FLVS Corkboard: Summer Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on May 17th, 2021

Mayday, May day…summer is just around the corner! The month of May is alive with activity as the traditional school year nears an end. Thank you to our students and parents who shared heartfelt messages of appreciation for our teachers earlier this month. They are truly heroes in our book!
Continue readingFLVS Corkboard: Spring Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on February 8th, 2021

Hey Florida Virtual School students and families! We hope the start of spring semester is being kind to you. At FLVS, there are all kinds of ways to get involved beyond our online courses. We’re happy to share a few highlights of upcoming events.
Continue readingFLVS Corkboard: Winter Newsletter
By Florida Virtual School on December 4th, 2020

It’s hard to believe it’s December already! The winter holidays always bring a bustle of fun and festivities and we are excited to share several activities happening soon. But first, from all of us at FLVS, we wish you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday season.
Continue readingFLVS Corkboard: Back to School Newsletter
By Florida Virtual School on August 14th, 2020

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! It’s been said that August is like the Sunday of Summer—yet this year you may be thinking, “Wait, did summer happen?” Whether you are returning to Florida Virtual School, new to online education, or still determining whether FLVS fits your needs, we’re glad you’re with us!
This has been a crazy year and going back to school looks very different with varying start dates and guidelines depending on where you live. But rest assured, FLVS has been supporting school districts across the country for more than 20 years, and this year is no exception.
Continue readingFLVS Corkboard: New Year Edition
By Florida Virtual School on January 16th, 2020
Hey Florida Virtual School students and families, we hope the new year is treating you right! Whether you are new to FLVS or getting back into a groove for spring semester, there are many ways to get involved and we’re happy to share a few upcoming events. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Thanksgiving Edition
By Florida Virtual School on November 14th, 2019
It’s hard to believe that we’re well into November and dashing into December at full speed! The holidays bring a bustle of activities, both at home and at school. Then spring semester is around the corner!
With Teacher Training Days and holiday breaks approaching, be sure to mark your calendar with these important dates and catch up on other news below. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Back to School Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on August 12th, 2019
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! Whether you are new to FLVS or are a returning student, we’re glad you’re here! Your teachers and the FLVS team have been hard at work preplanning and getting ready for an exciting new school year. Before we dive in with some highlights to note, it’s always nice to start by marking your calendars for the first official “holiday/day off” from school. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Summer Edition
By Florida Virtual School on June 10th, 2019
Ah, summer. It’s the ideal time for hanging out with friends, heading to the pool or the beach, soaking up the warm weather, enjoying cookouts, reading good books, and maybe taking a vacation with family. It’s been a great year, and you’ve earned a break!
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” – John Lubbock
In between all the fun, be sure take a few minutes to catch up on FLVS happenings! Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Spring Edition
By Florida Virtual School on March 13th, 2019
Hey FLVSers! As we spring forward and March onward, we want to highlight some student activities in full bloom. (Don’t you just love puns!?) Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: New Year Edition
By Florida Virtual School on January 11th, 2019
Happy 2019, FLVS! We hope the new year finds you well.
Now is the time to plan to get involved with all that FLVS has to offer. Here are a few highlights and happenings of what to expect in January and February.
First, we want to remind you that Monday, Jan. 21 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a designated holiday for all FLVS instructors and support staff. Continue reading