9 Online Courses You Didn’t Know You Could Take at Florida Virtual School

By on June 6th, 2022

Want to help shape the next generation of learners? Interested in bringing your art to life via new technologies? Or what about learning a new language to communicate better when you travel? Your dreams may seem far away, but you can close the distance with nine online courses at Florida Virtual School. We’ve got you today, so you can conquer tomorrow. Trust us, your future self will thank you. 

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Finding the Right Fit For Our Family with FLVS

By on May 31st, 2022

This post was written by Tina Morris, a FLVS Flex parent and hearing loss advocate. 

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and it undoubtedly prompts me to reflect on our medical and educational journey with my son, Karsen. Speech therapy, sensory integration therapy, audiologists, oral motor specialists, doctors, and special schools were all a part of Karsen’s early childhood and education. Karsen eventually closed enough gaps to mainstream into our neighborhood elementary school and was finally finding his place among peers and discovering his passions in middle school. But then the pandemic hit, and everything changed.

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Make your Mark at Florida Virtual School!

By on October 15th, 2021

Ready to make your mark on Florida Virtual School (FLVS) history? Now’s the time! We’re excited to host our first-ever Mascot Design Contest—October 4- 29, 2021. And the best part? The whole FLVS family is welcome to participate— all students (Flex and Full Time), alumni, parents, teachers, and support staff!

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Bringing Olympic Dreams to Life with Figure Skater Iberia

By on August 2nd, 2021

As we watch more than 600 athletes represent the United States at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, it’s almost impossible to imagine the number of hours, months, and years they have dedicated to reach this moment in their lives. And while they are showcasing their talents, thousands of other athletes around the world are hard at work, preparing for their own Olympic dreams to come true – including FLVS 5th grade student, Iberia S.

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