
FLVS Social Media Course Video Tour

By on December 16th, 2015

FLVS Social Media MenuWant to learn more about how social media has changed (and continues to change) the world?

The FLVS Social Media course won’t teach you how to use Facebook, the proper way to use a hashtag, or how to get more Instagram followers.

What it will teach is how social media has evolved, how your digital footprint makes an impact, and how you can find authenticity and truth in an online world where you can “be” anyone.

You might have heard people say that the world doesn’t revolve around you. But in the world of social media, that’s not really true. Continue reading

Start Strong with FLVS: Video Tutorials to Help You Master Online Courses

By on August 28th, 2015

There’s only one person in charge of your academic success…and that’s you!

If you or your student is taking a Florida Virtual School course for the first time this year, the FLVS Quick Start video series is a great place to learn about course basics and topics like academic integrity and where to find important information that will help you become a successful Florida Virtual School student.

Learn the basics of taking an online course with Florida Virtual School through our New Student Orientation. These videos for middle and high school students walk you through our Student Dashboard, navigational tools, school options, and more.

You should know that your instructors will be using proctored exams, online comparisons, and discussion-based assessments to verify the work is yours. To stay on top of your course schedule – be sure to print your pace charts, submit your work on time, and track your progress in your online gradebook. Don’t forget to read your teacher’s comments too! The personalized feedback you receive will help improve your work and give you encouragement to keep going. If you have questions along the way, know that your instructors want you to do well and are here to help. That’s why they’re available via phone, email, text, or IM. You can find your instructor’s contact information inside your student dashboard.

Which brings us to your dashboards. When you’re ready to login, go to and click login to access your student dashboard. Once you select a course, you will be taken to what’s known as your course dashboard, where you can find your teacher contacts, course information, grades, messages, pace charts, and more. Spend some time with your dashboards. Almost everything you’ll need is right there!

Even help is just one click away. If you have questions about your course – call, email, text, or IM your instructor.

Thank you for choosing to become an FLVS student. We are really glad you are here!

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What is Physical Science?

By on April 2nd, 2015

Physical Science
Most parents are familiar with biology, chemistry, and physics.

I like to think of physical science as a bridge to these courses. In the Physical Science course at FLVS, we take the concepts that students have learned from previous science experiences and prepare them for the higher-level science skills needed in future science courses and beyond.

The Florida Virtual School Physical Science course offers interactive activities and virtual labs to help students build science confidence. The course nurtures the science literacy the current generation will need to fix our next set of problems as a society. Continue reading

New Courses and Resources at FLVS

By on August 19th, 2014

youtubeBack to school is an invigorating time of the year filled with fresh starts, meeting new classmates, and taking exciting new courses.

It’s also a great time to take a look at several NEW course options at FLVS: Criminal Justice Operations 1Theatre, Cinema, and Film Production, and M/J Careers in Fashion and Interior Design. Learn more about these and other top course picks for fall here.

With these and our new Career and Technical Education offerings, FLVS now offers more than 140 courses! Taking a course with FLVS can help you fulfill your online graduation requirement, get ahead on your classes, boost your GPA, make up a course credit, or explore an interesting elective not offered at your school. Continue reading