Online Elementary Teachers Bring Learning to Life
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! Whether your family is new to Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Elementary or returning, we’re so glad you’re here.
If you are new to FLVS Elementary, you may be wondering what the upcoming school year has in store for your young learner. You can rest assured knowing your child’s education is at the center of every decision we make!
Our elementary teachers are dedicated to supporting your child every step of the way with one-on-one instruction in a safe and stable school environment. FLVS teachers personalize learning, helping students master the subject content, and are available throughout the day to answer questions and ensure your child gets the most out of their online learning experience. Our teachers are always creating new ways to build meaningful connections with students in and out of the online classroom!
What is FLVS Elementary Class Time?
FLVS Elementary students usually meet with their teacher and fellow students twice a week for Class Time, which is a live, teacher-led lesson that is held in an online classroom. During Class Time, teachers can introduce new topics and lessons and answer student (and parent) questions, while students have an opportunity to interact and enjoy activities with their classmates.
How do I keep my child engaged in learning?
Regular breaks are an essential part of the day for students to recharge, especially Kindergarten through 5th grade students. FLVS Elementary teachers incorporate Brain Breaks into Class Time to give students a chance to socialize, stretch, and refocus between topics.
Parents can find even more ways to keep students learning outside of the online classroom with various FLVS activities. Check out these fun FLVS activity pages to download and print at home or browse our list of learning activities assembled by FLVS to keep your child entertained and engaged at home.
Watch our elementary teachers read their favorite childhood books during “Story Time with FLVS” and encourage your child to listen or read along!
This post was written by Elizabeth Jones, Social Media Team.
i don’t understand where my childs classes are
Hi Vikra. FLVS Full Time students login through Focus to view their dashboard and access courses. FLVS Flex students login through VSA to view their dash and access courses. Hope this helps!
We are trying to figure out where or how to upload homework to the FLVS system. Please advise.
thank you so very much.
Hi Angela! Students can upload assignments by viewing the list of assessments within a course. For middle and high school students, you can find this by going to the top black menu bar (icon with 3 white lines) to expand options and click on “Assessments.” For elementary, the Assessments icon is on the left. Hope this helps!