Differences between FLVS Flex and FLVS Full Time

“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.” – Robert John Meehan

Florida Virtual School (FLVS)  offers two distinct online school options with the same shared goal: addressing the unique learning needs of every child.

As school counselors, we are often asked about the differences between FLVS Full Time and FLVS Flex. Parents want to know which option is best for their child. As they are very different schools, it’s essential for families to understand their options and choose the one that will best fit their students.

Don’t miss the infographic at the bottom of this post to help your decision-making!

What is FLVS Flex?

FLVS Flex offers year-round, rolling enrollment so students can start and finish an individual course at any time. Public, private, and home education students can utilize FLVS Flex courses. Students who choose not to attend a traditional public or private school can register as home education students in the county of their residence. A variety of learners can benefit from a flexible schedule, including those with medical needs, athletes, students who need to catch up, and those who want to get ahead.

With FLVS Flex, students have the option to focus on fewer courses and work at an accelerated pace to finish in less time. They can tailor a schedule that works for them! FLVS Flex teachers are available from 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Home education students who take FLVS Flex courses are not required to participate in state standardized tests. However, if they plan to register in a Florida public school at any point in the future, they are welcome and encouraged to participate by contacting their local county’s Home Education Office. Homeschool students with FLVS Flex do not earn a traditional high school diploma; instead, home education parents graduate their students by completing the Home School Affidavit.

FLVS Flex offers regular, honors, and Advanced Placement courses and home education students have the option to dual enroll at their local state college/university if admitted by those programs!

What is FLVS Full Time?

FLVS Full Time works much like a traditional public school, with the exception that students work from the comfort of their own home! Like in a traditional school, classes start in August and end in May and students have a load of six courses at one time. Teachers are available from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. and the student’s day is more structured than in the FLVS Flex option with school-specific announcements and student activities. 

Students are required to work in each course each week to stay on track with the traditional course schedule. FLVS Full Time also offers regular, honors, Advanced Placement, and dual enrollment courses. Because FLVS Full Time is a public school and serves as the student’s school of record, students are required to participate in all state standardized testing. FLVS Full Time coordinates testing and manages records for their students. Students enrolled in FLVS Full Time are public school students and therefore can earn a state-issued high school diploma. Students are also able to participate in a traditional graduation ceremony at the end of their senior year once all their graduation requirements have been met.

The similarities are important too!

Both options offer Florida public school curriculum taught by Florida-certified teachers. Resources abound with live, teacher-led lessons, guided notes, video tutorials, and more that are available to help our students. No matter which path they take, families can feel confident their students will receive a high-quality education that will take them forward in whatever their future holds.

Exploring online education options? Florida Virtual School may be just the solution for you. Learn more about our online school options at Florida Virtual School.

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Anne FlennerAnne Flenner, School Counselor, has worked to meet the academic, social, personal, and professional needs of FLVS students since 2011. Previously a school counselor in Alachua County, she has received several awards and serves on multiple state counseling boards and committees. She has a Master's degree in Counselor Education from UF. Anne loves working with student athletes, supporting college and career readiness, and focusing on student mental health and wellness.

366 comments on “Differences between FLVS Flex and FLVS Full Time

  1. Vernalee Dorvilus


    1. Brianna

      So I’ve spoken to two representatives that told me my children would have to log on every day and stay online with teacher from 9-3 with the full time program. What I just read doesn’t necessarily sound that way. I need this clarified please. My children have special medical needs and need to be able to work different schedules based on doctor appts etc. As long as they keep up with their work daily or wkly is that ok? I do not feel comfortable with some aspects of the flex program while some of it sounds great!

      1. Ana

        Good afternoon.
        I would like to know if my child does the flex time program in the first semester, can he choose to take the full time program for the second semester?

        I wanted to register it in full time but they no longer accept registrations. And I am worried that he will not receive his diploma so that in the future he can attend the school in person.

  2. Kate

    Thank you!! This was extremely informative! One question – if a student attends FLVS fulltime program, but finishes some courses early in the semester, can they enroll in a flex class on the side to get ahead?


      Yes, that’s an option! Our FLVS Full Time school counselors can offer more specific advice and recommendations in circumstances like this.

      1. Lily

        A parent had asked: “if a student attends FLVS fulltime program, but finishes some courses early in the semester, can they enroll in a flex class on the side to get ahead?”…. The answer to that was, “Yes, that’s an option!” HOWEVER, that Q&A posting was from June 2018. I had just asked an FLVS rep through the online chat function of this website whether my son can work at his own pace in the FLVS FT program, the way he did with courses he took in the FLVS Flex program, and I was just told NO… His classes would start and end at specified times throughout the year, just like the public schools, and he would not be allowed to work ahead in any class. Is this a program change that occurred after 2018 and the noted Q&A posting above? He absolutely loved the 2 classes he took in the FLVS Flex program but it sounds like the FLVS FT program will be quite different in the way the classes are scheduled/administered, with much less flexibility in terms of students working at their own pace. I was really hoping that the FLVS FT program would provide the same FLVS Flex experience for my son, but with the ability to have him take all of his classes online and not just 1-2 in addition to what he would be taking at the local public school. Please tell me if the information I just received from my “chat session” is accurate or not. Thank you!

        1. FLVSFLVS

          Hi Lily. FLVS Full Time students take 6 courses on a traditional school schedule. There is a recommended pace, but students can still work ahead and finish early. However, they won’t start their second semester courses until January. By following the traditional semester schedule, Full Time students are required to finish the first semester before Winter Break. If you’re looking for a more flexible option (for example, take 3 courses on an accelerated pace, then another 3 on a staggered schedule) we recommend registering with your county as a homeschool student and signing up for courses through FLVS Flex. With FLVS Flex, students can enroll in courses year-round and you can create a custom schedule to best fit your student’s academic needs. Hope this helps!

        2. Jade Suarez

          Hi! I am currently going into 11th grade doing flex full time. Is there a certain amount of time I need to be on the zoom calls? Or do I work on my own ?

          1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

            Hi Jade, FLVS Flex students can attend live lessons if they would like. Recordings are also available for students who are unable to attend. 🙂

      2. Kayla Sisk

        Hi- i’m interested in doing FLVS flex because school is such a mess this year. How do i get it where I can do 6 classes instead of 3. Do i have to unenroll at Pedro Menéndez. Please help. Thank you

  3. Kim Bejnerowicz

    If I want my kids to start the Flex program in August, how far ahead of time should they register for classes?


      Hi Kim! You can sign up for Flex anytime and select your preferred start date in advance. The sooner you sign up, the sooner we can ensure that they are placed and ready to go by that date.

      1. Avigail Sabach

        Hi thanks for the explanation. But I still did not understand how the kids get grades. And if after two years of flex I want to bring them back to school how the teachers know the grades. thanks ahead.

      2. Vévé J.

        can my first semester of 10th grade be in the spring semester? i have 8 credits from 9th grade homeschool, but i want to go to 10th grade in flvs full time.

  4. Jill Frost

    Hello. We were told when we started FLVS two years ago by FLVS that Flex was only available to kids in homeschool or B and M schools.

    Brennen sings and acts so we need flexibility. We did Full Time FLVS and at times it was hard having so much to do with her other activities. Both years we wrapped early April and have been sitting around to August.

    Would we benefit or is it possible to do Flex as a full-time option and do her core and other classes through only Flex til she gets to high school? We were told not to do Flex full-time bc she won’t graduate through them.

    Also, I was told that the FLVS FT was changing this year and becoming more like a B and M with scheduled mandatory times now. Is this true?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!


      Hi Jill. That’s correct – FLVS Flex allows homeschool students and those attending a physical brick & mortar school to take online courses. Many families prefer to homeschool and take all of their courses online with FLVS Flex. If this is the route you choose for high school, you will keep your own portfolio and student records to show that your student meets all high school graduation requirements. However, if you want to receive an official diploma from FLVS Full Time with us being your public school of record, then Full Time is the way to go.

      That said, it’s certainly possible to stick with FLVS Flex now and enroll with FLVS Full Time later for high school. With FLVS Flex, you can start and finish a course anytime during the year. With both programs, the curriculum is the same and the overall experience is very similar. (In years past, we used Connections Academy for grades K-5, so that is changing for the upcoming year with our new elementary curriculum.)

      FLVS Full Time offers structured flexibility. Since the schedule follows the typical school year calendar, it offers experiences that are similar to a traditional school, including morning announcements, face-to-face events, and live lesson schedules – but it is still very flexible for students who perform, travel, etc.

      We hope this helps!

  5. Jill

    Great. Thank you for the info. What platform will FLVS middle be using this year? I assume the platform will be the same for both Flex and FT? We are currently FT and going on the middle school this year.

    1. FLVS

      FLVS Full Time students currently login through Focus (the school’s student information system) to view their dashboard and access courses. This is different for Flex students who login through VSA (our Virtual School Administrator system) to view their dash and access courses. However, the platform for courses themselves is the same! Educator is the our Learning Management System (LMS) used to navigate the course curriculum.

  6. Doreen Flores

    If a student is in the flex program, can they switch over to the full program in senior year? Can a student enroll into a B&M school during senior year? If so, are there any special requirements like testing?

    1. FLVS

      Yes, it is possible to transfer to FLVS Full Time during high school and participate in graduation as long as the student remains on track with any required EOC and FSA exams. These can change based on state requirements, so it’s always a good idea to check in with one of our school counselors to confirm they will have everything needed before submitting their FLVS Full Time application for enrollment!

  7. Julie Temple

    Is placement testing offered? I ask because math has been an issue to find the right curriculum. Thanks!

