FLVS Corkboard: October Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on October 24th, 2017
October is full of outstanding events, and there are many spectacular (and some spooktacular) ones you can be a part of with FLVS. First, October is National Bullying Prevention month which unites communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Standing up against bullying is something FLVS takes very seriously. Join FLVS and the FLVS Full Time Middle School and wear orange on Wednesday, Oct. 25, to show unity against bullying.
Here are other notable activities happening this month. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: September Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on September 27th, 2017
If you live in Florida, there’s a 99.9 percent chance you’ll agree that September brought a mix of crazy, stressful, devastating, miserable, and frustrating emotions. Hurricane Irma affected Florida in a massive way. Thank you for reaching out and sharing with us how you and your family are doing. We hope you are well and enjoy your September Highlights. Continue reading
5 Ways Your FLVS School Counselor Can Help You!
By Anne Flenner on September 22nd, 2017
FLVS Flex School Counselors are the direct line to our homeschool families in regards to academic advising, college and career planning, SAT/ACT information, scholarships, and more!
Have you reached out to your FLVS School Counselor lately? If not, now is the time!
Here are five ways your FLVS School Counselor can help you! Continue reading
Inspirational Quotes to Share with Students
By Guest Blogger on August 17th, 2017
School counselors are in the unique position to support students with issues related to both school and home life. They are trained to provide counseling and guidance to students of all ages.
This guidance may take the form of one-on-one sessions or phone calls with online students, presentations to high school classes about college applications, family support and information nights, or small group peer-relation work. Continue reading
By Guest Blogger on April 24th, 2017
We all deal with the grueling task of being tested, whether we are in grade school, in college, on the job site – or dealing with everyday situations (parenting, teaching, etc.).
It seems we face some sort of test in our life every day, whether a paper/pencil exam or making the right moral choices. As a school counselor, I am tasked with assisting students and parents with making the right choices to successfully work their way through school – academically, socially, and emotionally.
Today I want to focus on the academic realm and the tests and exams that all students must go through. I’ll share tools to help them be successful when faced with these assessments.
Some of the points I will share can cross into other facets of tests that we all go through in our personal and professional lives as well.
Be sure to save this handy acrostic blog post full of tips for your next big exam!
R.E.A.D.Y. … S.E.T. … T.E.S.T. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: March Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on March 20th, 2017
It’s March, and minus the cold snap madness, spring has sprung—and FLVS continues to sow seeds of learning!
While you may be rooted in the “here and now” of schoolwork and tasks to accomplish this semester, we understand that some of you may already be thinking of life after high school. For many, that may mean college. Or, maybe you think you’d like to go to college but aren’t sure if you “have what it takes” or if you can afford it.
Great news! If you are a student in Florida, you can learn how to prepare for college without leaving your home. (But we do recognize that leaving the home is ultimately the goal of every child—and their parents.)
Virtual College Week
You can explore the notion of college all from your living room if you make plans now to participate in Virtual College Week, April 4-6. Presented by FloridaShines, students and parents can get free expert advice on all things college-related, including the admissions process and financial aid. Gather important information, ask questions, hear from others—demystify college at no cost. Continue reading
Meet an FLVS School Counselor
By Dr. Jeanne Giardino on September 30th, 2016
We are celebrating the 2016-17 school year with a blog series featuring FLVS faculty and staff. Meet the creative and dedicated individuals who make every day a great day at FLVS!
“What courses do I need to meet the state graduation requirement for online learning?”
“I want to earn a technical certificate in computer programming, so what courses should I take?”
“How do I enroll in a course with prerequisites?”
Ever had a school-related question that you couldn’t quite find the answer to? Who should you reach out to ask all these questions?
The FLVS School Counseling team – that’s who!
Kristie Knight has more than 10 years of school counseling experience that serves her well in the fast-paced environment at FLVS. Her phone never stops ringing – which is a good thing! Continue reading
Seven Survival Skills for Careers
By Guest Blogger on November 3rd, 2015
In his critically acclaimed book, “The Global Achievement Gap,” author Tony Wagner explores what he considers to be “Seven Survival Skills for Careers, College and Citizenship.”
After spending time with the most successful executives and professional people in the world, Wagner came to the conclusion that there is a gap between what our students need to be successful when they enter the real world and what we are teaching them in the classroom.
As a result, he created a list of essential 21st Century skills that all people need in order to be successful in college, in their career, and for their overall citizenship. Continue reading
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
By Amy LaGrasta on October 30th, 2015
At one point, bullying was simply considered a rite of passage in childhood.
Today, research shows that bullying has a significant impact on one’s education, health, and safety.
Bullying can negatively impact a child’s education. It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. Research shows 15 percent of all school absenteeism is directly related to fears of being bullied at school.
One out of every 10 students who drops out of school does so because of repeated bullying. Continue reading
Preparing for College: Start Early, Be Consistent, Finish Strong
By Amy LaGrasta on July 3rd, 2015

Many students fall into the trap of thinking college is something they need to start considering their senior year.
Students who wait until then, however, will be much more than a day late and a dollar short (more like four years too late and thousands of dollars short).
The fact is the time to start thinking about college is when you are selecting your freshman courses. It can be argued that it begins much earlier than this even – through the development of soft skills like time management, study habits, and a growth mindset for example, but that is a different post. Continue reading