Educator Edition

A Simple Way to Become a Better Teacher

By on May 18th, 2015

NCHESome years ago, as a middle school teacher, I attended a national conference where I heard Jane Goodall speak chimpanzee. I returned to my classroom and enthusiastically shared this memorable experience with my students. They were fascinated that a woman could speak like a chimp, and I was able to model for my students the joys of being a life-long learner.

Effective teachers are learners. And one of the best ways for teachers to learn is through attending conferences focused on their content area.

A group of FLVS staff and teachers recently attended the National Council for History Education (NCHE) annual conference in St. Augustine, Florida. The NCHE conference included prominent keynote speakers, historical excursions, and sessions presented by history educators from around the country. Continue reading

Innovative Math Instruction

By on May 8th, 2015

MJ Math blog
More than ever before, middle school math students are being asked to perform at a higher rate in class and on assessments.

Students are learning higher-level standards and being evaluated in new ways with computer-based testing and interactive tools.

New standards expect students to be able to: make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, model with mathematics, use appropriate tools strategically, look for and make use of structure, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Continue reading

FLVS Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week!

By on May 1st, 2015

FLVSTAWTeacher Appreciation week is the one week per year where the focus is on what an important role our teachers play in the lives of our students.

We hope you take time this week (and every week) to reflect on the awesome ways in which teachers influence the future. Our virtual teachers at FLVS may receive virtual flowers and gifts of thanks, but I hope all of our instructors know that their impact on lives is very real.

At FLVS, our instructors use instructional strategies to personalize learning every day of the week, all day long. From the first Welcome Call where teachers establish the important bond needed to motivate and inspire, to the final call where encouragement and the password are given for the last assessment, our teachers personalize learning for students. Continue reading

FLVS Attends SpaceX CRS-6 Cargo Launch Mission

By on April 23rd, 2015


On April 12-13, 2015, FLVS had the privilege of going on a behind-the-scenes tour at Kennedy Space Center and sharing the experience with our students.

During the virtual field trip, followers of our FLVS Twitter account were able to tune in live for video streaming made possible with the new social app, Periscope.

While anyone can watch streams broadcasted via Twitter on their desktop or mobile device, users with the mobile Periscope app were also able to post questions in real time. We were honored to have viewers from around the world engage with us throughout the event! Continue reading

Professional Learning at FLVS in 2015

By on February 25th, 2015

Teacher PLAt FLVS, professional learning matters.

Learning that is student-centered, collaborative, sustained and data-driven is what drives success.

Student Centered

This is the year that every department and individual at FLVS is going to refocus. For our teachers, being able to identify and articulate professional learning goals directly impacts student learning, mastery, and performance.

This is what student-centered professional learning is all about.

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2015 Teacher and Support Staff Person of the Year

By on February 19th, 2015

Earlier this month, FLVS President and CEO Ronald Blocker announced our new FLVS Teacher of the Year and recognized our School-Related Employee of the Year.

The 2015-16 Macy’s Teacher of the Year for FLVS is Spanish teacher Ms. Caroline Jacobson. Jacobson currently teaches Spanish 2 and 3 and is helping to develop our new Spanish 4 course that will roll out in the Spring.

Suzette Soldate, Human Resources Executive Assistant, is our 2015 School-Related Employee of the Year. Soldate has been with FLVS for three years and serves the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Executive Director of Talent Management.   Continue reading

Two Big Priorities in America

By on February 17th, 2015

facethestrainHealth care and education – two big priorities, important to all Americans.

The two often compete for dollars in state budgets. I recently read Turn and Face the Strain: Age Demographic Change and the Near Future of American Education by Dr. Matthew Ladner, Senior Advisor of Policy and Research for the Foundation for Excellence in Education.

I was impressed to learn how the two can work together to secure a better future. Intrigued? Continue reading

Attending the State of NASA

By on February 13th, 2015

State of NASA blog coverI recently had the privilege of attending the State of the NASA address given by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.

The day was full of exciting news and details about NASA’s 2016 budget, captivating science, technology, engineering, and math enthusiasts across the nation.

The SpaceX Dragon, Orion spacecraft, and Boeing CST-100 were on display behind Bolden as he addressed plans for future missions beyond low Earth orbit, with destinations including Mars and Europa. Bolden also described the excitement surrounding student involvement in NASA innovation and STEM research.

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Becoming a Student Again with Astronomical Research

By on January 30th, 2015

SpitzerLast year I was honored to be chosen as a NITARP teacher.

NITARP, short for the NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program, pairs teachers with astronomers from Caltech and NASA, and allows the teachers to do authentic astronomical research.

I thought this program would be something that was a little out of my comfort zone, as I only had classroom experience (like most science teachers), but I decided to apply anyway as it would be an educational experience. To my surprise, I was one of eight teachers that was accepted out of hundreds of applicants.

The teachers were split up into two teams, each with an astronomer to lead them. My team had educators from Boston, Colorado, and California and my astronomer, Varoujan Gorjian, was from Caltech and NASA. Continue reading

National School Choice Week 2015

By on January 26th, 2015

school choice“May I have extra vegetables instead of the chicken on my salad?”

It’s a question I often ask while at restaurants because I’m a vegetarian. Many of you probably know my pain of trying to tailor a restaurant meal to specific needs.  Maybe you have food allergies, picky children, or just want to change your dinner up, but we’ve all faced it.

Luckily, today, restaurants seem more than willing to offer multiple choices, cooking styles, plate sizes, and substitutions. Almost every time, my meal is perfect for ME. It’s been a while since I’ve run into a situation where I didn’t have a choice when looking through a menu. If I did, you can bet your last penny that I wouldn’t go there! Would you? Continue reading