    1. FLVSAnne Flenner

      FLVS Flex does not have placement tests and we know that it can be a bit tough getting set in the best course at first. The best thing to do is to reach out to your FLVS counselor at 407-513-3587 and they can talk with you about what your student has completed so far and talk through the standards of each course to find the best fit! Also, we have our 14-day grace period where you can try a course out to make sure it is best. If it is not the best fit, we will then know to move up or down a level based on a students needs! Once we get the first math set, the rest is easy! Hope this helps!

  8. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

    FLVS Flex does not have placement tests and we know that it can be a bit tough getting set in the best course at first. The best thing to do is to reach out to your FLVS counselor at 407-513-3587 and they can talk with you about what your student has completed so far and talk through the standards of each course to find the best fit! Also, we have our 14-day grace period where you can try a course out to make sure it is best. If it is not the best fit, we will then know to move up or down a level based on a students needs! Once we get the first math set, the rest is easy! Hope this helps!

  9. Maria Isabel Fairless

    Hello, this will be my first year homeschooling and I have enrolled my 2 kids in the Florida flex program. We are looking for flexibility to travel.
    One child in 1st grade (elementary program) and my other a 6th grader (middle school program).
    Will the Fl flex curriculum courses for middle school satisfy the Florida requirements for 6th grade ? I enrolled my 6 grader in science, world history, math. Language arts and Spanish. Do I have a total number of class credit requirement in order to satisfy 6 grade? Also, Do I need to have my 6 grader take a standardized test in order to continue to 7th and submit results to the Florida department ofceducation? What are my requirements for 6 grade homeschooled kids?
    We plan to homeschool our kids up to the 8th grade middle school years only, then enroll them into a high school.
    Thanks for your help !!

  10. Adriana Sanchez

    Hi, my son is a regular student of a HS public,he needs to complete 0.5 credit of English 2 for his graduation requirements, the question is if he can gets the Flex program to complete his credits and can this consider a credit for the Online course at the same time? Thanks !!!


      Hi there! Flex courses do count toward graduation requirements. If you need more advice, we recommend reaching out to a guidance counselor at your school or FLVS!

  11. jessica

    I have a question, my son is currently enrolled to start the full-time program. However, I just learned he will need to be on the computer at certain times every day for class. The reason we homeschool is due to so many dr apt etc. would it be wiser for me to put him in the flex program so he can work at his own times?


      Hi Jessica. The schedule for FLVS Full Time is similar to a traditional school with more frequent classes (particularly for elementary). Both programs are similar, but Flex may be a better option if you want a bit more flexibility!

  12. Kelly

    Hello. My son just started junior year at our local public high school in Melbourne. Is it possible for him to now switch to full-time FLVS at home, or is it too late? Thanks!

    1. FLVS

      Hi Kelly! Enrollment has closed for FLVS Full Time (our full-time public school option) for 2018-19, but your son can register as a homeschool student anytime during the year and take all of his courses through FLVS Flex. FLVS Flex offers rolling enrollment – so he can start a new course at any time. That said, we will be reopening enrollment for second semester at FLVS Full Time later this year!

  13. Mercedes

    Hello, my child is attending public school for his junior year but wants to make the switch to virtual school for his junior year and return back to his current school for his senior year. As enrollment is closed for the fall 2018-2019 course for flvs full time, can he still take flvs flex throughout the 2018-2019 school year and complete his junior year?

    1. FLVS

      Hello! Yes, it is possible to register as a homeschool student anytime during the year and take all courses through FLVS Flex. However, if your son intends to return to public school, it may make sense to enroll with FLVS Full Time to ensure he completes any necessary end-of-course exams or tests that will be required of the public school. We will reopen enrollment for FLVS Full Time for spring semester later this year. Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our counselors if you still have questions! https://www.flvs.net/student-resources/flex/advisement

  14. Dawn

    Hello, my son is enrolled in Flex and from what I understand, if he enrolls in full time for the next semester, all of the work that he did for flex (several months worth) will be credited towards full time. Would he just pick up where he left off? How do we know when and where to attend state testing. If he does get enrolled in full time, I’d hate to see that he did all those months of flex and get no credit and or have to start over.
    Thank you!

    1. FLVS

      Hi Dawn! If your son is able to finish the first segment (that is, semester) of his courses during the fall, then he should be all set to go if he enrolls with FLVS Full Time in the spring. Feel free to reach out to one of our Flex school counselors at 407-513-3587 with any other advisement questions specific to his situation!

    1. Dawn

      Erin, from what I understand, it’s about the same as a regular school day. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong 🙂


      Hi Erin! The schedule varies by grade and courses taken, but FLVS Full Time students have morning announcements and live lessons (or “Class Time” in elementary) Monday through Thursday this year. Independent work can be completed at any time. On average, students in grades Kindergarten-3 will have 20 hours of work to complete per week, and grades 4-12 will have 25 hours per week. Hope this helps!

      1. Erin

        I’ve tried asking the live chat this question twice and no one knows the answer. He will be in 5th. And I’d like to start him for the Spring Semester. How do I find out the hours? What time morning announcements and classes are, etc.
        thank you so much for answering!

        1. FLVSFLVS

          Hi Erin! Morning Announcements for elementary begin at 8:40 a.m. followed by class until 11:30 a.m. We can send you the schedule for 5th grade with more information.

  15. Jesenya

    I am currently enrolled in FLVS flex, and I only have 1 class left for 9th grace which is algebra 1 but I am nearing the end of segment 1 of algebra 1. i want to enroll in full time for spring as a 10th grader, Would i be able to? would i have to complete segment 2 before i enroll? Can i take Flvs flex for most of high school then in junior or senior year switch to Full time so i can graduate or do i have to do full time all of high school in order to graduate with a diploma?? I also didn’t take grade 9 FSA since it isn’t required for flex, will that hold me back? I really don’t want to enroll back in a actual public school since i get bullied a lot and have trouble with certain things.


    hi, it is any test, that can help me see in what level is my son, to place him on the flex course and make sure he learn what he don’t know?


      Hi there! We recommend speaking to one of our counselors. Give us a call at 800-374-1430 and we can direct you to the correct counselor for his grade.


    My daughter is in her second year of middle school with flvs. This upcoming school year I would like her to take 2 classes — Spanish and an Elective — at a public middle school. Please advise.

  18. Braleigh

    I just switched from public high school to homeschool. I am trying to register for FLVS Flex and had a question about scheduling. At my high school we had to/ I was taking 7 courses, how do I add another course to the recommended 6 courses to meet this requirement and finish earning my credits?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Braleigh, I hope all is well! Most students with FLVS Flex take 3-4 courses at a time as we find that is the best amount for online learning. You can take up to 6 at a time, but that is the limit. The best thing to do is to contact your FLVS School Counselor to talk with them about your goals and they can help you make a great plan of attack! Please call 407 513 3587 and ask to be connected to your school counselor! Thanks!

  19. Robert vecchion

    Hi Anne, you are awesome to respond so thoroughly to all of the questions asked.
    My two kids are doing flex this year, grade 3 and 4, and are both doing well. Still we’d like to switch them into full time for the upcoming 2019/2020 school year, or at least by middle school..
    My question is regarding full-time:
    I read in one of your replies above that, on average, grades 4-12 will have around 25 hours of work to complete per week. Is this in addition to the live class time? If so, that would mean live class until lunch, and then the additional 25 hours means 5 hours more 5 days per week? So from 12:30 or 1 til past 5 pm M-F? Seems like too much…so maybe I’m misunderstanding?
    Thanks again for all of the info. So very helpful!

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Robert! So glad to help! With FLVS FT, it’s about 25 hours total (including live lessons, studying, working on assignments, etc.).

      Hope this helps! Thanks!

  20. Jennifer

    Hi Anne,

    I have a 10th grade student attending regular high school. We would like to transition her to FLVS Flex very soon. My question is, since it’s mid school year, will the work that she has already completed in school still count, or does she have to start over when she starts the flex program? In other words, would she be able to pick up where she leaves off or does she have to start over? Thanks!

    1. Lusi

      Hi, I have a question. I’m in 8th grade and how do I pass to go to the next grade? Can I only take Science, language arts, history, and math to pass to the next grade? Or do I have to take 2 elective courses as well? And how will I know if I passed to the next grade or not? I’m planning on going back to in person school next year so I won’t be doing flvs next year.

  21. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

    Hi Jennifer,
    I hope all is well! FLVS Flex works by semesters (we call them segments). So, if your student successfully completed the 1st semester at their previous school they would just need to take semester 2/segment 2 with FLVS! They would need to repeat the bit that they did from the start of the 2nd semester at school (Generally right after winter break). However, they can fly through the material they know to catch right back up! If you do decide to come over to us, we would love to have a copy of her transcript to review to make sure we help you put her in the perfect courses! Hope this helps! Anne

    1. Zariya

      When enrolling in flvs flex program will I still be able to go to public school and take classes Like doing half virtual and half traditional.

  22. Gabby L


    So I was wondering with full time, if you already did flex and you’ve finished a full subject(s) (like all English and Science for example) and only have 3 courses you can possibly take left to do, can you still do full time? I noticed that you have to take 6 courses at once, so I was a bit confused on that.
    I was also wondering if the criteria on the standardized testing would be the same that you learn in the courses? Also, would you have to go somewhere to take it, or would it would be online?

    Thank you! 🙂

  23. michelle

    Due to sports our schedule needs to be flexible. We currently are enrolled in the flex program. However I do want my child to get a diploma. What option is best to be flex and also get the diploma needed to go to college and continue the sports and education. Currently I want to make sure we are within the right program or what is needed to fit the program school with a flexible sport schedule.


      Hi Michelle. Both options can allow for a flexible sports schedule, but FLVS Full Time has a set weekly schedule that keeps students on track following the traditional school year calendar. Homeschool students with FLVS Flex are still able to attend college and demonstrate that they met all high school requirements. That said, if receiving an official diploma as a graduate of FLVS is important to you, FLVS Full Time may be the best fit for high school. Feel free to give our counselors a call if you need more info!


