FLVS Flex Elementary Hosts First Career Day

By on May 2nd, 2018

One might ask if hosting a virtual Career Day for online learners is even possible. On Wednesday, April 25, 2018, FLVS Flex Elementary learned that it is not only possible but also transcends the barriers that brick-and-mortar Career Days sometimes involve.

Our teachers, staff, and special guests blazed the trail with “can-do” attitudes, providing an opportunity for virtual elementary students to connect current academics with future career paths. Continue reading

Homeschooling: The Big Question

By on December 26th, 2016

homeschoolChoosing to homeschool was not something I initially chose.

Sometimes, I think it chose me. At the age of 2, my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Although the illness is very serious, I truly thought that schooling at the local public school near our home was going to be just fine. After all, I successfully attended public school growing up, so I really didn’t think it would be that different.

Sadly, I was shocked to discover just how much things had changed since I was a child. Within the first two weeks of Kindergarten starting at the local brick-and-mortar school, I found myself having to withdraw my child from public school and enroll him into Florida Virtual School. The bottom line was that the brick-and-mortar school could not truly handle my son’s diabetes, and homeschooling appeared to be the solution.

The idea of homeschooling my son seemed to be rather intimidating, scary, and far-fetched. Continue reading