June 20th, 2017
Hey students and parents—Summer’s in full swing and we have some sun-sational tidbits to share!
But first, a few reminders…
Mark your calendar for the upcoming holiday! In observance of Independence Day, the week of July 3rd (July 3-7) has been designated a holiday break for all FLVS instructors and support staff. The Customer Service Center will be closed on Monday, July 4 only. Students are encouraged to continue their studies as courses remain open, but please be mindful that there will be a brief delay in teacher response. Have a wonderful and safe holiday!
Planning to take FLVS courses this summer? There’s still time to sign up, but don’t delay. Start by browsing our featured summer courses.
Ready to get started? Sign up today! Continue reading
Reflections from the Class of 2017
By Guest Blogger on June 7th, 2017
This post was written by 2016-17 FLVS Full Time National Honor Society President, Olivia Horne.
Family and friends – thank you for providing unwavering support, love and encouragement as we pursue our futures.
Teachers and staff – thank you for making those futures possible through your ability to make lifelong learning fun and our dreams accessible.
Fellow graduates – congratulations! From DBAs, to lives lessons, from collaborations to finals, we have each worked incredibly hard. We did it.
As we reach the end of our high school careers, it is only natural for us to reflect upon what led us here. And while our personal histories might differ greatly, we do have one thing in common: the community that is FLVS.
We, Class of 2017, have pursued our education on our own terms. We are the trailblazers, the innovative digital learners, those who are not afraid to take the path less traveled. We have dared to be different. We, Class of 2017, have proven our possession of the invaluable ability to define our own futures. Continue reading
Looking Back On Our Senior Year
By Guest Blogger on June 5th, 2017
This post was written by FLVS Full Time Senior Class President, Mari Nicole Rosales.
Senior Class President Mari Rosales with Marketing Leader Bryanna Maturen
Last Tuesday, May 30, 2017, marked the end of our high school chapter in the book that we call life.
Long gone are the days of DBAs and Blackboard live lessons. Now the time has come for us to begin our next chapter. As virtual school students, we have had quite the journey throughout high school. We are innovators and changemakers of tomorrow. Because of this, the future is limitless. It is now our turn to empower the world one step at a time with our words and actions.
As many of you know, the Florida Virtual School mascot is our lovely friend, Megabyte, the friendly robotic shark. He graces our school t-shirts and reminds us to keep on pace with our courses. Technically speaking, one megabyte is one million bytes of information. Each Florida Virtual School student is a megabyte. Gaining one million bytes of information is no easy task. As megabytes, we have learned how to be proactive, creative, and resourceful. These one million bytes we have gained from virtual school will last a lifetime. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: May Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on May 19th, 2017
“Another May new buds and flowers shall bring: Ah! why has happiness no second Spring?” ― Charlotte Smith
We don’t know about you, but we’re getting excited that summer is almost here! We are so incredibly happy that you’ve been a part of the FLVS family—it’s been an awesome year and there’s been much to celebrate.
FLVS Selects New President & CEO
The FLVS Board of Trustees is happy to announce the appointment of Dr. Jodi Marshall, Executive Vice President, Business and School Solutions, as the new President and CEO of FLVS effective July 1, 2017. Dr. Marshall, a visionary leader and innovator who embodies the values of FLVS, will work together with Ronald Blocker to ensure a smooth transition upon his departure June 30.
Dr. Marshall has held many positions leading up to her current role over Business and School Solutions including English instructor, Principal, and Vice President of Instruction, since she joined the FLVS family in 2002. Her experience and her dedication to our students, parents, schools, and districts will allow her to continue to drive FLVS forward. Continue reading
The Close of a Chapter: Plugging into the Virtual Community
By Guest Blogger on May 19th, 2017
This post was written by Olivia, a student in the FLVS Creative Writing Club.
As I near the end of my high school career, I can’t help but think about all of the wonderful memories and lifelong friends that I have made through FLVS.
As a writer, I have been able to thrive in clubs like Creative Writing Club, News in a Click and NEHS. I have participated in Poetry Read-Ins, Shakespeare Festivals and Celebrate Literacy Month. I have also had the invaluable opportunity to collaborate with immensely talented writers and highlight student work through Open Mics. These experiences have greatly enriched my writing and provided inspiration that I will carry with me when I go to college.
In my final [Creative Writing Club] blog post, I wanted to remind you of the power of plugging into our virtual community. By getting involved in FLVS clubs and activities, you are introduced to a world of inspiration. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: April Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on April 20th, 2017
April showers may bring May flowers, but both months ultimately mean…we’re sailing into summer!
Speaking of cruising…
Shakespeare Fest 2017 was a great success! For those who were unable to attend or want to catch up on a session they missed, leave us a comment below to request the recordings!
Thank you to all of the teachers, sponsors, and student presenters who helped to make this such a spectacular event!
And while we’re on the subject of thanking teachers, don’t forget that Teacher Appreciation Week begins Monday, May 1. If you have an outstanding teacher you’d like to give a shout out to, consider posting a personal message on the FLVS Facebook page or on Instagram or Twitter using hashtag #FLVSTAW.
They appreciate YOU and your words of encouragement so much! Continue reading
Making Connections for the Future
By Elizabeth Fulcher on April 13th, 2017
Life is about the connections we make. Sometimes these connections come from people we’ve known our entire lives, friends next door, colleagues, or even classmates at school.
Because fitting in is a big part of a student’s success, especially during the teenage years, making these connections and collaborating with others can help students grow and learn. Studies have demonstrated this, but I learned it firsthand when I was still in school.
Transitioning from middle to high school was difficult for me, so the 9th and 10th grade years were a trying time in my life. Luckily, I had some excellent teachers who helped me adjust. One particularly important moment was the day my 11th grade computer teacher encouraged me to attend a Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) meeting.
When I finally relented and decided to go, I didn’t yet realize I’d made one of the best decisions of my life. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: March Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on March 20th, 2017
It’s March, and minus the cold snap madness, spring has sprung—and FLVS continues to sow seeds of learning!
While you may be rooted in the “here and now” of schoolwork and tasks to accomplish this semester, we understand that some of you may already be thinking of life after high school. For many, that may mean college. Or, maybe you think you’d like to go to college but aren’t sure if you “have what it takes” or if you can afford it.
Great news! If you are a student in Florida, you can learn how to prepare for college without leaving your home. (But we do recognize that leaving the home is ultimately the goal of every child—and their parents.)
Virtual College Week
You can explore the notion of college all from your living room if you make plans now to participate in Virtual College Week, April 4-6. Presented by FloridaShines, students and parents can get free expert advice on all things college-related, including the admissions process and financial aid. Gather important information, ask questions, hear from others—demystify college at no cost. Continue reading
Meet Cristi, Founder of Tallahassee Teen Magazine
By Guest Blogger on March 13th, 2017
FLVS student Cristi McKee has been a member of the Creative Writing Club since 2012 and is the Editor-in-Chief and founder of Tallahassee Teen Magazine.
In a recent interview with club students, she answered questions about her experiences as an intern with Tallahassee Woman Magazine.
What motivated you to found Tallahassee Teen Magazine?
I always wanted to inspire teens through writing, but I never could figure out how – until December 2015.
I took my love for writing and approached a local magazine and their publisher, Tallahassee Woman Magazine and Kim Rosier, and told them that I was interested in starting a magazine for teenagers that would be filled with inspirational, encouraging content while also celebrating local teen’s accomplishments. Soon after, Tallahassee Teen Magazine was founded courtesy of Tallahassee Woman Magazine. Continue reading