      Yes. FLVS Full Time follows the regular school year, so you can enroll during open enrollment periods. FLVS Full Time is currently open for enrollment for the 2019-20 school year.

  24. Ivette

    Hello. I withdrew my son from 8th grade public school today. He did ok in the first few months, but because of some issues he had a lot of absences. Now he failed his core classes. Can he make up what he failed with Flex (from now and whole summer) and be able to enter 9th grade this year?

  25. Roy

    My daughter quit at private school and moved to full time flvs this second semester of 2019, we travel a lot and that was the reason for the change, but now we found out that with flvs full time she has to be sometimes pending of the phone call for the dba. we found the flex program and we really want the homeschooling in order to move her to flex program, but I understand that every end of year, a authorized teacher has to review all of her work if she is a homeschooler. if she does flex would that be necessary and will flex work if we are three months out of the country and then comeback and go again??


      Both programs require DBAs throughout each course. In terms of scheduling, Flex does not require students to follow a semester-based calendar. With FLVS Flex, you will register as a homeschool student with your county to take all of your courses online. Annual homeschool evaluation requirements depend upon the county (for example, an end-of-year review from a teacher who can view your FLVS transcripts and/or work). However, this usually does not impact a student’s ability to travel out of the country as needed. Hope this helps!

      1. Lily

        We are most interested in the FLVS Flex program for our son but as a home schooled student so he can take all of his classes through FLVS Flex and not just in supplement to classes at the local public school. We think this would not only give us the greatest flexibility in choosing his classes but in allowing him the benefit of working at his own pace without being held back with any set daily or weekly schedule. However, I am concerned about having to “maintain a portfolio of educational records” in order to satisfy Florida’s home education program requirements. Can you tell me if printing out and keeping his course assignments would suffice, along with his official FLVS course transcripts? I’m afraid the prospect of having to maintain some type of portfolio is more daunting to me than anything else about this possible leap in having my son officially declared home schooled, just so that he can benefit from taking all of his classes online through the FLVS Flex program. If you or anyone else can comment on their experience with this “portfolio” requirement, I would appreciate hearing what may be easiest to do that will meet it.

  26. Roy

    Thank you very much for your response, yes it helps a lot, a couple of weeks ago we went out of the country and my daughter was not able to receive phone calls in order to attend to the DBAs and she was behind, maybe with flex that will be a little bit less strict ?? so in order to switch her from full time to flex, the procedure will be: have the letter of intent signed and stamped by Seminole County public schools office, withdraw her from full time and then apply for flex?


      Yes, there will still be DBAs with Flex, but a little more flexibility without required start or end dates for individual courses. And yes, that is exactly what you’ll need to do to switch! You can enroll in courses with FLVS Flex anytime during the year.

  27. Francesca

    My son is a US citizen but we are currently residing in Canada. Can he participate to the FLVS Full Time program, or he needs to choose the FLVS Flex option because he is currently outside US? Thank you.

      1. Catherine Gregory

        Hello! In relation to FLVS Global, is only for middle schoolers? Is it possible for Kindergarteners also? Thank you in advance.

  28. Isabel

    I am attending a private school and want to take Culinary 1 because I think I would definitely enjoy it and it will count as a credit. Only problem is that since they only have it as a full time course, I’m not sure how long I would have to be online for class. Any advice? Would I have time to take it?


      Hi Isabel. We do not offer Culinary 1 through FLVS directly, but this may be offered by your local county virtual school. We recommend sending a message to the head of your county virtual school for more information if it is available to you!

  29. Roy Leon

    Ok, my daughter is about to finish this week the full flvs program for 9 grade, as I mentioned we are switching her to flex program, can I send the “Notice of Intent” to Seminole County to establish a home education program tomorrow? before she finish this week the full 9 grade program? when and how will I withdraw her from full flvs and switched to flex? please help


      You can send the notice of intent at any time for next school year! Once the county has confirmed your homeschool status, you can sign up for individual courses with FLVS Flex anytime through our website. If you have questions, please reach out to one of our FLVS Flex counselors: https://www.flvs.net/student-resources/flex/advisement.

      If you have specific questions for the Seminole County home education office, you can find their contact information here: https://flvs.net/student-resources/homeschool/district-contacts.

  30. carolina a

    if I enroll in a FLVS course for the summer can I later on enroll in FLVS full time for the regular school year?

  31. carolina

    if I am enrolled in flvs flex for a summer course when I enroll for flvs full time in august will this course be carried on as one of my 6 classes or as an extra course?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      HI Carolina! For FLVS Full Time, you must apply at http://www.flvsft.com. They plan to close their enrollment in early July so if you are interested in FLVS Full Time for the upcoming school year, you would want to apply now. Students can take Flex courses in the summer connected to their previous public/private/home school, but must be completed before the first day of the school year with FLVS Full Time. Students can’t take Flex courses and Full Time courses at the same time. Students with Full Time will start 6 courses in August and end in May! Hope this helps!

  32. Kathryn

    Hi – am I correct in understanding that students must be registered as home schooled to enroll on the flex program? Also although state tests are not mandatory for flex, is there an option to take them if desired?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi! Yes, to take FLVS Flex courses students must be registered as home ed, public, or private school students. So, if they don’t attend public/private, the would need to become home ed in their county. Home Ed students are always welcome to take the state tests if they’d like to! They would just contact the Home Ed office a few months before testing to get registered! Thanks!

      1. Lily

        Hi – If I contact our school district to change my son’s status to be home schooled and enroll him in the FLVS Flex program instead of the FLVS FT program for all of his classes (as we like how the Flex program would allow him to take all of his classes at his own pace), how will I know what county or state tests are usually required of the public school students in his same grade for me to register with the Home Ed office to take the same tests? I don’t want him falling behind in any county or state mandated testing in case we do not continue in the FLVS Flex program as a home schooled student following this upcoming year.

  33. Annette Elliott

    Hi my daughter did Hillsborough virtual Last semester and I enrolled her for the fall when they sent the link out but how do I know she’s registered? When I log on to Hillsbrough virtual school it only shows her previous classes. when will the new one’s show up? is there a way to check to make sure she’s enrolled? I tried calling her guidance counselor but she doesn’t come back until the end of July and I don’t want to wait until then obviously.

      1. Melissa Cyganek

        My son does FLVS county where all his teachers are local. Is this still the same as FLVS full time? He has 6 classes required and it sounds like the same, I just want to make sure he’s on track for a high school diploma.
        Thank You,
        Melissa Cyganek

        1. FLVSFLVS

          He would graduate with a diploma from is school of record. You can check his academic progress to ensure that he is on track for graduation with your school counselors. Hope this helps!

  34. Melissa

    Hello! I am looking to enroll my daughter in FLVS for 8th grade and then she would go to Public School in HS. If I enroll her in FT is she able to work ahead and complete the semester/year early or does she have to work at the same pace as public schools are? It seems flex does not offer the 9th grade classes in Spanish/English/Bio and Algebra that FT does. Am I reading this accurately? Any help would be appreciated!


      Hi Melissa! Middle school students are able to take high school courses (9th grade or above) with either FLVS Flex or FLVS Full Time. She will still be able to move quickly with FLVS Full Time, but the calendar is based on the traditional school year – that is, everyone starts in the fall, begins the second semester of their courses in January, and wraps up the school year in May. With FLVS Flex, you can start and finish anytime. Hope this helps!

  35. Melissa

    My son is currently enrolled and taking FLVS Flex classes.
    What is required to register him to change to FT FLVS?
    If he completes Segment 1 faster than on pace, would he be able to start Segment 2 at any time?
    What are the times that my son would have to be online for daily announcements and his classes/seat times? For his classes, is there a set time to be online, or is he able to work at any time during the day?
    Are you able to be on Flex for the Fall Semester and then register to go to the FT FLVS for spring classes.? If so when does registration start and end? Would he be able to get a diploma if he is only enrolled in FT FLVS for the Spring Semester in his senior year?
    Are there specific EOC Exams required for High School for FT FLVS? If so, what is required?
    What Testing results would be needed to enroll in FT FLVS? PSAT or SAT or ACT?
    How do you enroll for Dual Enrollment, and what is the cut off for credit hours to have the Dual Enrollment paid for?

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these questions! 😉


    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Melissa,
      Thanks for your message! Every student is a bit different and the best thing to do is to contact your FLVS School Counselor so they can review your student’s transcripts to advise on all the options you have in regards to Flex and FT. Please contact us at 407 513 3587 with questions!

  36. Jerrie

    My daughter attended private highs school for 3 years. If she takes 3 homeschool classes and 3 Florida Virtual Flex classes this semester, can she enroll as Florida Virtual Full Time for the second Senior semester and take the 6 hours and still receive a diploma?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Jerrie,
      I hope all is well! For FLVSFT, students must be enrolled for the full 12th grade year and earn 6 credits with FT, so sadly this would not be an option.

  37. Val

    We are considering FLVS for our daughter for 7th grade. She has been attending a regular school up until now. She is an athlete and need more time to practice. We are not sure about FLVS Full Time vs FLVS Flex!? What are the days and times they have to be online for FLVS FT program in 7th grade? Thanks.

    1. Anne FlennerAnne LP Flenner

      Hi Val,
      I hope all is well! Thank you for your message! FLVS FT is now closed for enrollment, but I believe that FLVS Flex is the program that would be best for her! FLVS Flex is our year round flexible version. As a 7th grade student, she could just focus on her core courses (electives are not required as she will get quite of PE out there on the courts!) FLVS Flex does not take attendance or set hours a student must work, so it is more flexible. Most students work 4-6 hours/5 days a week so you can mold it around her training. We do have live lessons with flex that she can attend if they work with her schedule! If not, they are recorded for her and she can watch at another time! I hope this is helpful! Please call 407 513 3587 to speak with your FLVS school counselor for more specifics on how to best support your awesome student-athlete!

