FLVS Newsletter

FLVS Corkboard: September Highlights

By on September 25th, 2018

Ever wonder where the name September comes from? The prefix “sept” means seven. September was the seventh month in the original Roman calendar that included only ten months!

September is also National Piano Month. Celebrate by signing your high school student up for Music of the World, one of our electives that explores musical instruments and composers throughout history and provides perspective on various styles of music.

As we head into the month of October (National Pizza Month ?), here are a few highlights and opportunities to get involved. Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: August Highlights

By on August 21st, 2018

Hello students and parents, it’s official—the 2018-19 school year has begun!

We know some of you may have been taking courses with us all summer and some are new to FLVS. Either way, we are so glad you are here. We start with a mention to mark your calendar for the first holiday and a “day off.” Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: April Highlights

By on April 20th, 2018

We were once approaching April and now we’re rapidly advancing toward May!

Not only are there lots of activities, schoolwork, and projects going on, but incredible volunteer efforts as well. FLVS would like to take a moment to thank all the FLVS Full Time 6-12 grade students and families who participated in our FLVS Earth/Environmental Day across the state. View photos here!

Want to join in other upcoming activities? We have several to choose from! Continue reading