Full Time Edition
Keeping the Student at the Center
By Florida Virtual School on April 10th, 2019
The 2017-18 school year marked the 20th anniversary of Florida Virtual School (FLVS). The 20-year anniversary of FLVS was not only a historic occasion for the first statewide Internet-based school in the United States, but also a significant and positive milestone for virtual education.
When founded in 1997, FLVS consisted of six teachers, four support staff, 77 enrollments, and six courses. The use of online education tools was still new for the high schoolers of 1997. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Spring Edition
By Florida Virtual School on March 13th, 2019
Hey FLVSers! As we spring forward and March onward, we want to highlight some student activities in full bloom. (Don’t you just love puns!?) Continue reading
Top 5 Myths About Online Learning
By Anne Flenner on February 28th, 2019
As a child, did you ever play the game telephone? It starts when one person whispers something into another person’s ear and then the message is passed down from person to person. At the end, the message is completely different from what was first whispered. We see this a lot in real life. Unless a person experiences something for themselves, they really don’t know what their message will be!
Online learning has been around for more than 20 years now, but there are still some messages that have been passed down throughout the years that aren’t exactly the “real” message.
Tips for Online Elementary School Success
By Guest Blogger on February 25th, 2019
Have you ever wondered if your child could be successful taking online courses? Maybe you have enrolled your son or daughter, but now what? Embarking on an online schooling journey can be, and probably is, life-changing.
If your child is currently enrolled with FLVS Flex Elementary or you’re considering online learning for his or her education, we have put together some must-know tips to get the most out of your FLVS experience. Continue reading
Behind the Scenes of our High School News Show
By Florida Virtual School on February 21st, 2019
The FLVS Full Time High School “Mega News Network” is our very own virtual Student Television Network. High school members of our club form part of the crew, creating and producing pre-recorded materials that include interviews, video spotlights, and vlogs to be broadcast during our livestreamed news show. If you attend FLVS Full Time, find more information about joining here. Continue reading
Student Shark Advocate Works with Legislators
By Guest Blogger on February 13th, 2019
This post was written by FLVS student and Model United Nations club member James A. La Fayette Jr.
Sierra Boodhoo is a 16-year-old student on a mission to make a positive impact on society. After experiencing racial profiling and bullying at her previous school, she switched to FLVS Flex in 7th grade where her interest in marine biology began. Her interest was sparked when she watched an episode of Shark Week with shark nets. She kept the flame going and researched sharks despite discouragement from others due to age, gender, and other societal bias.
She was told, “You are just an 11-year-old girl. Quit sharks. Switch to something girly like ballet.” Continue reading
Florida’s Black History Month Contest
By Darcey Addo on February 5th, 2019
A few years ago, I wrote a blog about the importance of celebrating Black History Month. It is with the same unyielding support of diversity education that I encourage participation in First Lady DeSantis’ Black History Month essay and art competition.
The theme of this year’s contest is “Celebrating Public Service” – an opportunity to honor an African American whose service has made Florida a better place for all to live – and to win a four-year Florida college scholarship! Continue reading
Congrats to our #FLVSCodes Contest Winners
By Florida Virtual School on February 1st, 2019
February is Career and Technical Education Month – a time to recognize the importance of practical skills students need to succeed in the real world.
In support of this same goal, FLVS recently held an online photo and video contest encouraging students to share their love for coding and computer science. The entries featured students participating in a variety of STEM-related activities, from programming robots to participating in an Hour of Code. Continue reading
FLVS Activity Sheets & Printables
By Florida Virtual School on January 30th, 2019
Did you know that coloring repetitive patterns can help the brain focus and build new connections? The simple act of coloring can improve your mood, reduce stress, and help young children develop fine motor skills. Combine the benefits of coloring with fun facts about FLVS with any of the following printables.
Geared for students of all ages, these worksheets are a fun way to show your virtual school spirit. Stick them up on the fridge, bring them along on your next extracurricular activity, or print them off at your local school, library, or community center. You can even create a bookmark or a paper airplane to fold and fly across the room!
Spreading Literacy, One View at A Time
By Guest Blogger on January 25th, 2019
The FLVS Literacy Team invites you to join us for more than 30 online events we have planned for Celebrate Literacy Week this year!
Celebrate Literacy Week is an annual event hosted by the Florida Department of Education’s Just Read, Florida initiative. The event is celebrated by school districts across Florida with the intent of building readers. This year’s celebration is scheduled for the week of Jan. 28 – Feb. 1, 2019.
View the FLVS schedule for this exciting week of events. Continue reading