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Heather, I hope all is well! FLVS Flex is just a curriculum provider. We are not a school of record so we do not dictate testing. The school of record determines if a student needs to take these tests. If your student is a public school student, they would be required to take all state testing. Private schools also determine testing for their students. Home School students are not required to take state testing, but if they plan on going back to a public school someday there may be times they do want to test for an easy transition to a public school. If you have specific questions, please call 407 513 3587 and ask to be directed to your school counselor that can talk with you specifically about your student’s goals! Thanks!

  38. Sonya

    My daughter is in FLVS FLEX and would like to stay in it. She would like to get ahead and graduate early. Is she required to take classes in her public school while doing classes on flex??

  39. Sonya

    My daughter is already in flex with public school, we withdrew her from school and turned in the form intent to homeschool. How do I change it in the computer so I can approve her classes?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Sonya! Glad to help! To update her school of record to Home Ed, please have her log into her account and go to Student Records which she will find in the upper left hand corner of the Dashboard. Once under Student Records, please click on Academic Profile and you will change her Physical School to “Home Ed”. I hope this helps! Thanks!

  40. Sobia

    Can my child be enrolled in another public virtual school at the same time as FLVS Flex? And how will the courses he takes through Flex be counted towards his high school graduation? For example, if he takes Algebra 1 over the summer through Flex, how will that be reported to his full time school that he has already taken that course so he can go on to the next Math course after summer.


      Hi Sobia! Yes, many of our students take online courses while enrolled in a traditional public school! When you enroll in a course with FLVS as a public school student, the school guidance counselor will be prompted to approve the enrollment. Upon completion of the course, his grades will be reported to the school and part of his official transcript. Hope this helps!

  41. Parent

    Our child is a full time public school student and at the same time FLVS Flex student taking one extra half-semester AP class in addition to the day school. The Flex class was started in the Summer to have a head start and more time to learn the material well. We took a couple of two weeks breaks for travel in the Summer warning the teacher beforehand. We aim to finish before the AP exams start this year. To stay on the “traditional” pace we would have to aim at 5 assignments per week which is not possible with the day school load. We hope we can prolong it till February (which is in time for AP exams and actually earlier). Can we do so?


      Hi there! FLVS Flex courses do have flexibility in the time it takes to complete, so this should not be a concern for the AP course. We encourage you to stay in touch with the teacher of the course if adjustments need to be made for an extended pace.

  42. Parent

    I am waiting to transfer my 2nd-grade daughter, currently enrolled in a Florida Public School, to full-time FVLS. I have enrolled her, in the meantime, in the flexible FVLS-option, as enrollment for this semester is closed. I have two questions: 1- besides the letter of intent, is there any other required document that I must file with her local school? ; 2- when will registration begin for the full-time FVLS, Spring Semester? It would be better to have as smooth a transition as is possible. I wonder if we should just wait for enrollment for Spring to begin-but, I need to know the date when I can do so. Could you please give me a direction in these matters? Thanks

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Good evening,
      Thank you for your message! For the smoothest transition, you may consider your daughter staying a Home Ed student on the Flex side for this full year. As FLVS FT and Flex are the same curriculum, she would be learning the same material, have the same wonderful teachers etc! I find that for most students, it’s best not to move them in the middle of the year. An easier transition would be the fall of her 3rd grade year. Our awesome elementary team would be able to give you even more information, please contact Kellyann Rohr, LMHC
      FLVS Flex Elementary School Counselor
      If you are looking to apply to FLVSFT, their enrollment will open on October 14th for the spring semester.

      PS. For Home Ed, if you have withdrawn your student from their previous school and submitted the Notice of Intent to your county, you are all set! 🙂

  43. heather

    can my 8th grader sign up for flex pre algebra and still take pre algebra at middle school. he needs some extra help with this subject and I am looking for something that will help him with this subject. he currently is a full time 8th grader, just trying to see if he can take online classes and get credit for them as well.

    thank you

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      HI Heather,
      I hope all is well! As FLVS is a public school curriculum, students can not take the same course in public school as with us, as it’s considered a concurrent enrollment. He would be welcome to take a different course with us, just not the same one as he’s taking in school. If you are just looking for math prep, the Khan Academy is a wonderful resource! Also, http://www.algebranation.com may be helpful! Hope this helps!

  44. Donna

    Is FLVS Full Time considered a public school? And therefor student not eligible for the AAA Scholarship for Autism? Or, would we have to enroll him in a Home School program and take classes with FLVS Flex? My AAA representative said FLVS was eligible, but I fear it’s only for the Home School Flex program, not full time. He is in a private school now and receives the scholarship, but we want to do online at home instead. Just not sure I am qualified as a home school teacher..8th grade.


      Hi Donna. Yes, that is correct. FLVS Full Time is a tuition-free public school. If your son receives the Gardiner scholarship, you are eligible to take courses through FLVS Flex as a homeschool student (or while enrolled at the private school). The cost for each course will be taken from the Gardiner scholarship account after the add-drop period. You can find more information here: https://www.flvs.net/about/programs/scholarship-student-information. If you have more questions, please give us a call at 800-374-1430 in regard to scholarship eligibility.

  45. Kenia

    Hello right now im taking FLVS county i Want to know what is the diference between county and fulltime course ?why does county homeschool doesnt order a high school diploma ? Is county flvs just for homeschooled? If i take FLVS can i take it at home or do i have to go to a local school to take the courses? Im confused


      Hi Kenia. FLVS Flex allows you to take one or more courses (as a homeschool student or while attending traditional school). FLVS Full Time is a public school, so you take all your courses online (still from home) and are considered a public school student. If you are taking online courses through your county virtual school, you may be a homeschool student or a full-time public school student of the county. Diploma eligibility will depend on whether you are enrolled as a homeschool student or a full-time public school student of the district. Each county is a bit different, but you can learn more about county virtual schools here: https://www.flvs.net/county-virtual-school. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call! 800-374-1430

  46. Letesha Williams

    My daughter is currently enrolled as a flex student but thinking about fulltime to get a diploma. I see that the full time is a set schedule. What if she misses class that day or can start till later or can not keep up with assignments?


      Hi Letesha. There is still flexibility with the weekly schedule in FLVS Full Time and classes are recorded. Students are encouraged to follow a schedule to stay on pace for the semester, but the daily schedule can still be managed by each individual student and family.

  47. Myriam calderon

    Hi if my daughter is currently in homeschool and in flvs flex and next year in her senior year she is going to flvs full time . The same password and username she has for flex will she have it also for full?

  48. Amanda

    DO you accent DE course credit from Indian RIver State College? My daughter has been in FLex courses as well as taking DE classes at our local IRSC campus but would like to switch into FT for the remainder of her credits in order to have a HS Diploma and walk with the ceremony you provide. She has taken all required (or will have by the end of this school year) state testing at the local highschool and has all the credits through Flex and DE except for what she will enroll in FT…

  49. Donna

    What are the requirements for middle school? My son is in 7th grade but I would like to switch him from public school to FLVS. Would he need to take 6 courses at once both the remainder of this year and in 8th grade to be eligible for high school-on time.

  50. Alexander

    Hi, I just enrolled my daughter in FLVS flex, but she finished her 1st semester at a public school. We have picked all courses on segment 2. Do you have a form that we need fill out and send it to the public school in order to get her transcripts? or the school just give it to me as per my request? Thanks.


      Hi there! If your daughter will be taking courses as a homeschool student through FLVS Flex, we do not require transcripts for enrollment. However, you are welcome to ask the school for copies of her transcript for your records!

  51. Valessa

    My son is going into 7th grade and the core courses run year round. So my question is if he wanted to advance to the next course. How would we go about that? Are the courses for 7th grade year round or based on when the students finish the requirements for that subject?


      If your son is taking his courses through FLVS Flex as a homeschool student, he can start a new course anytime during the year. Whenever he is ready to advance to the next academically appropriate course, he is welcome to enroll in another course and accelerate his learning.

  52. Valessa Joseph

    Does middle school student receive any grades that are counted towards a calculated GPA? Do they receive a GPA only if they choose to take a course that is counted with credits? Secondly, could the child take Earth Space Science in 8th grade instead of 7th grade?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Good afternoon! If middle school students choose to take high school level courses, it’s important to know that they will count into their high school GPA. It is common for advanced 7th and 8th grade students to take high school level Earth/Space Science, but they need to know it will be a part of their high school GPA! Hope this helps!

  53. Abiana

    Hi There.

    I have been thinking about pulling my daughter from Public school (6th grade) at the end of the school year. Can we enroll her on the Flex program for 7th grade during the summer to see how she does and if she does NOT adapt to the system, then just continue with Public school ?
    Also can a student be enrolled in Public school and also take additional classes through FL Virtual Flex program?


      Hi Abiana! Yes, both are options! We would recommend starting with 1 or 2 courses over the summer (maybe an elective) to see how things go. If she doesn’t withdraw from the public school, then your current public school counselor will need to approve the courses. If you decide to enroll her in all of her classes online through FLVS Flex, you will need to register her with your local school district as a homeschool student – then you as the parent will approve her courses. You can find more info about homeschooling with FLVS at http://www.flvs.net/homeschool.

    2. Abiana

      Thank you Anne.
      If I decide to enroll my daughter on the Flex program now, how do the lessons for her core classes get determined being that she is already a month or so into the second semester?

      Also on your website, it says that Transcripts for Virtual Flex students are managed by a traditional school or parents. How can a traditional school manage the transcripts if I’m pulling her out ?

      And last, but not least, can the students start a course (an elective course) and then change it later (without finishing the first one)? For example, can they move from Spanish Intermediate to basic or from Spanish to French or even another course?

