Student Focus

Efforts vs. Smarts

By on January 10th, 2014

efforts vs smartsIn her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol Dweck explains the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how this impacts our success in learning and in life.  Dweck argues we aren’t just “born smart” or with certain abilities. We have the incredible capacity to learn and grow every day. We can actually expand our brains and intelligence with our effort.

In fact, Dweck claims that “praising intelligence and ability doesn’t foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success.  With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals – personal and professional.”

The underlying basis of the two mindsets, “fixed” and “growth” is illustrated in the chart below. Continue reading

Skate to Where the Puck is Going to Be

By on January 8th, 2014

ice hockeyAfter seeing promotions for the fast-approaching 2014 Winter Olympics, I was reminded of when I was watching a sea of icy blue and white at the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. I was just in awe of the talent, determination, and tenacity all under one roof. If you really allow yourself a moment to take it all in, it is an overwhelming feeling that almost takes your breath away. As the famous Canadians carried the Olympic flag through the stadium, I wondered if they had ever dreamed they would be honored with that special task in this international tradition that seems to unite the world for a moment in time.

Ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky was among the eight Olympic flag carriers and would go on to light the flame in downtown Vancouver to complete the tradition. I couldn’t help but think about the quote he was so famous for which turned out to be the first quote on my FLVS tagline… Continue reading

Recipe for Success

By on August 13th, 2013

I enjoy cooking and baking.  Cooking allows me to try new things, experiment, add a dash of this, a pinch of that, and just get creative!  It suits the rule-breaker in me as I don’t always like to follow recipes.  Baking is a bit more of an exact science, some room for experimentation, but lots of room for error (if you don’t measure correctly). Baking keeps me on the straight and narrow as I’m rewarded with a yummy treat, but ONLY IF I follow directions.  Continue reading