
How to Reset and Recharge for the Spring Semester 

By on December 13th, 2022

The 2022-2023 school year has been eventful, filled with ups and downs. Many students and families are feeling overwhelmed, tired, and counting the days until winter break.  The two-week break is the ideal time to practice relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation.   

While winter break is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the holidays, spend time with friends and family and soak in the joys of the season, it is also an opportune time to practice self-care and prepare your mind for the upcoming semester.  

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Embracing Nostalgia: The Good and The Bad

By on July 5th, 2017

This post was written by Charissa, a student in the FLVS Creative Writing Club. 

Have you ever passed by a place you used to visit when you were young and a nostalgic feeling started to resonate in your chest?

The feeling blew you back in time a bit, and sparked that good memory concealed in your mind to come and revisit. It was probably a joyous occasion, and that feeling of ancient and special happiness surfaces again.

Well, what if something bad happened to you? Would the nostalgic feeling be the same? I highly doubt it would. If I visited a place that held a bad memory, I would feel suffocated by air tainted with unhappiness and regret. I wouldn’t have a happy and elated feeling in my chest. I would feel empty and alone.

Something I have realized in this society is this:

We all have our good places reminding us of the joy and happiness life can bring you, but we also have our bad places that are a reminder of how the world can be messed up sometimes. Some people have one more than the other. Continue reading