      1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

        Hi! Thanks for these great questions! FLVS Flex works by semesters (we call them segments). So, if you withdrew your student now, they would need to repeat the semester that they were in from the beginning. For example, if your student passed the 1st semester of English I in school and you are now withdrawing them, they would just need to take Segment/Semester 2 with us!

        As a home school parent, you would be in charge of your students transcripts. Students often have more than 1 transcript. FLVS Flex only includes FLVS Flex courses on our transcripts. So it is common for a student to have a separate public school transcript and an FLVS transcript. Home school parents want to make sure they keep that information organized!
        A student can withdraw from a course if it is best. However, if they do not complete the semester, they do not earn the credit. However, if a student takes Spanish I (1st semester) and decides they don’t like it and then wants to take French I (1st semester) that is ok! The student would then have earned a .5 credit in Spanish I and a .5 credit in French I. (For university admission and Bright Futures, we want to make sure a student has 2 levels of the same foreign language!) Hope this helps!

  54. Valessa

    Does the Fl Virtual Flex program offer students a high school diploma once they have the required 24 credits or do students need to also be enrolled in a public school in order to get a diploma?


      Hi Valessa! FLVS Flex student would need to be enrolled in a public or private school to earn a diploma but FLVS Full Time students are public school students and therefore can earn a state-issued high school diploma.


      Students do not receive a formal diploma through FLVS Flex, although they can still meet all of their graduation requirements as a homeschool student or while concurrently enrolled at their public school. Hope this helps!

  55. Hilary Isner

    Hi there! My daughter is currently in 4th grade and enrolled in public school. She will be going into 5th grade for the 2020/2021 school year, but we would like to homeschool her. We’d like to do a trial run and was wondering if we can we sign up for flex classes to start 5th grade over summer?

  56. Valessa

    Does FLVS full time or flex provide accommodations for students with a diagnosis and IEP plan? Additional time on exams for example.

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      HI Valessa,
      I hope all is well! Yes, with both FLVS Flex and FT, we can provide accommodations as needed. As FLVS Flex is not a school of record, we do not update IEP’s or write them. However, if a student has an IEP, we can use those accommodations such as extended time! FLVS FT is it’s own school of record and does update IEP’s/504’s! Hope this helps!


  57. Devon

    I am considering withdrawing my daughter from public school (current 4th grade) due to bullying issues. So I would want her to have the same full time expierence that she has now in public (schedule, and such). What would be the process to enrollment if I fully decide to go this route. -Thank You

  58. Tamsin

    If they are doing the same work on the Full-time and Flex and complete all the work, why is it for the Full-time you get a high school Diploma and not for the Flex program? And if I have my child do the Flex program in middle school but switch her over in high school, will she be able to graduate with a high school diploma?


      FLVS Full Time is considered an official public school of record, so we manage the student’s records and require state testing. With FLVS Flex, students take courses while attending a traditional school or must be registered with their county as a homeschool student. Even though these homeschool students complete the same work, the parent is the one who manages student’s records and ensures they complete all high school requirements. And yes – if your child attends FLVS Full Time for high school, they are eligible for a diploma from FLVS Full Time. Hope this helps!

        1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

          Hi! If a student would like a State of Florida diploma, they could choose to take their GED. If a student completed as a Home School Student, their parent could graduate them with the Home School Affidavit as their document of graduation, or again they are welcome to take the GED if they’d like!

  59. Audri

    Hi, I’m an upcoming senior and I need an art credit and an English credit to fulfill my graduation requirements, and I am going to dual enroll as a senior. I wanted to use FLVS Flex, but I saw that I can’t get my diploma from that, so what would I have to do to either get my diploma and use FLVS Flex or get my diploma from FLVS?
    Thank you!


      Hi Audri, If you wish to take some online courses with FLVS Flex, you will graduate with a diploma from your school of record. However, if you want to receive an official diploma from FLVS Full Time with us being your public school of record, then Full Time is the way to go. If you need more advice, we recommend reaching out to a guidance counselor at your school or FLVS!


      Students who complete all of their high school requirements (through either Flex or Full Time) will have the same academic and educational qualifications as a traditional high school student. 🙂

  60. Valessa

    Do all high schools accept FLex credits? For example, if a student completed their 9th and 10th years at home with Flex courses but hen wanted to enroll in a local community high school, would the high school accept the previous courses completed from the Flex program?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Valessa! I hope all is well! Yes, absolutely! As FLVS Flex is a public school curriculum, we have the same standards, credits, Florida certified teachers and course codes as any other public school in Florida! You can feel confident that any completed credits that you have with FLVS Flex will transfer over to a local Florida public school! Hope this helps!

  61. Georgina Manzanares

    Hi, I have 2 kids in public school. 1 in 4th grade now and 1 in 9th grade. I am considering enrolling both kids for flvs full time. My high schooler has a laptop already from school. If she enrolls in the program, will she get another laptop (assuming she would have to return the high school one) for school or would that have to be the parents end to do that? I figure I have to with my elementary child but not sure my high schooler? My high school child is also in the vet program in high school. Who do I talk to to see if she can still be in the program while on full time program if possible? Also both kids have 504, I already read your informational packet that has info on that. But my question is how long do we have to wait to see if both kids can be in the program after submitting the paperwork? Thank you.

    1. Georgina Manzanares

      Also I forgot to mention my high schooler is also in the calculus program too. Would she still be able to part take in that program in the flvs full time? Thanks

      1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

        Good morning Ms. Georgina! These are great questions! As we want to make sure we give you the best information possible for your specific kiddo, I think it’s best that we connect you with your school counselor! If possible, please email us at info@flvs.net and we can connect you with a counselor to help you! In the email, please let us know if you are looking at FLVS Full Time (our public school option), or FLVS Flex (as a home ed student) so we can direct you to the best person to answer you questions! Thanks!

  62. Maria

    We are close to finishing our second year as a FLVS Full Time family. We are considering switching to Flex. My main question is what are the records that need to be maintained by us as parents. It is my understanding that the curriculum is the same, so do FLEX teachers still grade work submitted and tests as they do in Full Time, but there is no official report card?

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      Hi Maria! I hope all is well! With FLVS Flex, your student would have the same amazing teachers and curriculum as FLVSFT. Our Flex teachers will be grading, giving feedback and issuing the final grade to an official transcript just like FLVSFT. However, if your student becomes a Home Ed student to take our FLEX courses, it’s best for you to create a portfolio as well. To maintain a portfolio for FLVS courses taken, simply:
      Make sure you save samples of the work you turn in. It doesn’t have to be everything, just samples of written assignments and tests for each module.
      Before you take the midterm and final exams, print / copy the grade book and save it in a file.
      Save the Final Grade Report you receive via email at the end of the segment.
      A home education parent must be able to provide this portfolio for inspection to the school district superintendent within 15 days of written notice. While they don’t often ask to see this, it’s important to stay on top of your student’s records. This portfolio must be kept for two years. You may find this blog post helpful as well: https://blog.flvs.net/8-simple-rules-for-homeschooling/ Thanks! 🙂

  63. Parent

    Can my child take the segment 2 (They did segment 1 already)of an FLVS class even if they are graduating next month? They are in FLVS FLex , can they still take the class after they graduated?

  64. Emily

    I just recently applied for flvs full time and would like to know how long does it take for me to get accepted.

    Thank You

  65. Dolly

    If my son is enrolled in full time FLVS can he choose to take an elective class at the local school? He is interested in JROTC

  66. Valessa Joseph

    Hi. I am aware that the classes in the FLVS Flex are done in segments. What is the length of time for each of the segmented classes for students in 7th or 8th graders?


      Hi Valessa! The standard pace for most courses is 18 weeks, similar to a typical semester. Students can adjust this pace to suit their needs as long as they are showing weekly progress!

  67. NL

    Hello, we are strongly considering full time 1st and 5th grades. What if we can’t make it to the 3 hours of class time in the mornings, but can complete all work in the evenings? Will students be marked absent or points taken off for not attending? Will a first grade student need to have a parent sitting with them during the 3 hrs? Does the flex (non home school) mean completion of both b&m course requirements as well as FLVS course requirements? Thanks in advance.

  68. Megan

    I have a few questions. First, can my son take mostly flex classes but still attend a select few at his local zoned high school? Also, can he attend an academy course at a different zoned high school?


      Hi Megan, Students who attend a physical brick & mortar school can take online courses. If you need more advice, we recommend reaching out to a guidance counselor at your school or FLVS!

  69. C. F.

    Can we apply to the full time option now and wait to make a final decision until closer to the start of school?

    Are there a limited number of slots/capacity for high school?

    Are students still eligible for Bright Futures who do FT FLVS?


      Hi there! Yes, you can still apply now and revisit later in the summer. Enrollment typically closes for FLVS Full Time in mid-July and there is an enrollment cap. There is also the option to take courses as a homeschool student through FLVS Flex which allows you to start one or more courses anytime during the year (no enrollment deadline). Either way, all Florida students (including those enrolled with FLVS) are eligible for Bright Futures!

  70. Sally

    My son goes to private school he is in 7 th grade and I want him to take a geometry course that his private school offered in 10 th grade would the school allow him to do so,


      Hi Sally! If he’s ready for material and his current school is in agreement, he can take an advanced course! The school counselor or administrator will need to approve the course after you enroll.

  71. Emma

    I have read that FT FLVS and Flex have the same teachers and same curriculum. Is FT “live” and Flex “recorded” videos? I’m trying to choose between FT, Flex, and county options. For young elementary students (1st and 4th grade) what do you recommend? I like the idea of flexibility but wonder if structure is better for young kids? Thank you!

