virtual school pros and cons

Why Back to School is Better Online (Remix!)

By on August 5th, 2016

blog-online-schoolA few years ago, I wrote a blog post sharing why going back to school is way easier online.

Now that it’s August and students are once again headed back into classrooms across the state of Florida, it seemed like a great opportunity to revisit our list of reasons why students at FLVS Flex and FLVS Full Time have it made!

We all know that there all kinds of benefits to virtual school…

From the value of learning how to study and succeed online in general to the fact that Driver Education meets the online high school course requirement for students in Florida, there are plenty of advantages. But the perks we’ve outlined below are much cooler than these!

Here is our new and improved top 15 list of reasons the first day of school at FLVS is infinitely better than the first day at “regular” school… Continue reading