FLVS Anatomy and Physiology Course Tour

FLVS Anatomy and Physiology CourseHave you ever wondered what makes your muscles sore after a workout?

Or why your heart starts racing when you’re startled? Are you interested in becoming a scientist or working in the medical field one day?

You can learn about all of this and more in Anatomy and Physiology at FLVS! This challenging (but fun) science course is like an owner’s manual for your body. Students not only learn about the body’s muscles, organs, bones, and blood vessels, but also how these parts work together. Our A&P course includes several hands-on activities, including interactive elements, labs, and even a virtual surgery.

If you’re ready to get the real inside story, check out our course video tour below and sign up here!

11 comments on “FLVS Anatomy and Physiology Course Tour

  1. Lisa Peck

    What textbook do you use? How in depth is this course? For instance, do the kids have to memorize origin and insertion of muscles? How many muscles do they have to learn? I am a teacher who requires students to have taken anatomy as a prerequisite for my course. I am trying to find an online anatomy class for them to take over the summer.

    1. FLVSKimberly Testa, Curriculum Product Innovation Manager for Science

      Hello and thank you for your interest in our Anatomy and Physiology course. The course is fully-online and designed to be comprehensive, rigorous, and aligned with State Standards. All educational content and course materials are delivered on screen. No additional textbooks are required. Students taking our A&P course may select from two options depending on their academic goals: Regular and Honors.

      Our Anatomy and Physiology course allows students to explore the human body and learn ways to help the body cope in a variety of situations. Content is presented on structure, location, and function of various systems within the human body and how these systems interact. With respect to the muscular system, in-depth content including muscle and tissue types, major skeletal muscle (axial and appendicular muscle), superficial anatomy, and physiology of muscle is presented. Students will receive instruction on muscle location, insertion points, adjacent muscles, and adjacent bones.

  2. Madison

    i was wondering what the workload is and how assignments work? do you think it would be easier face to face rather than online? and are there essays? what are some other classes in relation to this course for someone going into the medical field (particularly surgeon)?


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