    1. Anne FlennerAnne Flenner

      HI Emma! I hope all is well! FLVS Full Time and FLVS Flex both offer live lessons (and also recorded lessons.) The county franchises utilize FLVS Flex curriculum, but the teachers/funding stay in the county. County virtual schools are often most like FLVS Full Time in that most start in August and end in May (on a more traditional school year). If you are looking into flexibility in scheduling courses (like having your kiddos focus on 2-3 courses at a time and moving quickly through the material) and then moving onto the next courses…then FLVS Flex may be best. FLVS Flex is just the year-round flexible version where you can create a schedule that works best for your students. Every student is different in what will work best. Even with Flex, it is truly the family creates the structure for them (when they work, where they work, etc.)! No matter what you choose, we always suggest that families take a big part in helping planning what the “everyday schedule” looks like! I hope this helps!

  72. Valessa Joseph

    Hi My son current school has 7th grade students taking world geography and on flex it indicated the requirement is taking CIVICS for 7th grade. Will we run into any issues with the differences with these core classes?

  73. Connie

    We are considering full time K and 5th grades. Someone above asked these questions but I didn’t see an answer. Reposting them here as I am curious about them as well:

    “What if we can’t make it to the 3 hours of class time in the mornings, but can complete all work in the evenings? Will students be marked absent or points taken off for not attending? Will a first grade student need to have a parent sitting with them during the 3 hrs? Does the flex (non home school) mean completion of both b&m course requirements as well as FLVS course requirements? Thanks in advance.”


      Hi Connie. All course standards are the same. This means if your student is just taking one Flex course online and other courses at their local school, they can’t take the same subject/course twice (for example, 1st grade Math at both at FLVS and at their brick-and-mortar school). Your children can take all of their courses with Flex on their own schedule if registered with the county as a homeschool student. Learn more at https://flvs.net/homeschool.

      As for attendance, there are recordings available for those who cannot attend live. Your student will not be marked absent or penalized for not attending. Learn more at https://flvs.net/elementary.

  74. michelle

    Hello, I’m a working mom but would love to put my child in a FLVS full-time. Would you recommend this option? and is the hours flexible for example in the afternoons?


      Hi Michelle! The schedule varies by grade and courses taken, but FLVS Full Time students have morning announcements and live lessons through out the week. Independent work can be completed at any time. Hope this helps!

  75. Tais R.

    So for my senior year I want to do virtual for the first half of the year and the 2nd semester I want to finish school at my local school so would that mean I would do flex or full time? Also if I do virtual for the first half and return to school for the second would I lose any progress I did or how would that work?


      Hi Tais,
      If your plan is to go back to your local public school for the 2nd semester, FLVS Flex as a Home Ed student may be best. With Flex, you can take the courses you need to stay on track and then transition right back to your local public school in the spring! As you are able to use FLVS Flex courses as a home ed student or public school student, you can continue courses with Flex when you go back to public school if needed.

  76. Miss Smith

    I second this question. If we can not make it to the FLVS Full Time morning announcements or class times, because during this covid craziness I work during those times, but we can do it in the evenings…so will they get absences or is there any issue with doing that???


      Hi Miss Smith,
      Attendance is tracked by log ins to the student information system and completion of assignments. All class times and live lessons are recorded and posted to teacher announcement pages to be viewed anytime. We highly encourage attendance, but understand it’s not always possible. If a student is struggling and participating in additional small group or 1:1 sessions with teachers, those would be required.

  77. Valessa Joseph

    Hi I believe this question got lost in the shuffle. Hi My son current school has 7th grade students taking world geography and on flex it indicated the requirement is taking CIVICS for 7th grade. Will we run into any issues with the differences with these core classes?

    Reply ↓


      Hi Valessa,
      The best thing to do would be to contact your FLVS counselor to review your student’s transcript to advise. In middle school, social studies courses like: World History, US History and Civics may be taken in different years. If going back to public school, your school counselor can advise you of the common progression in your county!

  78. Taslini Baksh-Khan

    Hi I have 2 children both with an IEP. I am thinking the flex option would probably work better for us. How would I go about selecting appropriate classes for them at their level? Additionally, since they would not be taking any standardized test, should I choose to return them to a physical school how will that work? Thank you.

  79. Kindra

    We are debating Full Time vs Flex before the deadline tomorrow. If it is our HOPE that we can return our child to B&M school for the second half of the year, does Flex make more sense for a smooth transition?


      Hi Kindra, We recommend students enroll with FLVS Flex if they plan to return to B&M during the 2020-21 school year. Hope this helps!

  80. Jenna Cathey

    Hello. I enrolled both of my children in FLVS Flex through our county. My question is will they still be able to take holidays off like a traditional school calendar like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring break etc.? They go out of town to visit their father and need to be able to have those breaks without being penalized or marked absent.


      Hi Jenna, Yes! FLVS students and staff do have holiday breaks. If your student is taking FLVS Flex students through your county, they will follow the school’s 2020-21 calendar.

  81. Isel Del.

    Also, if my child goes for 9th grade in FLEX and then switches to full time for 10th, and is more advanced than a regular 10th grader, meaning she has taken her 10 grade level classes, does she get moved up to 11th grade. If so, would she be able to start dual enrollment?


      FLVS Full Time is a public school and follows a more traditional track. She would be placed into 11th grade courses if she has already completed 12 credits in the common course progression. FLVS Full Time students can dual enroll after they have been with FLVS Full Time for at least a semester. As a Home Ed student on FLVS Flex, students can generally dual enroll as early as 10th grade if they meet criteria for their local college/university dual enrollment program. Hope this helps!

  82. Chris

    I see that Culinary 1 and 2 are only available for FLVS full time students. Are they available through FLVS if the student is enrolled full time in their county virtual school instead of FLVS full-time? The county virtual does not have it as an option. If the county virtual school student can take these courses through FLVS when are they available? When we tried to register it says the class is not available.

  83. Valessa+Joseph

    Hi if a student is taking a flex course with two sessions and completes the first session but would like to take a break before completing the second session? Is that an option and would they need just to notify the instructor?


      Yes, FLVS Flex students can start and end courses at any time, with more flexibility to create custom schedules with teachers. Let your teacher know and they can help with this!

  84. Ninoska

    Hello I just want to know if I enroll my daughter in full time flvs do I need to do the letter of intent to send to the superintendant and register her in the county as a a homeschool student.

  85. Tianah

    Are students allowed to start flvs full time at any point of the year? What if the last day to turn in an application has passed, can students still enroll?


      Hi Tianah, FLVS Full Time enrollment is now closed for fall 2020. However, you can still enroll with FLVS Flex at any point in time to take some or all of your courses online. If you take all of your courses through FLVS Flex, the main difference is that the student must be registered with the district as a home education student.

  86. Valeria Aguilar

    Hello, My daughter are assisting a charter school (4th and 7th grade) and this year they will be working online. My question is if they can continue with their school curriculum, but in addition enroll in FLVS flex core classes like Spanish or Chinese and/or elective classes like Photography or Guitar (for middle)?
    We speak Spanish at home but they need to learn formally, Thank would really save us money on private lessons and this year saving money is critical!


      Yes, that’s an option! Since your daughters will still be registered with their current school, the charter school counselor or administrator will be able to approve the courses after you enroll. Hope this helps!

  87. Taliya

    For FLVS Flex, can you take all the course you need for that year and just finish earlier so it is easier to skip a grade, or do you have to use FLVS full time in order to complete a whole school year’s worth of classes on florida virtual school?

    1. Taliya

      What I mean by this is basically, do you have to be enrolled in a school to do flex, or can you use it like you use full time but you are just fully in control of your schedule.

      1. FLVSFLVS

        Yes, if can register with your local county district as a homeschool student and take all of your courses through FLVS Flex, you have full control of your school year schedule (when you start and finish courses).


      Hi Taliya. If you are looking to take courses on an accelerated pace to finish early or complete a grade level more quickly, FLVS Flex would be the way to go!

    1. Taliya

      I am asking because I am almost done with segment 1 in 2 courses, and I plan on starting segment 2 during the school year and I don’t know if I’m allowed do that and full time during the school year if you have to follow a schedule for full time.

  88. Nellie

    If my child is registered for Seminole County Virtual School, can they also sign up for a class on FLVS Flex? Can they choose a high school elective if they are in middle school? If said elective is worth a high school credit will that transfer over to the students high school credits when\ if they go back to actual school in high school?


      Hi Nellie, Most county virtual schools have students take all of their courses with the county franchise. However, if there is a course that they do not offer, you can ask the counselor to see if they could take a certain course with FLVS. We are glad to serve them if it’s appropriate. It is common for middle school students to take high school level electives, especially in their 9th grade year. If a student takes a high school level course, it will count as a high school credit and factor into their GPA.

  89. Maribel

    Hello, my 15-year-old son would like to enroll in FLVX flex but, but he wants to know if he is required to go to a school in person as a requirement, or can he take this as his normal online school. Thank you

  90. Aliccia

    Hi, I just got promoted to 10th grade at a public High-school. I wanted to see if I could earn College credits by enrolling into FLVS Full-Time. Unfortunately I missed the deadline on an accident. I was really hoping to start FLVS Full-Time during my 10th grade year. So I was wondering is there anyway I could still try to apply without waiting until, next Fall come around? If not, can I be able to earn High School credits for classes that I have not yet taken?

  91. Rose

    My daughter has just enrolled in flvs full time but can she also do flvs flex at the same time because she need HOPE but when she signed up she forgot to put it on her course options or when she gets put in the classses will she have an option to change it so she can put the HOPE class in place of another?

  92. Suzana

    My son is doing flex classes. He would like to go to pubic high school next year. Do these flex courses
    give him credit towards his high school diploma? If he graduates from a public high school? If not, can he take a standardized test to get credited for these courses?

  93. Kelsey

    Hi I took FLVS Flex from 7th grade through 8th grade and I believe I took more than 3 courses. I am now a junior, did it change and am I able to add more than 3 courses to my Flex program? I am trying to take at least 5 courses as well as a dual enrollment course.


