Personality Type
Let Freedom to Choose…Ring
By Guest Blogger on March 29th, 2016
It’s a beautiful word. It means having options and being able to select an alternative for something that works for you.
Whether you’re male or female, if you live in the United States, you have a choice—where to live, what to eat, and what to do with your life.
Opportunities exist in this country like none other. We can choose our religion, our education, our life partner, our president, and what livelihood we wish to pursue. In many other countries around the world, these choices are made for you. Continue reading
If You’re an Introvert, Yell “I”!
By Guest Blogger on April 30th, 2014
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” – Albert Einstein
Educators have been using the Myers-Briggs Type Indictor (MBTI) for years to identify the personality types and learning styles inside their classrooms and to meet the diverse needs of their students. A student’s interests and way of learning directly determines how he/she will see and make sense of the world. If a teacher and a student are both aware of their own unique learning styles, communication and learning will be positively impacted.
Teachers who understand the different personality types and learning styles in their classroom can approach the same lesson in multiple ways to reach multiple students capable of multiple intelligences. Continue reading