Full Time Edition

Meet FLVS Student Cody Sullivan

By on July 23rd, 2014

Cody SullivanAs many people head out to see movies this summer, FLVS student Cody Sullivan is going to see himself on the big screen!

At the young age of eight, Cody began performing in theater. Then he started taking acting classes. Not long after, he retained an agent and moved out to Los Angeles for six months. Since then, he’s had the opportunity to act in a variety of shows like Revolution, Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds, House of Lies, and Trophy Wife.

Most recently, you can see the high school sophomore in Wish I Was Here, a movie starring Zach Braff and Kate Hudson (premiered in theaters July 2014). He had the opportunity to play “Jesse” and was on set for 2-3 days for his three scenes. Cody said it was the most fun to work with Braff because he was “very funny and cracked a lot of jokes.”

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It’s Summer! Go on a College Field Trip

By on June 20th, 2014

college field trip coverIf you’re a high school student, you probably have a list of activities to do over the summer: hang out with friends, watch movies, or go to the beach. Here’s another suggestion – go check out a college campus! This can be a lot of fun with no strings attached. Your family and friends will probably be excited for the trip suggestion! Even if the college that may be close to your home is not your #1 choice, walking around the campus can give you a sense of what you are and aren’t looking for in a college.

While checking out a college campus, you can also get a feel for its town or city by scoping out the college’s surrounding areas. Perhaps you like two different colleges, but like the location of one over the other. You may notice you would rather live on campus then off campus or that you like a large city over a small town.  Continue reading

Field Trips with FLVS Full Time

By on October 10th, 2013

flvs ft field tripThe Florida Virtual School Full Time program has experienced epic growth throughout the years, doubling in size for two years in a row. This year we continue to expand our reach and will be serving over 7500 students.

As we grow, so does our dedication to overall student success by creating a unique schooling community in which students not only grow academically, but socially as well. Continue reading

Florida Virtual School’s Inaugural Graduation Ceremony: FLVS Full Time, Class of 2013

By on June 10th, 2013

FLVS Full Time Graduation Ceremony, Class of 2013

FLVS Full Time Graduation Ceremony, Class of 2013

I’ve been asked a lot of questions about Full Time Virtual Schooling, especially as a senior. I feel now is a good time to let the world know the answers since I have completed high school and graduated from FLVS Full Time (FT).

One misconception is that people think I wouldn’t know my teachers or have much contact with them. Continue reading