Online Education
Rock the Vote
By Darcey Addo on October 2nd, 2014
November 4th is one of the most important days in our house. As strong proponents in the importance of the democratic process, my husband and I take our children to vote in every election. They understand the importance of state, local, and national elections. They wear their “I Voted!” stickers to school with pride after they have researched candidates, completed sample ballots, and have as much of a grasp on the issues that six and seven-year-old children can have. Voting, they know, is a privilege, and something they look forward to doing on their own when they are of age. I can only hope that the values we’re instilling in them now are ones that they hold for their adult life and that they will really “walk the walk” when it matters.
In the last presidential election (2012), Florida reported a voter turnout of 64%; this ranked 16th in the nation. This means that 36% of the population of eligible voters did not to cast a ballot, either in person or via absentee ballot…in a presidential election!
Back-to-School Basics for Parents and Students
By Guest Blogger on August 12th, 2014
Every student and parent (well most of them anyway) gets excited for the start of a new school year. Students are ready to meet their new teachers, new classmates, show off their new clothes, and start the year off on the right foot.
Parents are excited too, but for different reasons. Usually they are just thrilled to get the kids out of the house, as the summer months can seem way too long for some parents.
The following is a list of tips to help students have a successful year – and that might even remind parents of some important strategies they should be utilizing. Continue reading
10 Reasons Why Back to School is Better Online
By Dr. Jeanne Giardino on August 4th, 2014
Every August, students across the country prepare to head back to the classroom. Thankfully, our students have it easy…because the first day of school at FLVS definitely beats the first day of traditional school!
Now that we have officially entered the month of August, we are featuring a top ten list that online students and parents are sure to love.
Let us know what you would add to this list!
Here are a few reasons the first day of school at FLVS is way better than the first day of traditional school…
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We Got The Green Light!
By Guest Blogger on June 26th, 2014
When I was younger, I had all odds stacked against me when it came to learning how to drive. For starters, I have a winter birthday and grew up in the Northern state of Pennsylvania. Those of you familiar with PA can probably already picture it. Teenage me behind the wheel of my Dad’s car (stick-shift no less) surrounded by snow, freezing rain falling from the sky, low visibility, and my route was none other than the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains. My poor father…I had some exciting experiences and he had some pretty terrifying ones as my teacher.
I’m fairly certain that he (and everyone else in my family, including the dogs) wished I could go to the Driver Education class at school. This was a job for a professional. Unfortunately for them, the class was based on a lottery system and I was never lucky enough to ‘win’ a spot and my Dad was on his own. Continue reading
The Truth Behind Conceptual Learning
By Guest Blogger on March 22nd, 2014
If It Breaks…I Can’t Fix It
I’ve never been one who has been good with his hands. I’ve always had the hardest time putting things together. This is one of the reasons I pay the extra money to get my child an assembled bike at Christmas, as opposed to one I have to put together, seeing as how I’d like the family to have an enjoyable holiday. The other day, however, I found myself tasked with having to put together a walker-like toy for my 4-month-old daughter. The box read “easy to assemble,” so I naturally thought it would take no time at all. I found myself looking at the directions over and over again, trying to figure out what in the world was supposed to go where. In my desperate attempt to complete the project, I finally threw out the directions and went off the picture on the box. A few hours later, as opposed to the 30 minutes the directions indicated it would take, I had a completed walker. I was so excited to see it fully assembled and felt accomplished. Continue reading
Finding Connection in a Virtual World
By Guest Blogger on February 19th, 2014
As published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Students, like all people, want to feel valued and cared about. They crave connection, understanding, and desire relationships that make them feel positive about themselves. Finding acceptance and encouragement at school can often be difficult, but at Flexpoint Virtual School, students have the opportunity to not only navigate their education, but to establish great connections as well.
FlexPoint Virtual School is an established leader in developing and providing online and blended education solutions to students in grades 6-12 worldwide. It was created during the 2000 Florida State Legislative session as the national and international arm of Florida Virtual School, the first statewide, Internet-based public high school in the United States. Continue reading
Doors Continue to Open in Online Learning
By Guest Blogger on November 21st, 2013
The annual “Opening Doors to the World” awards celebration was created by The Foundation for Florida Virtual School (The Foundation) to honor champions, pioneers, and distinguished individuals who have been instrumental in paving the way for innovative education.
Without steadfast supporters, The Foundation would not have the opportunity to create new innovative programs for our students. The support that continually opens new doors allows for a brighter future in education and online learning. To those who donated time, talent, dollars, or connections to our September 2013 event, thank you! Continue reading
Learning Forward – Part 8: Lesson Study
By Mary Mitchell on October 15th, 2013
The lesson study process is one of the most unique teaching techniques available to 21st century teachers. During a lesson study, instructors present a lesson and uncover what makes it effective or ineffective. Bringing several teachers together and using their combined knowledge to create, teach, and reflect on a lesson is one of the best teaching strategies for instructors. Teachers are life-long learners and are always looking for ways to improve their skills. Lesson study is an ideal format to observe what does and doesn’t work and make improvements. Continue reading
It’s Not What You Know, but Who You Know
By Guest Blogger on September 19th, 2013
Just a few short weeks ago, all Human Resources employees at FLVS met with our President and CEO, Julie Young, for a focus group discussion. It was an honor just to be sitting in the same room with our esteemed leader, but it was even more of a treat when she actually asked each of us for our opinions on a smattering of pressing matters. Julie got to know each of us, inquiring about our day-to-day likes and dislikes, and intermittently took notes on a notepad while sipping her coffee. Continue reading
FLVS Teacher Wins ISTE “Learning on the Go” Contest
By Guest Blogger on June 20th, 2013
Congratulations to Dr. Joshua Strate, FlexPoint Virtual School Science teacher.
Dr. Strate had one of his lessons selected by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) for their Learning on the Go contest.This resource was only one of 15 lessons included in ISTE’s electronic collection of mobile learning lesson plans, which is shared in both an iBook and interactive PDF to educators around the world. Continue reading