Parent Edition

Legislation Opens New Opportunities

By on May 4th, 2016

2016 Education LegislationIf you’re like me, you follow education policy closely.

Even if you don’t, it was pretty hard to miss the emphasis put on education this past session here in Florida.

You’ve probably at least heard about “House Bill 7029 – Education” in the news and know that it was pretty big. It addresses areas like athletic eligibility, parent and student rights, the option to attend any public school in the state (given that there is space), and so much more.

That last one, attending any public school, really opens up school choice. Luckily, children all over Florida already have the option to enroll in Florida Virtual School. That’s one of the many perks of being virtual – meeting the student where they are. Continue reading

Child Abuse Prevention: An Educator’s Role

By on April 27th, 2016

Child Abuse Prevention MonthChild abuse can be a tricky topic for teachers.

Not only do we not want to think about something so horrific, but often, educators are not sure what exactly constitutes child abuse, what to look for as indicators, and, perhaps most of all, when to say something (and how to do it!).  Teachers, however, play an essential role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect.  According to, educators are invaluable to this cause because of their close and consistent contact with children, their unique opportunity to advocate for children, and their legal obligation to report suspicions of abuse.  Furthermore, studies demonstrate that a positive relationship with a supportive adult, like a teacher, can promote resiliency in children who have been victims of abuse. Continue reading

A Puzzling Dilemma

By on April 25th, 2016

autism awareness monthApril is Autism Awareness Month, so I decided to do some reading and brush up on the subject of autism.

In doing so, I came across a surprising blog post about the negative connotation of the puzzle pieces that represent autism in the Autism Society’s ribbon logo, which is now widely used to create awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The post called my attention for two reasons. First, I had no idea that the puzzle ribbon was so controversial, and second, it was written by an autistic person – so naturally I was interested in reading about her particular point of view. In her blog, Alex says that the puzzle implies that autistic people need to be figured out, fixed, or completed as if parts of them were missing. Continue reading

Celebrate Financial Literacy Month

By on April 22nd, 2016

Financial Literacy MonthToo often, parents wait until their kids are teens to begin teaching financial skills.

However, kids as early as preschool can begin to learn proper financial literacy.

As parents, we tend to focus on ensuring our kids get a proper education in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. We sometimes forget that financial literacy is just as important to learn.

It’s never too early to start teaching your children about financial literacy.  Continue reading

FLVS Elementary Opens Registration

By on April 21st, 2016

FLVS ElementaryElementary students at FLVS enjoy a unique approach to virtual education.

Do you have a student, sibling, friend or family member in Kindergarten through 5th grade?

For families seeking a nontraditional or homeschool-friendly approach to elementary education, FLVS Elementary is an innovative program offering the added benefits of regular instruction from certified teachers, peer interaction, and online curriculum in core subject areas, including Reading, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Technology. Continue reading

A Life-Changing Experience

By on April 20th, 2016

This is the final post in a series by the Cooney family about their world travels, made possible by the flexible learning offered at FLVS.

Cooney Adventures 12For the past 12 months, my family and I have been recounting our trek around the world and sharing what it meant to each of us.

Although it’s been nearly seven years since we returned in September 2009, there is not a day that goes by we don’t think about what the trek meant to us individually and collectively. Needless to say, it was a life-changing experience for each of us. My wife Catrell and I set several goals before leaving on our trek and they were all met. Continue reading

Digital Information Technology

By on April 15th, 2016

Digital Information TechnologyHave you ever thought about what kind of technology skills you will need to be successful?

Tech skills are essential – not only in school, but in almost any career field you can think of. Sure, you can probably use a computer, surf the web, type up your report, and operate a ton of apps, but do you really have the skills you need for success?

Digital Information Technology will be releasing very soon and provides students with hundreds of fundamental skills in technology, ranging from web page design to using spreadsheets as a tool to display and calculate data. Continue reading

National Volunteer Week

By on April 11th, 2016

Meet WingoNational Volunteer Week is being celebrated from April 10-16th this year.

What a great time to reflect and to take action! Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best, “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve…You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

Eleven years ago, our dog died, leaving a big impact on our family. My children were young and the whole family was devastated. Concurrently, I was the Principal of Winter Park High School. I had developed a close friendship with a parent who was a volunteer puppy raiser for Canine Companions for Independence. Continue reading

Let Freedom to Choose…Ring

By on March 29th, 2016


It’s a beautiful word. It means having options and being able to select an alternative for something that works for you.

Whether you’re male or female, if you live in the United States, you have a choice—where to live, what to eat, and what to do with your life.

Opportunities exist in this country like none other. We can choose our religion, our education, our life partner, our president, and what livelihood we wish to pursue. In many other countries around the world, these choices are made for you.   Continue reading