Parent Edition

Listened to Any Good Books Lately?

By on June 24th, 2014

audiobooks coverDid you know that June is National Audio Book Month? Really!

Do you know what a cassette tape is? Well, ever since the cassette tape was the latest high-tech audio medium, I have been a huge fan of the audiobook. Recorded books helped me pass the hours on long car trips, enjoy beach days, and cram for final exams on complex literary tomes. Today, I recommend audiobooks quite often to parents who have reluctant or challenged readers. I speak highly about the MP3 books available through the local libraries when it comes to getting children excited about reading and supporting their academic growth. Continue reading

It’s Summer! Go on a College Field Trip

By on June 20th, 2014

college field trip coverIf you’re a high school student, you probably have a list of activities to do over the summer: hang out with friends, watch movies, or go to the beach. Here’s another suggestion – go check out a college campus! This can be a lot of fun with no strings attached. Your family and friends will probably be excited for the trip suggestion! Even if the college that may be close to your home is not your #1 choice, walking around the campus can give you a sense of what you are and aren’t looking for in a college.

While checking out a college campus, you can also get a feel for its town or city by scoping out the college’s surrounding areas. Perhaps you like two different colleges, but like the location of one over the other. You may notice you would rather live on campus then off campus or that you like a large city over a small town.  Continue reading

Internet Safety Month: Protect Your Digital Footprint

By on June 17th, 2014

socialmedia coverToday’s teens consume Social Media every day – perhaps every five minutes in many cases! How often, though, do they consider the implications of their online activities?

The Social Media course at Florida Virtual School has been compared to “Driver’s Ed for the Internet” – teaching students about the safe and responsible operation of Social Media. Here are the top five tips from the course:

1) Protect your Digital Footprint – it’s the sum of every interaction involving you, and it lives FOREVER. While it’s obviously important to control what YOU post (photos, status updates, etc.), it’s also important to discover who ELSE is influencing your digital footprint – tagging you in photos, mentioning you in posts, etc. Keep your eyes open. Continue reading

Celebrating Fathers Who Read Aloud

By on June 15th, 2014

father reading coverMy husband is truly one of the best fathers I know.

He took note from his father who lived life to the fullest and was sure to teach him the importance of embracing fatherhood.

One of my favorite memories of my husband, Fred, being a great father was simply reading bedtime stories to our girls. I would have read to them myself, but I was in charge of bath time and that takes substantial recovery time as some of you may know.

Each and every night of the week he made books magical when they were small by creating voices and suspense when reading aloud. I can remember the girls piled on our bed with my husband having a girl cuddled on each side. Continue reading

A Peek through the Lens

By on June 6th, 2014

photography coverWhen our daughter was 9 years old, we enrolled her in the FLVS middle school (M/J) Creative Photography course. We thought since Ellie wasn’t getting the creative instruction in her traditional school curriculum (it seemed to be all test preparation in straight dull rows), she would be able to find that spark of inspiration through this online elective.

Little did we know the significant impact it would have on her and how this shy little girl would find her inner voice through her camera’s lens. Continue reading

Meet FLVS Student Sariah Robertson

By on June 4th, 2014

Spotlight-Robinson-blog-coverShe’s not your typical video gamer. She’s also not your typical model or cheerleader. In fact, Sariah Robertson is anything but typical – she’s extraordinary! FLVS student Sariah started her own organization called My Girl Code which focuses on inspiring girls to become more interested in advanced technology systems such as coding.

It all started when her mother told her to make something more of her life than just playing video games. Instead of pouting, Sariah turned to the Internet and started researching how to make a career out of game design. Continue reading

Career Development through Childhood and Adolescence

By on May 30th, 2014

careers blog cover

When you ask a young child what he or she wants to be when he or she grows up, we often find the answers are similar: a doctor, teacher, firefighter, or athlete. As children grow older, they begin to expand their knowledge of careers and start exploring what may be the perfect fit for them in the future.

All counselors who work with children have a unique opportunity to help foster, support, and grow the knowledge of the young clients they work with.

While most elementary and middle schools may host a yearly career fair, there are many ways to go beyond the career fair to keep career development at the front of our young clients’ minds! Continue reading

For Indecisive Ice Cream Eaters

By on May 20th, 2014

ice creamWhile reading an article about a subject that is near and dear to my heart (ice cream!), I discovered that Ben and Jerry have done it again. They have truly revolutionized the ice cream eating experience. Their new product, Cores, features a column of goodness running right down the center of two different types of ice cream. How amazing is that?! It’s true bliss for indecisive ice cream eaters around the world. You get two types of ice cream, along with an amazing core of ice-cream-topping paradise. Continue reading

Summer Reading: Sunshine State Young Reader Awards

By on May 16th, 2014

SSYRA blog coverI don’t know about you, but I look forward to May each and every year!  Why, you ask?

Picture this: children standing outside the public library’s automatic sliding doors during the month of May. Sweat beading down their young faces as they grip in their hands the list of all lists, the Sunshine State Young Reader Awards (SSYRA) book list for 2014! Will my book be on the shelf?

The Sunshine State books are coveted and hoarded by children all over the state of Florida each year. These titles literally fly off the shelves of stores and public libraries. Libraries have wait lists 50 students long waiting for the popular titles to come available. stocks up on these books and Barnes & Noble piles these books 10 deep on tables with the title “Sunshine State Award Books” each summer knowing families are looking specifically for these hot titles! Continue reading

Are You My Mother?

By on May 10th, 2014

mothers day coverOn a sunny Friday morning in May 2008, my daughter and I walked into her preschool classroom. The first thing the children had to do was answer a “Question of the day.” It was Mother’s Day week and the question on the large sheet of white butcher paper was, “Do you look like your mother?”

When a child is born it naturally “imprints” or bonds with the mother. However, what happens when the child is adopted or if the parent is absent?

Relationships that develop between a parent and child are written about extensively in scientific journals, monthly magazines, and even in blogs! I like to keep things simple, however, so I direct families to beautifully-written children’s picture books that convey, through a well-crafted story, the importance of parent/child bonds regardless of how that family came to be. Continue reading