Educator Edition

Rural America: How Online Learning Can Provide Equitable Opportunities

By on June 24th, 2020

We have all heard of “the” best teacher in the school. In fact, when you are lucky enough to get this teacher for your child (or yourself), you can be left feeling like you won the lottery! Thoughts fill your head thinking about how much your child will learn.

For many, we keep our fingers crossed until we receive our child’s schedule for next year and then breathe a sigh of relief (and maybe do the Happy Dance) when we see Mr. Awesome’s or Mrs. Fabulous’ name. Online learning allows fantastic teachers to be a child’s teacher regardless of the child’s zip code.

In today’s world, how can we ensure that we are providing equitable opportunities to students?

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Staying Connected Through Blended Learning

By on June 23rd, 2020

Florida Virtual School supports Blended Learning Community (BLC) settings in schools across the state of Florida and beyond. In these blended environments, students learn through a combination of online and face-to-face learning. Over the past two years, the FLVS Analysis, Assessment, and Accountability Research Team has partnered with the University of Central Florida to study the unique environment that Blended Learning Communities offer FLVS students, teachers, and Florida schools.

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Planning Tips for Teachers Moving Online

By on June 8th, 2020

As the majority of Florida’s education system transitioned online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, much focus has rightly been on helping students cope, both academically and emotionally. However, teachers who teach in a traditional classroom setting have also made the transition, in emergency conditions, and require support. 

We know engaged teacher-student interaction is important to parents. To help that interaction continue, FLVS has tips to help teachers manage their online classroom, with tools they can use when they return to their normal classroom setting.

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FLVS Collaborates with Research Partners

By on May 15th, 2020

Blended and online learning are still relatively new modes of Kindergarten-12th grade learning. As they continue to grow, learning more about what makes them effective for students is critically important. 

Research and Evaluation is an arm of our Analysis, Assessment, and Accountability department at Florida Virtual School. Part of this team’s work includes collaborating with universities and other research partners to broaden and contribute to blended and online learning research focused on primary and secondary educational environments. 

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Teaching is a Work of Heart

By on May 8th, 2020

Florida Virtual School teachers strive to serve students with excellence.

Behind every computer is a unique student who our teachers aim to nurture and support. We want to give a shout-out to our amazing teachers who provide more than encouragement and support – teachers who provide Works of Heart.

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An Introduction to FLVS Curriculum

By on May 1st, 2020

At Florida Virtual School, we develop online courses designed for every type of student and any type of schedule. All of our options, including FLVS Flex, FLVS Full Time, and FlexPoint Virtual School provide the same award-winning curriculum.

Developed by our very own team of qualified curriculum specialists with expertise in their respective subject areas, our online courses allow students to receive a comprehensive, high-quality education. 

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Creating Social Presence Amid Social Distance

By on April 24th, 2020

Like most educators in the past weeks, I’ve been thinking about students across the state of Florida, particularly students who have little to no experience with online learning.  My mind also wanders to their teachers and the fast-paced transition to online teaching and learning each of them has been facing.

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Tried & Tested Tips for Teachers Going Virtual

By on April 8th, 2020

With so much panic and chaos going around us due to COVID-19, it is easy to get anxious and overwhelmed. This can be especially true for teachers whose schools have closed for an extended period of time. You may have been asked to leave your routine and embrace a virtual environment overnight and that can be very stressful.

To all the teachers out there, you’ve got this!

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