      Hi Kelsey. If you are a public or private school student taking our courses, we allow 3 at a time. If there is an extraneous circumstance, an override can be made if needed.

  94. amanda

    If i have enrolled in flvs full time but want to switch to flvs flex would i still be able to unenroll even through the school year has already started?

  95. Amy

    Hi there, my son attends an OCPS middle school. I want him to take classes through FLVS that they do not offer at his school. His counselor told me he could take FLVS flex classes but he has to remain enrolled in a full-time schedule at his middle school. Is this true? I really want him to take the classes offered by FLVS instead of the electives offered at his school becuase the FLVS classes would benefit him in the long run but I don’t want to overwelm him with 9 classes. Don’t the Florida State Statutes give us the option to take flex classes through FLVS instead of and not in addition to a full-time schedule at a public school?

  96. Deirdre Baird

    I’ve tried to read through ever question to ensure you haven’t answered this one yet. My son is in 9th grade at a public highschool and is taking Chinese 2 via FLVS Flex. My question is, can his highschool mandate that he stay on campus for his online FLEX class or is he allowed to do that period at home (where his computer is located)? He is taking 6 full classes with the public school and the flex class is his 7th class; we want to be able to bring him to school later or bring him home earlier so that the Flex class can be done at our house and at a time that works with his sport schedule.

    Thank you!


      Hi Deirdre! There is not a state mandate regarding this, therefore it is a school decision. Every district is a bit different! Please contact your school directly to find out more about their policies.

  97. Tanice Speziale

    Hi. My son is at a private school with a McKay scholarship and as he is at home doing online school he cant do digital art as we don’t have a PC so the school said he can take leadership in flex but I don’t want it to jeopardize losing his scholarship. My son hasn’t taken any classes online with flvs and i know he can take two class but can he take leadership?

  98. Lucia Minnig

    hi, hoe many courses i have to take per semester in Flex, for example can i take 3 courses one semester and then take other 3 in the next semester, or do i have to take 6 courses.

  99. Diego Rodriguez

    So I did not know that I could not graduate by taking FLVS flex courses, and I think I would want to switch over to FLVS full time. I know it is currently not an option, but if I were to switch over to full time in the second semester enrollment period, would I lose anything? Would I have to make up the first semester that I lost while doing FLVS flex to graduate? Also, for FLVS full time, do I have to go outside my house to take any tests at school or other places (other than the AP tests in May). I am a bit worried at the moment, so if I could get an answer that would be great. Thank you!


      Hi Diego. Yes, courses completed with FLVS Flex will count towards your graduation requirements and FLVS Full Time students are required to take state standardized tests. You can reach out to one of our FLVS Counselors to ensure that you’re on track for graduation.

  100. Kirsten

    im looking into doing flex for my son but was told that we need to have a scholarship or had to pay out of pocket? The website says free?

  101. Bailey

    Hi, as a current flex student I was wondering how flexible this option is meant to be? Can I take a few weeks off without activity or do I have to be active every week? I’m currently also dual-enrolled in college and I would like to get a part-time job as well. So it would be helpful if I was able to take an occasional week off to focus on college and work.

  102. Ashton Trister

    Hello! I’m currently enrolled through my schools online program along with two classes on FLVS flex. I was wondering if I could do FLVS flex for all of my classes and withdrawal from my public high school, if not do I have to take FLVS full time? Also, will I have to start all my classes over since it’s not through my school anymore? I’m almost done with both segment 1 of my classes. And is there any information needed like school records or can my counselors at school set that up?

        1. FLVSFLVS

          Hi Ashton! FLVS Flex is still an option for next semester for students who register with their county home education office as a homeschool student. You can enroll in all of your spring courses now to start in January at FLVS.net.


      Hi Ashton, If you would like to take all of your courses with FLVS Flex, you will need to contact your District Home Education office to submit your notice of intent to homeschool. You can find the steps to enroll at https://www.flvs.net/homeschool. FLVS Full Time is also an option, where FLVS would be your school of record and you would have the opportunity to graduate with a Florida Virtual School diploma. Hope this helps!

  103. Suze

    We wanted to start flex program but don’t want our children ( 1st and 4 th grades) to have to repeat the first semester given that the earliest flex start date is December 1st. Ideally we wanted to start as soon as possible. If we start December first do they have to do the first and second module? What is the date that would be typical for starting second semester? Thank you


      Hi Suze, Your children would not need to repeat the first semester if they have already completed it with their school. With FLVS Flex, students have the opportunity to start courses when they would like and work at their own pace but on a typical school calendar, students would generally start the second semester after Winter Break.

  104. Marisa

    so with school being the mess it is this year my grades have took a harsh hit which would leave me several classes behind for this year I’ve called my district and they were not much help whereas they pretty much told me that they had nothing to say/ help me with, i need to completely retake my English 3 class from the beginning and finish it by august so pretty much 2 semesters in one. so full time home education would be more along my lines i plan on re enrolling in my highschool starting the fall so i can graduate with diploma and ceremony ect. but i need to catch up credits, what should i do in this case? can i do full time flvs flex until august without being in traditional school also?

    1. Morgan Goldstein

      Are FLEX students allowed a one, or a two-week break during a segment? I assume they would have to take a break in all of the classes they are taking at the same time. If they are doing a different pace or accelerated pace, would the break change? Thank you.

      1. FLVSFLVS

        Hi Morgan, With FLVS Flex, students can take a break when needed. Just be sure to reach out to your teachers individually to discuss your schedule. Hope this helps!

  105. G. K.

    I am currently in High School and I am taking an FLVS Flex course, if I am behind and based on my pace I should be done with my Segment, can I still pass the course after the end week passes?


      Hi G. K. We recommend reaching out to your teacher to discuss your academic progress. They can work with you to help you get back on track.

  106. Jalina

    So I see that once you join FLVS full time, you are required to do the state testing in order to get your diploma. What tests would those be? I am aware that the Algebra 1 EOC, and ELA( reading and writing) FSA, are required. What other tests are required to get your diploma?
    I know the EOC’s are 30% of your final grade, what other EOC’s are required?
    When is the best time to take them?
    If I join FLVS full time for my senior year with only 6 more credits to complete, would I take all my exams during that time period?

    Please answer confirm all my questions and statements please

  107. Lissette

    My son is in 2nd grade and is currently enrolled in flex. I want to enroll him in full-time for the fall. I would like to know how many days a week is class time. Flex is just 2x a week for about 2 hrs. The rest of the time I am teaching him, it’s just to much for me.

  108. Gianna

    Hi, I am looking to enroll in FLVS Full time next year as a sophomore and I have a few questions.
    1. Is there a set schedule everyday? Ex: First class 9:00am-10:00am stuff like that.
    2. Do you get to choose your own courses or are they picked for you?

    1. Gianna

      also can you be enrolled in full time and my counties district school OR flex and fulltime at the same time?

      1. FLVSFLVS

        Hi Gianna, Students enrolled in FLVS Full Time would not be able to take additional courses with FLVS Flex or their county school. If you would like to take addition courses, we recommend reaching out to one of your school counselors or FLVS about FLVS Flex.


      Hi Gianna! Yes, students enrolled in FLVS Full Time do have scheduled live lessons for each course on Monday-Thursday. Although students are highly encourages to attend, they are recorded for later viewing.

      Students can select from a list of courses, including Honors, AP, CTE, and World Languages. You can view the high school course list at https://www.flvs.net/full-time/courses. We also offer a suggested course progression for FLVS Full Time students, which can be viewed at https://www.flvs.net/student-resources/full-time/graduation-requirements.

  109. Nicole Lee

    If my child is enrolled full time face to face and is also doing FLVS to get ahead, could he complete an English credit over the course of a summer?

  110. parker murphy

    Hello i am in 8th grade right now planning to do flex until i graduate and i heard you get the Home School Affidavit instead of a diploma, is the Home School Affidavit as good as the diploma and will i still be able to get in trade school with it if the school requires a diploma. and i was wondering if its ok to do flex until i graduate because i plan on working with my faimlies business for a while.


      Hi Parker – We recommend reaching out to your FLVS Flex counselor to discuss your goals and the options that best meet your academic needs. 🙂

  111. Aniya

    What happens if you don’t finish all work in the second segment of a class and get withdrawn but you got in good grade in first segment in full time? Can you still pass the class?

  112. Stephanie Leon Miguez

    Hello, I am currently enrolled FLVS Full-time and was wondering If I could do FLVS Flex at the same time? I want to take 2 additional core classes.


      Hi Stephanie, FLVS Full Time students can take up to 6 courses at a time. If you would like to take additional courses, you can enroll in FLVS Flex over the summer!

  113. Patricia Zaremba

    Are there specific supplies needed for online school? Will there be everything needed when they sign in for school through the portal?

  114. Elizabeth Usanmaz

    I did E-Learning with my son for the previous school year. Does FLVS have a daily schedule to keep? For instance, we had Zoom times in E-Learning to attend. Are there daily Zooms in FLVS?

  115. Jewel Klix

    Hi i’m a senior in public school, i’m trying to keep my hours at my job so i wanted to start flvs full time but i see the registration is closed so i was wondering if i could do courses on flex and switch to flvs ft in november?

  116. ashton

    hi I’m starting fifth grade on Monday and i would like to know if I can finish all of my classes and be done for school by February

  117. Lauren

    So I’m a senior and am doing the first semester as a home ed student and taking flvs flex courses, but I want to transfer to flvs full time for the second semester of senior year. Would I be able to do this?

  118. Latrice

    How do we as parents get in touch with teachers if our child is on the full time schedule? Are they using class dojo? How can we monitor their grades what system is being use to do that please advise ..

    Concerned parent

  119. Marquis Cruz

    Hello! I am currently a freshman, and I would like to know if a high school diploma is attainable if I enrolled in FLVS Flex the second semester of this year, and my freshman & junior year, but then switched to FLVS Full Time my senior year, or perhaps even as late as the second semester of my senior year.


