Spanish Online

6 Surprising Language Courses Offered by Florida Virtual School

By on June 22nd, 2023

Do you have aspirations to travel the world one day? Are you interested in having a career that requires you speak multiple languages? Well, you’ve come to the right place! At Florida Virtual School (FLVS), we have more than 20 world language courses ranging from introductory Spanish to honors Chinese. You may be asking yourself, “with that many online language courses, how will I choose?” We’re here to help! Here are six world languages you didn’t know you could take online with FLVS. 

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Foreign Language Benefits for Young Learners

By on May 4th, 2020

Hola! Bienvenidos! As I reflect on my personal journey learning Spanish, the language was easy to love, but not easy to learn. During the five years of Spanish courses that I completed in high school and college, I learned just enough to (slowly) communicate with Spanish-speaking acquaintances.

This is something that I have continued to refine over the years, and most recently, I have been facilitating my own child’s learning of a second language.

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Hello! Learning a Language is Good for You!

By on October 2nd, 2018

Hola! Bonjour! Nín hǎo! Salve! Merhaba!

No matter how you say it, learning a foreign language is beneficial to you in many ways.

When I was in high school (many years ago), I viewed taking two years of foreign language as simply a duty to fulfill my graduation course requirements; that unless I was fluent, a different language wouldn’t benefit me in life. (I also felt this way about math courses such as Geometry; sorry math teachers and lovers.) I would sure love to go back and redo it again now (language, not math).

In no particular order, here are a few reasons why I’ve learned that learning a foreign language is important. Continue reading