Online Education
Meet an Economics Teacher at FLVS
By Guest Blogger on September 29th, 2017
Ever thought about taking Economics online with Florida Virtual School? If not, you’re missing out!
In this Q&A, Mr. Tidd shares why he loves teaching Economics with Financial Literacy at FLVS. Learn more in his interview and course intro video below!
How FLVS Has Impacted My Daughters
By Guest Blogger on April 3rd, 2017
My family and I are so thankful for FLVS that words can’t express enough how we feel. You see, I went to college to be a teacher assistant and I used to teach Pre-K, so I firmly believe in education through the public school system. Our plan for our first daughter, Riley Marie, was public school, just like all her other friends and family. But in 2015, our whole world changed.
My second daughter, Holly Berlin, was born in January 2015 with a life-threatening genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis. This disease changed the way we lived, traveled, ate, and even socialized. This disease can progress tremendously overnight with just one simple sickness such as the common cold.
What do most elementary kids have to battle their first year in school? That’s right: colds, viruses, and more.
Even though it was our newborn who was affected with this disease, we had to make the decision to protect her from any of these viruses entering our home, which is why we decided to homeschool our older child to prevent her from spreading these viruses. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: March Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on March 20th, 2017
It’s March, and minus the cold snap madness, spring has sprung—and FLVS continues to sow seeds of learning!
While you may be rooted in the “here and now” of schoolwork and tasks to accomplish this semester, we understand that some of you may already be thinking of life after high school. For many, that may mean college. Or, maybe you think you’d like to go to college but aren’t sure if you “have what it takes” or if you can afford it.
Great news! If you are a student in Florida, you can learn how to prepare for college without leaving your home. (But we do recognize that leaving the home is ultimately the goal of every child—and their parents.)
Virtual College Week
You can explore the notion of college all from your living room if you make plans now to participate in Virtual College Week, April 4-6. Presented by FloridaShines, students and parents can get free expert advice on all things college-related, including the admissions process and financial aid. Gather important information, ask questions, hear from others—demystify college at no cost. Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: February Highlights
By Florida Virtual School on February 15th, 2017
It’s February and we think you’re simply going to LOVE all that FLVS has to offer!
First, we want to remind you that Presidents’ Day is just around the corner. Please note that Monday, Feb. 20 and is a designated holiday break for all FLVS instructors and support staff.
After the long weekend, there are all kinds of opportunities that extend beyond the classroom or courses you select. Here are a few that FLVS is proud to sponsor:
Digital Learning Day
Celebrate Digital Learning Day (DLD) with FLVS next Thursday, Feb. 23. Digital learning can involve any instructional practice that uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience. With digital advances ranging from educational apps to new online courses and programs, DLD is a day to keep up with the latest in online education. Be sure to check out our social media pages on this special day next week as we feature a DLD Elementary Takeover on the FLVS Instagram page. Viewers will be able to see “a day in the life” of our very own FLVS elementary students. Connect with us @floridavirtualschool to make sure you don’t miss it!
Meet the FLVS Full Time Director of Instruction
By Dr. Jeanne Giardino on October 27th, 2016
We are celebrating the 2016-17 school year with a blog series featuring FLVS faculty and staff. Meet the creative and dedicated individuals who make every day a great day at FLVS!
Did a parent or teacher ever share with you the old saying “hard work pays off?” Well, it does. Just ask FLVS Full Time Director of Instruction, Katie Santana.
Katie has more than 10 years of experience in the field of education. She joined FLVS as a high school instructor and she has always been committed to ensuring the success of all students. As an Assistant Principal with FLVS Full Time, she strengthened her leadership skills and supported instructors with excellence.
Noticed for her progressive leadership style and friendly nature (she has the best laugh!), Katie was promoted to Principal of FLVS Full Time where she led the school to success earning high scores in state evaluations. Her hard work and strong desire to see all students learn culminated in January 2016 when she was promoted to FLVS Full Time Director of Instruction. Continue reading
The Value of an Online Course
By Guest Blogger on August 4th, 2016
The other weekend, my mother was happy to come and watch my son as I tackled a few things that had been on my list for a while.
My “To Do” list consisted of starting a mortgage application, purchasing some “the best way to get your baby to sleep through the night” products and printing nearly 1,000 adorable photos of my now 7 month old.
She immediately scooped up her grandson when she arrived (you would too, he’s so cute!) and took off into the other room so he could show her his new trick of “almost crawling.”
Two hours later, she came out into the kitchen and was startled to see that I was still sitting there. Continue reading
Innovative Math Instruction
By Guest Blogger on May 8th, 2015
More than ever before, middle school math students are being asked to perform at a higher rate in class and on assessments.
Students are learning higher-level standards and being evaluated in new ways with computer-based testing and interactive tools.
New standards expect students to be able to: make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, model with mathematics, use appropriate tools strategically, look for and make use of structure, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Continue reading
Getting Past the Fear of DBAs
By Guest Blogger on March 19th, 2015
This article is based on student work published in the FLVS student newspaper, News in a Click.
If discussion-based assessments make you nervous, these tips from FLVS students may help!
DBAs are verbal assessments and are often the most dreaded assignments for FLVS students. Instead of comfortably typing essays and worksheets on their laptops, students communicate with an instructor one-on-one over the phone.
But why is this so terrifying? Surely the verbal component of the DBA is not intimidating, especially when the assignments are approached by the instructor as a conversation instead of an oral exam.
TIP: Did you know that DBAs can be completed in a live lesson setting or over a video call? Ask your teacher about this option! Learn more in this post about mastering the DBA.
However, if you compare talking on the phone for twenty minutes to being the only student called on to answer random questions for 20 minutes in a classroom, you can see why students are reluctant to dial their instructors’ numbers. Continue reading
Professional Learning at FLVS in 2015
By Mary Mitchell on February 25th, 2015
At FLVS, professional learning matters.
Learning that is student-centered, collaborative, sustained and data-driven is what drives success.
Student Centered
This is the year that every department and individual at FLVS is going to refocus. For our teachers, being able to identify and articulate professional learning goals directly impacts student learning, mastery, and performance.
This is what student-centered professional learning is all about.
Election Day: Go Vote!
By Guest Blogger on November 4th, 2014
Today marks the end of the numerous political ads, signs, and chatter between colleagues about political candidates (until the next election, anyway). November 4, Election Day… let me tell you a little bit about what this day feels like to us in the policy world.
Today is a day where everyone involved waits. For candidates, there are no more efforts to be made – no more campaign stops or debates. For us policy devotees, there are no more “what if” scenarios running through our heads. It’s finally time to get an answer. It’s time to find out who our elected officials will be. But believe me, the wait feels like forever! Continue reading