Full Time Edition

How I Learned to Play Nice With Others

By on December 29th, 2015

Learning to Play NiceConfessions of a People Lover

I have a confession to make. There are some people I simply do not get along with. There, I said it. Notice I didn’t say I hate these people, but the honest truth is that sometimes I can only handle them in small doses.

I equate it to my love of chocolate. Two Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, awesome! Two pounds of Reese’s in one sitting, not such a smart idea.

While this may sound harsh, I’ve accepted it as my mental reality and that’s not a bad thing. There are just certain people with personalities that I do not feel mesh well with mine.

I have another confession. Continue reading

FLVS Social Media Course Video Tour

By on December 16th, 2015

FLVS Social Media MenuWant to learn more about how social media has changed (and continues to change) the world?

The FLVS Social Media course won’t teach you how to use Facebook, the proper way to use a hashtag, or how to get more Instagram followers.

What it will teach is how social media has evolved, how your digital footprint makes an impact, and how you can find authenticity and truth in an online world where you can “be” anyone.

You might have heard people say that the world doesn’t revolve around you. But in the world of social media, that’s not really true. Continue reading

FLVS Career and Technical Education Course Tour

By on December 10th, 2015

FLVS Career and TechComputer Science Education Week is a great time to think about getting certified with FLVS!

But what exactly does getting a technical certification mean?

With more than 20 Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses to choose from at FLVS, you can earn certifications from companies like Microsoft, Adobe, and Cisco. A certification shows employers that you have the most current skills and that you meet performance standards within the tech industry—an industry that continues to grow every year.

Interested in Computer Programming, Networking, or Digital Media and Design? With CTE courses at FLVS, you may be able to get a jump start on college credit and earn a weighted credit to boost your GPA. Continue reading

Books, Books, Books!

By on December 4th, 2015

FLVS Book Club“Divergent,” “War and Peace,” “Twilight,” “The Madman’s Daughter” . . .

Whether or not you love the written word, or you just like a good adventure, we all have books we just adore. What better way to explore the awesomely crazy realm of the written word than with a book club! It doesn’t matter if you love romance, sci-fi, fantasy, or indie books. The FLVS Book Club provides students with entertainment and knowledge about these wonderful genres.

In the FLVS Book Club, our sponsors and student leaders make sure that your reading experience is an awesome one by offering fantastic, and sometimes hilarious, summaries of the events that transpire in books. We also play sweet games based (at least loosely) on the books we’re currently reading. Continue reading

Join an Hour of Code!

By on November 23rd, 2015

Hour of Code TutorialsComputers are everywhere, but fewer schools teach computer science than 10 years ago.

The good news is, we’re on our way to change this. If you’ve heard about the Hour of Code before, you might know it made history. More than 100 million students have tried an Hour of Code with fun online games and tutorials featuring Star Wars, Minecraft, and Frozen.

This year, students of the FLVS STEM Club will give presentations about creating websites and more. Last year, every Apple Store in the world hosted an Hour of Code and even President Obama wrote his first line of code as part of the campaign.

Over 100 partners have joined together to support this movement.  Continue reading

National Novel Writing Month

By on November 21st, 2015

National Novel Writing MonthIf there’s one thing I’ve learned as I’ve matured, it’s that everyone has a story to tell.

And, that our stories matter. Whether you’re a student, parent, grandparent, teacher, homemaker, hairstylist, or CEO, your story is important and only you can tell it. Did you know that it’s been estimated that 81 percent of Americans say they dream of being an author? That’s roughly 200 million people! I admit I am one of the 200 million, and it’s been a long road, but I will be publishing my book this year.

Have you ever thought of writing a book but didn’t know how to start? Continue reading

November is National Scholarship Month

By on November 12th, 2015

National Scholarship MonthIt’s never too early to start thinking about how to pay for college.

Paying for college is a costly endeavor.  Figuring out how to pay for college can be confusing and difficult.  While student loans must be paid back, scholarship money can pay for tuition and fees directly and does not have to be paid back.  A scholarship reduces the amount of loans and out-of-pocket expenses you must pay.  Therefore, scholarships are the best answer for many students.

The good news is that scholarships are easier than ever to find and apply for thanks to online tools that can connect students to billions of dollars’ worth of funds.  There are scholarships out there for everyone!  You can find scholarships for being left handed, good at soccer, art, or just for being tall!  Continue reading

Why Today is a Great Day

By on November 11th, 2015

Blog_VeteransDay_151030Veterans Day? I am not much of a blogger – in fact, counting this blog, I have written one blog.

That being said, I could not pass up the opportunity to blog about Veterans Day. It’s a different sort of holiday for me, one that I never paid much attention to growing up. It seemed like almost everyone I knew had served in some capacity or another. Veterans Day was just another holiday in which everyone participated. To that end, I never thought twice when I graduated high school and headed off to serve. Of course while I was in the Army, almost everyone I knew either had served or was still serving.  Veterans Day was just another day.

But Veterans Day is not just another day – it is a great day!
Continue reading

Seven Survival Skills for Careers

By on November 3rd, 2015

Tony Wagner quoteIn his critically acclaimed book, “The Global Achievement Gap,” author Tony Wagner explores what he considers to be “Seven Survival Skills for Careers, College and Citizenship.”

After spending time with the most successful executives and professional people in the world, Wagner came to the conclusion that there is a gap between what our students need to be successful when they enter the real world and what we are teaching them in the classroom.

As a result, he created a list of essential 21st Century skills that all people need in order to be successful in college, in their career, and for their overall citizenship. Continue reading

National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

By on October 30th, 2015

National Bullying Prevention MonthAt one point, bullying was simply considered a rite of passage in childhood.

Today, research shows that bullying has a significant impact on one’s education, health, and safety.

Bullying can negatively impact a child’s education.  It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. Research shows 15 percent of all school absenteeism is directly related to fears of being bullied at school.

One out of every 10 students who drops out of school does so because of repeated bullying. Continue reading