Educator Edition

The Right Stuff

By on January 6th, 2015

EQ-coverI’ve recently been reading the Steve Jobs biography. It is no secret that Jobs was a creative marketing genius, and that he brought many incredible products to life that transformed entire industries. However, several times in his biography, it is mentioned that he shamelessly manipulated others, threw tantrums, screamed insults, and provoked controversy. He was challenged in his relationships, and it resulted in certain setbacks in his career.

The phrase Emotional Intelligence, or its casual shorthand EQ, is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Many researchers have claimed EQ is more important to leadership success than IQ, while others have claimed the exact opposite. I wonder if it is, perhaps, a combination of both. IQ provides the foundational skills of functional expertise and the ability to create new ideas. EQ pushes those foundational skills to the next level. EQ, simply put, is a different way of being smart. Continue reading

A Virtual Teacher’s New Year’s Resolutions

By on December 29th, 2014

2014 New Year cover
As we prepare to welcome a new year, let’s be mindful of our successes and our moments to grow.

Will you be hitting the reset button?

Educators, will you be adding to your classroom and personal routines? Parents, will you be seeking new ways to be involved in your child’s education? Students, are you setting goals or hoping to improve your study habits?

Here is my list of New Year’s resolutions as a virtual instructor: Continue reading

Holiday Health Tips from FLVS Students

By on December 19th, 2014

holiday healthAs our students, parents, educators, and staff prepare for Winter Break, we are excited to feature two articles from our student newspaper, News in a Click, about staying healthy over the holidays.

Thank you to student writers Meera Radhakrishnan and Cristi McKee for sharing these exercise tips and winter superfood suggestions!  Continue reading

My Holiday Wish

By on December 12th, 2014

holiday wish cover
My holiday wish this year is for all of you to be healthy, safe, and most of all, happy.  Recently, I posted the following status on my Facebook page as a call to action for my network:

“Private message me if you or someone you know needs something this holiday season… someone to talk to, gifts for children, hope, holiday decorations, pies for the office Christmas party, money for the electric bill, career advice, whatever.  Instead of contributing to a charity in our typical fashion, this year my husband and I have decided that we would like to contribute to you.” Continue reading

“Clash Man” Becomes a Leader

By on December 2nd, 2014

leadership blogI sometimes wonder if my three years in middle school were harder than my three years in a refugee camp.

On the fashion front, I wore the same shirt to school three times a week and earned the name “Clash Man.”  In 8th grade, I got kicked off my basketball team and my family was forced to move into low-income housing. At my new school, I got my first D in math, and Cs in some of my other classes.

If you would have asked me if I was a leader, I would have laughed. I was trying to survive each day of school and hoping that life would get better.

Life did get better, but not because I got better housing or a new wardrobe. Continue reading

Increase your Student’s Success in School

By on November 28th, 2014

udemy course

Take a free course designed to help your student!

Just in time for Florida Parental Involvement in Education Month, Florida Virtual School is proud to announce a free course created just for parents! Secrets to Student Success Revealed is free on

We have taken research proven strategies from experienced educators and crafted a free course for parents and educators to learn these strategies in a quick and easy format. If you’d love to know how to motivate your child, talk to your child, advocate for your child, and even learn how your child’s brain works as well as steps you can take to improve his/her sleep, nutrition, and exercise, then Secrets to Student Success Revealed is for you. Continue reading

Give Thanks for Teachers

By on November 25th, 2014

teacher thanksgiving coverSchool is out this week in celebration of Thanksgiving, which seems appropriate, because this year I am most thankful for teachers. If there is a teacher at your pilgrim celebration, please let them have the biggest drumstick, the last piece of pumpkin pie, or the preferred napping spot in front of the football game. This year, more than ever, they have earned it.

Education is in a cycle of dramatic change (thankfully) but in lieu of a better system, traditional schools are placing more burdens on classroom teachers. Administrators add accountability metrics, but take away autonomy. Districts add high stakes testing, but take away class time for teaching. States add new standards, demand new teaching methods, and require new paperwork, while reducing budgets, salaries, and benefits. Not exactly what most teachers signed up for.  Continue reading

Happy Veteran’s Day From a Teacher to our Soldiers

By on November 7th, 2014

VeteransDayWith Veteran’s Day around the corner, I’m ashamed to admit that my thoughts rarely venture far from my desk and home and towards the men and women who at this moment are fighting for our freedom. We have the privilege of living in this great nation and we often take this for granted.  As I sit down to write my blog this month, I realized that as a teacher, I not only have the honor of living in our country, but I’m entrusted with passing on the history of our proud nation and preparing the next generation to prosper.

I strongly feel that education is the key to lasting freedom. It is the reason why Malala Yousafzai risked her life to advocate for the rights of education for women.  It is even the reason why more than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped in northern Nigeria by Boko Haram.  These acts demonstrate the true power that education holds.

So, this Veteran’s Day and next Memorial Day and all the days in between, take a few extra moments to honor our soldiers. Ensure that their service and sacrifice are not in vain. Uphold the importance of education in your family and community.

Post by Andrea Bracco, 8th Grade Language Arts Instructor

Election Day: Go Vote!

By on November 4th, 2014

votedToday marks the end of the numerous political ads, signs, and chatter between colleagues about political candidates (until the next election, anyway). November 4, Election Day… let me tell you a little bit about what this day feels like to us in the policy world.

Today is a day where everyone involved waits. For candidates, there are no more efforts to be made – no more campaign stops or debates. For us policy devotees, there are no more “what if” scenarios running through our heads. It’s finally time to get an answer. It’s time to find out who our elected officials will be. But believe me, the wait feels like forever!   Continue reading