28 Things That Matter More Than Getting “Likes”

This article was written and published by a Florida Virtual School student for the FLVS student newspaper, News in a Click.

Things that matter more than getting likesWith all of the social media available to the world today, people tend to forget about the bigger things in life.

Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Instagram, Snapchat and many other social media sites all play an important part in our everyday lives. Sometimes, it is easy to forget that there is more to life than documenting everything and getting likes on pictures and posts.

The average person, age 18-64, spends three hours on social media daily. 16 billion people share photos every day.

It is indeed fun to spend time on social media and everybody deserves time to look at these sites, but, with the amount of time we spend on social media, it would seem that we are missing out on life.

Many things in life matter more than reaching your desired amount of likes on Instagram or Facebook, and here are 28 of them.

  1. Being surrounded by family and good friends.
  2. Having your favorite dinner.
  3. Remembering the lyrics to a song you used to sing when you were a kid.
  4. Educating yourself.
  5. Learning about the world around you.
  6. Traveling to places you’ve never been before.
  7. Helping people in need.
  8. Animals.
  9. Kind human beings.
  10. Beautiful scenery.
  11. Music that makes you happy.
  12. People that make you want to live forever.
  13. Loved ones.
  14. Learning how to play an instrument.
  15. New experiences.
  16. Good books.
  17. Water.
  18. Getting an “A+” on a test you studied very hard for.
  19. New friends.
  20. Old friends.
  21. Being safe.
  22. The belief that you are a beautiful person.
  23. Food.
  24. Flowers.
  25. Writing anything–books, essays, poetry, music, lyrics.
  26. Hearing new songs.
  27. The world around you.
  28. Now.

This post was written by Florida Virtual School student Cristi McKee and originally published by the FLVS student newspaper, News in a Click. 

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