
Be Thankful for Freedom this Veterans Day

By on November 11th, 2016

Today I am thankful for FreedomMusic NotesAnd I’m proud to be an American…

…where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the ones who died who gave that right to me. And I’ll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA.  – Lee Greenwood, Songwriter

I am proud to be an American. There is no doubt in my mind that we live in the greatest country in the world. We are very fortunate to enjoy many liberties. We are free, and I for one, am very thankful for my freedom.

On this Veterans Day, as our nation decompresses from a highly contentious race to the White House, let us celebrate this historic day by honoring the brave men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Continue reading

Let Freedom to Choose…Ring

By on March 29th, 2016


It’s a beautiful word. It means having options and being able to select an alternative for something that works for you.

Whether you’re male or female, if you live in the United States, you have a choice—where to live, what to eat, and what to do with your life.

Opportunities exist in this country like none other. We can choose our religion, our education, our life partner, our president, and what livelihood we wish to pursue. In many other countries around the world, these choices are made for you.   Continue reading

Flexibility and FLVS

By on April 17th, 2015

FlexibilityI love Google Alerts.

I’ve got one set up that notifies me any time Florida Virtual School is mentioned on a forum or in an article. I usually start my day sorting through two or three of them, and continue to receive notifications from Google throughout the day.

Some of my favorite alerts are generated by prospective students. It’s interesting to me to see how different each student plans to use FLVS as a part of his/her education. For example, yesterday I received one from a high school student posting on a forum asking if he can take four classes at his traditional school, but then two classes through FLVS. I read it and nodded my head, thinking, “Yes, you can!” Continue reading

Happy Veteran’s Day From a Teacher to our Soldiers

By on November 7th, 2014

VeteransDayWith Veteran’s Day around the corner, I’m ashamed to admit that my thoughts rarely venture far from my desk and home and towards the men and women who at this moment are fighting for our freedom. We have the privilege of living in this great nation and we often take this for granted.  As I sit down to write my blog this month, I realized that as a teacher, I not only have the honor of living in our country, but I’m entrusted with passing on the history of our proud nation and preparing the next generation to prosper.

I strongly feel that education is the key to lasting freedom. It is the reason why Malala Yousafzai risked her life to advocate for the rights of education for women.  It is even the reason why more than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped in northern Nigeria by Boko Haram.  These acts demonstrate the true power that education holds.

So, this Veteran’s Day and next Memorial Day and all the days in between, take a few extra moments to honor our soldiers. Ensure that their service and sacrifice are not in vain. Uphold the importance of education in your family and community.

Post by Andrea Bracco, 8th Grade Language Arts Instructor