      Hi Marquis – yes you can receive your high school diploma from FLVS by switching to Full Time. The enrollment period for FLVS Full Time is only twice a year (in May for fall and in November for the Spring) so switching will need to occur during those windows. You can sign up to be notified when enrollment opens at https://www.flvs.net/full-time.

  120. lucie

    Hello I am currently enrolled through my county virtual school. I was wondering if I can still get my High School Diploma through my county virtual school??


      Hi Lucie! Yes, you would earn your diploma through your primary public school of record. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your school counselor with any additional questions you may have about graduation requirements! 🙂

  121. Kere

    Hi, so to register my son on the flex program I need to remove him from school and register him as homeschool student?, 2. can he do the flex for many years and do the las year of high school on the full program? or at a public school so he can get a diploma? is this acceptable?


      Hi Keren! Students can enroll with FLVS Flex as homeschool students or take courses with FLVS Flex to supplement their education while attending their school of record. Student can also switch to FLVS Full Time or back to their traditional school for senior year if they would like to graduate with a diploma.

      1. Keren

        Thank you So much for the response, you all are doing a great job, the material for flex is all on line? or can er request for hard copies/books?

  122. Arthur

    My daughter attends a private school and is on an IEP and also has a scholarship. She was enrolled into FLVS flex for one class which was HOPE due to medical issues, which she finished in 5 and 1/2 months. I really would like for her to continue taking courses through flex but she is stuck on staying in a brick and mortar School just for socialization I’m guessing. We had planned on her taking college credits during high School how can she accomplish this using your program and while staying in a brick and mortar School?


      Hi Alysha, Students who take FLVS Flex courses in addition to traditional school will have the opportunity to graduate from their school of record but Florida Virtual School does not offer diplomas to FLVS Flex students. If you would like to take all of your courses online and earn a diploma, check out our FLVS Full Time program!

  123. Amir

    I’m finishing up my junior year now with fulltime, and moving onto my senior year, with flex is it possible to start and finish my senior early, if so, what are the pros and cons?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Amir. Yes, You can start and finish your senior year early with FLVS Flex. Please keep in mind that students can not earn a diploma through FLVS Flex.

  124. jessica

    Do you have to be enrolled at a public/private school to do FLVS flex? Also can you graduate high school if you do FLVS flex or do you have to be in FLVS full time?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Jessica— Public, private, and homeschool students can take courses with FLVS Flex but students cannot earn a diploma through FLVS Flex. Hope this helps!

  125. Lauren

    Im going to be a senior and plan to start virtual. If i choose FLVS full time, could i only take the classes i need to graduate or do i have to take 6 classes? I only need 2 classes and a few more credits for electives to graduate. I dont want to fill up remaining classes with electives i dont need/want. If i choose FLVS flex, is it any different?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Lauren, FLVS Full Time students do take 6 courses per semester. We recommend reaching out to one of the FLVS counselors to discuss your options.

  126. Valerie Rodriguez

    Hi, I was just wondering if my child took FLVS Flex from ninth grade to eleventh grade since she has the flexibility she needs but then transfers to FLVS Full Time when she gets to senior year will she still be able to graduate with a diploma?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Valerie, Yes. If she is on track with all of her courses, she can switch to FLVS Full Time in 12th grade to graduate with a diploma. 🙂

  127. Rylan

    If my child was enrolled in home education and took FLVS Flex classes, would I need to keep track of all his work, as in be his teacher?

  128. Kathy

    My son was supposed to be in 8th grade this year but got held back and is repeating 7th grade, is he still eligible to start FLVS Full Time?

  129. Fernando

    If I enroll for Flvs flex this fall term can I enroll for Full time in the spring term next year and still get my diploma? (I’m senior)

  130. Mariana Pinilla Ladino

    Hello I am trying to start in flvs flex but I go to a charter school and they only allow me to 3 classes when I want to do 6 what do I do can I make two different accounts?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Mariana, We recommend reaching out to your school counselors or an FLVS counselor to chat about your options.

  131. Isabella

    Hi. I am in 11th grade and this is my first year being homeschooled. I am currently in FLVS flex but I was thinking of enrolling into Full Time for my senior year next year so I can get a diploma. My question is, what is the bell schedule for high school? I read in the post that full time also provided flexibility but I have seen other students comment that they enrolled in full time and had to be on zoom from the morning until the afternoon, like 9-3. Is that the schedule for elementary? What is the weekly bell schedule for High School? I need flexibility for my other activities, but I do want to receive a diploma.

  132. Elijah

    My son failed all his first quarter classes due to health reasons but would like to enroll for fulltime in the spring semester, would he still be eligible?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Sayla! Courses are led by FLVS teachers but parents are strongly encouraged to monitor students’ progress to ensure weekly assignments are completed. Elementary school students do require more supervision and support than middle and high school students who begin to work on their courses independently. Hope this helps!

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Jordan, If you’re already enrolled in FLVS Flex or FLVS Full Time, you can participate in various tutoring sessions hosted by our students and clubs. Check out your student dashboard for more info!

  133. Yesenia

    Hello how much time can a FLEX student take off per segment? Is 1 week for Thanksgiving and 2 weeks off for Christmas/Thanksgiving ok? Does is matter what week they are currently working in? I was told that unless you complete the first 16 weeks of segment 1 that you cannot take 1 week for Thanksgiving and then 2 for Christmas?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Yesenia! FLVS Flex courses do offer more flexibility than FLVS Full Time courses. We recommend reaching out to your FLVS teacher or counselor for more information about extended holiday.

      1. Yesenia

        I keep getting told to reach out to the teacher but would like to know what the policy is on that as the teachers don’t make the policies

        1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

          Hi Yesenia, FLVS builds 2 weeks of floating vacation into each segment/semester course. If you plan on not working at all in a week, please just let your teacher know that you would like to take a vacation week so they do not worry about you! If you need more than two weeks throughout the semester/segment course, please talk with your teacher directly! If you are working hard, they are going to be able to work with you to finish up strong!

  134. Peyton Bolton

    Hello, I’m looking to enroll in 8th grade flextime classes during the second semester. I have already completed the first semester at public school, so my question is, would I have to re-do the first semester and start this second semester on flex, or would I only have to complete my second semester? Another question I have is which classes I would need to complete to graduate from middle school to high school, considering I’ve already completed my first semester at a public school. Can I choose one elective plus two core classes or must they all be core classes considering my situation?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Peyton, You would not need to redo your first semester. Please reach out to your school counselor to discuss your grade-level requirements and next steps. Thanks!

  135. Kimberly

    Good evening. I have a question. I am enrolling my son into 9th grade IB University HS. He has to have completed Algebra 1 prior to attending to start as an incoming freshman this August 2023. My son took the first half of the semester with a duel block of pre algebra for period 4 and Algebra 1 for period 5. They were considered a duel block but 1 math class. He was struggling with almost 2 hours of math back to back and had a D in that class. In the mist of this he was diagnosed with ADD. They dropped the Algebra 1 right after Christmas break and put him in a full block of pre algebra. So for the second semester he now only has pre algebra an has an A. I spoke with the Geometry teachers at the new University this evening and they said he needs to first finish Algebra 1 to be able to start in August. Beings that he has already taken the first semester of it but had a D. Can he take a half semester of Algebra 1 or does he need to take a full semester of Algebra 1. We would be doing this Flex. I would like to start this ASAP, while he is attending his 8th grade classes now during this current school year. He currently attends public school on campus. Please advise, or contact me if easier. Thank you. Concerned momma.-Kimberly

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Kimberley, This will depend on if he has completed the first semester of Algebra 1. Please reach out to your school counselor or an FLVS school counselor to discuss his situation in more detail.

  136. Axel

    Can I do FLVS Flex all the way up to my last semester senior year and get a complete Bright Futures Scholarship as well as have all my credits from FLVS Flex transfer ?

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Axel, please reach out to your school counselor or an FLVS counselor to discuss your academic path in more detail.

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Joyce, FLVS Flex students have the flexibility to take courses year-round and can take a summer break if they would like whereas FLVS Full Time students follow a traditional 10-month school year.

        1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

          The length of the course will be determined by the number of credits. The estimated completion time for a 0.5 credit course is 16-18 weeks whereas the 1 credit course is 32-36 weeks.

  137. Emma

    It say that I need to take 6 courses at a time, but I need to finish 7 courses, 2 of which are half-credit. So would I take 1 during the first semester and the other during the second?

  138. Misty

    My child started flvs flex in October for 9th grade . He completed first quarter in traditional but since he didn’t finish the whole semester he had to repeat everything with flex but the thing is I want to put him back in traditional school or flvs full time. Would he need to finish segment 1 in its entirety before being able to do flvs full time spring semester

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Misty, Thanks for reaching out! Please contact your child’s school counselor so we can assist you further.

  139. kiralyn brewster

    hey so i am a flvs flex student intrested in taking culinary arts but its for full time students only. is there any way i can take that course at all? thanks.

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Kiralyn, If you’d like to take Culinary at FLVS you can enroll in Full Time for the 2024-25 school year. Enrollment opens June 3.

  140. Pam

    Your Infographic states that tuition is free for “all Florida residents” but I have heard that FLVS Flex is not free for PEP students but must be paid for using scholarship dollars. Which is correct? Also, if there is a fee for Florida Personalized Education Plan PEP students, how much is the charge?

  141. aerial

    Hello im in 12th grade and i graduate on the 29th. However due to personal reason i have to move. is there any way i can finish my last two weeks of school on flvs or do i do it on flvs flex. I still want my diploma but the flkvs emrollment is already closed. How would i go about doing this and which one would i choose

    1. Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones

      Hi Aerial, Thanks for reaching out! Please contact your school counselor to discuss your graduation options.


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