Student Edition

Happiness Starts with YOU!

By on February 4th, 2015

happinessAttitude is Everything.

Have you ever thought about it? It’s true. In 2014, I read The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. You should read it too! It has really helped to change my mood and shape a new way of positive thinking. In the book, Achor posits that daily affirmation of three happy or good things, no matter how big or small, will help your mind re-focus on the positive.

I have really worked hard to exercise the “three good things daily” practice. My team also shares positive things in their world regularly, creating a positive team and work environment (And if you know anything about counselors, we deal with some pretty tough stuff!) Overall, this daily habit creates a mindset focused on being grateful. It has positively affected my attitude at home with my family and at work with customers and colleagues. Continue reading

Becoming a Student Again with Astronomical Research

By on January 30th, 2015

SpitzerLast year I was honored to be chosen as a NITARP teacher.

NITARP, short for the NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program, pairs teachers with astronomers from Caltech and NASA, and allows the teachers to do authentic astronomical research.

I thought this program would be something that was a little out of my comfort zone, as I only had classroom experience (like most science teachers), but I decided to apply anyway as it would be an educational experience. To my surprise, I was one of eight teachers that was accepted out of hundreds of applicants.

The teachers were split up into two teams, each with an astronomer to lead them. My team had educators from Boston, Colorado, and California and my astronomer, Varoujan Gorjian, was from Caltech and NASA. Continue reading

National School Choice Week 2015

By on January 26th, 2015

school choice“May I have extra vegetables instead of the chicken on my salad?”

It’s a question I often ask while at restaurants because I’m a vegetarian. Many of you probably know my pain of trying to tailor a restaurant meal to specific needs.  Maybe you have food allergies, picky children, or just want to change your dinner up, but we’ve all faced it.

Luckily, today, restaurants seem more than willing to offer multiple choices, cooking styles, plate sizes, and substitutions. Almost every time, my meal is perfect for ME. It’s been a while since I’ve run into a situation where I didn’t have a choice when looking through a menu. If I did, you can bet your last penny that I wouldn’t go there! Would you? Continue reading

Projected Job Growth vs. Openings

By on January 23rd, 2015

Job openingsWhat if you were asked to identify the top 10 fastest growing occupations in Florida? The answer might be quite surprising. According to the Statewide Demand Occupations List, these are the winners with the highest percentage of growth expected:

1. Brick masons and Block masons
2. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
3. Cost Estimators
4. Heating, A.C., and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
5. Interpreters and Translators
6. Physical Therapist Assistants
7. Medical Secretaries
8. Dental Hygienists
9. Meeting and Convention Planners Continue reading

FLVS Courses for Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Recipients

By on January 20th, 2015

FTC Scholarships blogHere at Florida Virtual School, we want ALL students to have access to our amazing selection of more than 140 courses. Our students come to FLVS from many different backgrounds and for many different reasons, and there is something for everyone!

We understand that Florida Virtual School families value choice and opportunity when it comes to their children’s education and we make it our goal to provide it.

We work with all of the School Choice programs in Florida and the districts to make sure students have access to high-quality digital learning.

Today, we want to talk about the opportunity that students receiving the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship have with FLVS.

Did you know that recipients of the FTC can take up to two FLVS courses each school year?

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Global Mindset, Global Win: Model UN Dominates Conferences

By on January 16th, 2015

The Florida Virtual School Model United Nations (MUN) team is in a theoretically outstanding position: the delegates communicate about parliamentary procedure and conference prep online, but met for the first time in person at conferences across Florida in 2014.

The delegates’ adaptability to new situations is tested upon meeting each other, and as friendships form, their diplomacy skills evidently flourish in daylong sessions.

FLVSMUN delegates attended two conferences in fall 2014: the KnightMUN at the University of Central Florida, and the Old City MUN (OCMUNC) in St. Augustine, Fla. Delegates participated in both assembly and crisis committees, and showcased a diverse array of talents at the conferences. Continue reading

Lifetime Sportsman’s License Video Contest

By on January 14th, 2015

outdoor education contest
Calling all past, present, or potential Outdoor Ed Students!

Are you taking or planning to take Outdoor Education at FLVS? Enter to win a Florida Lifetime Sportsman’s License!

In partnership with Fresh Air Inc., Future Hunting in Florida Inc., and the Florida Wildlife Commission, FLVS is conducting a contest with former, current, or future Outdoor Education students and those with an interest in fishing and hunting.

Students are invited to create a 2-3 minute video describing the benefits they have gained (or expect to gain) by taking the FLVS Outdoor Education course. Videos can be uploaded to YouTube and submitted here.

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These are a Few of My Favorite Things!

By on January 8th, 2015

Favorite Things
During a recent vacation, I was committed to experiencing something new every day.

I spent my time in Arizona hiking halfway down the Grand Canyon, stayed in a B&B in Sedona for two nights, hiked the trails around Phoenix, and enjoyed tons of other activities.

I have visited some beautiful places and this vacation inspired me to share a list of some of my favorite places to visit in the United States. It just might spark a few ideas for your own future family trip! Did you travel anywhere special over the holidays?

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Give Thanks for Teachers

By on November 25th, 2014

teacher thanksgiving coverSchool is out this week in celebration of Thanksgiving, which seems appropriate, because this year I am most thankful for teachers. If there is a teacher at your pilgrim celebration, please let them have the biggest drumstick, the last piece of pumpkin pie, or the preferred napping spot in front of the football game. This year, more than ever, they have earned it.

Education is in a cycle of dramatic change (thankfully) but in lieu of a better system, traditional schools are placing more burdens on classroom teachers. Administrators add accountability metrics, but take away autonomy. Districts add high stakes testing, but take away class time for teaching. States add new standards, demand new teaching methods, and require new paperwork, while reducing budgets, salaries, and benefits. Not exactly what most teachers signed up for.  Continue reading

What Went Wrong?

By on November 14th, 2014

Career Research blog
Katie had never imagined she’d be living month to month, in constant fear that she wouldn’t have enough to pay her rent. After all, Katie had a college degree and a job.

When I met Katie, she was 23 years old and working her dream job at a non-profit. She didn’t have any credit card debt. What had gone wrong?

Katie had massive student loans from college, totaling more than $128,000. Katie’s salary was $32,000 and more than $12,000 of that went to pay the debt and interest. Continue reading