Educator Edition

Spreading Literacy, One View at A Time

By on January 25th, 2019

The FLVS Literacy Team invites you to join us for more than 30 online events we have planned for Celebrate Literacy Week this year!

Celebrate Literacy Week is an annual event hosted by the Florida Department of Education’s Just Read, Florida initiative. The event is celebrated by school districts across Florida with the intent of building readers. This year’s celebration is scheduled for the week of Jan. 28 – Feb. 1, 2019.

View the FLVS schedule for this exciting week of events. Continue reading

When Elementary School Goes Virtual

By on December 17th, 2018

I teach Kindergarten at FLVS.  I know, teaching Kindergarten VIRTUALLY sounds nearly impossible. So, here’s how it works.  Most of our FLVS Flex Elementary students are homeschool students. They register with FLVS for curriculum support and we meet with them twice a week in our virtual classroom for live lessons. Not only are we a teacher for our students, we are a partner with the home educator, which is often the student’s mom or dad. It’s a great option for families who want to homeschool, but also want a classroom experience and the support of a certified teacher. Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: Thanksgiving Edition

By on November 12th, 2018

With the summer sun slinking away, we’re furiously free-falling into Fall — and holidays are around the corner! These months are bustling with activities at school and at home, so we are combining your November and December highlights.

First, there were many festivities in October. Here’s a recap of a few notable events from last month. Continue reading

Top 3 Reasons to Join a Club This Year

By on August 29th, 2018

Want to make new friends and connect with other students? Have interests or hobbies you would like to explore? Joining a club (or several) is the perfect way to engage beyond the physical or virtual classroom! FLVS offers dozens of clubs for students of all grade levels! Learn more at our Virtual Club Rush open house event on Thursday, Aug. 30 from 4-7 p.m.

Studies have shown that joining a student club is beneficial both personally and professionally, and here are our top three reasons why. Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: August Highlights

By on August 21st, 2018

Hello students and parents, it’s official—the 2018-19 school year has begun!

We know some of you may have been taking courses with us all summer and some are new to FLVS. Either way, we are so glad you are here. We start with a mention to mark your calendar for the first holiday and a “day off.” Continue reading

Teamwork: Practice, Perspective, and Persistence

By on August 6th, 2018

I read a quote recently in a favorite Jodi Picoult book that said, “Grandmothers in Botswana tell their children that if you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, you must go together.”

This quote really struck me as the heart of what we do here at FLVS.

We have always been pioneers and we are still striving to blaze the trail. But perhaps the most important concept that has surfaced for us over the years is this idea that we reach our greatest potential not when we get to the finish line the fastest, but when we embrace real collaboration and teamwork that allows us to reach that finish line and so much more.

Continue reading

Online Learning: A 20 Year Journey

By on June 19th, 2018

If you asked me 20 years ago where I saw myself in the future, I’m not sure I would have said I’d be at Florida Virtual School (FLVS) as a Communications Specialist. My love of writing came while in second grade when my teacher, Mrs. Kast, told me I was a natural writer, so the communications part fits. But 20 years ago, I did not have a clue what a virtual school was.

Neither did most of the world. Continue reading

Taking a Chance on Innovation

By on May 31st, 2018

Today, options have become a staple in nearly all aspects of life, so it’s really no surprise that educational options exist in the modern-day student’s life. But how did it get that way?

Well, it didn’t just happen overnight. Education policies and practices tend to change very slowly. Continue reading

Questions to Ask Before Starting a Team Project

By on May 18th, 2018

My daughter is in high school, and every time her class has a group project, I am sure to hear about it. Why? Because sometimes her archrival happens to be in her group, and other times her best friend is (happy days ahead). No matter what, I’ll hear about the group slacker, and definitely about that controlling person ordering everyone around.

Do these roles sound familiar to you? Many of us can relate, which is unfortunate because teamwork is such an essential soft skill. Some jobs require more teamwork than others, but there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself as part of a team at some point during your life. Continue reading