FLVS Corkboard: Back to School Newsletter

By on August 14th, 2020

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! It’s been said that August is like the Sunday of Summer—yet this year you may be thinking, “Wait, did summer happen?” Whether you are returning to Florida Virtual School, new to online education, or still determining whether FLVS fits your needs, we’re glad you’re with us!

This has been a crazy year and going back to school looks very different with varying start dates and guidelines depending on where you live. But rest assured, FLVS has been supporting school districts across the country for more than 20 years, and this year is no exception.

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Get to Know the Team Behind our Curriculum

By on August 7th, 2020

Did you know that Florida Virtual School (FLVS) develops our own curriculum for courses? The FLVS Curriculum Department works from concept to course delivery to provide an exemplary academic experience. In this photo, a few of members of our Curriculum Development Team film a video for one of our elementary Language Arts courses!

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Young Author Sets Sights on Political Service

By on August 6th, 2020

Did you know that 97 percent of people who start to write a book never finish it? Out of every 1,000 people who set out to do so, less than 30 will complete the task. Well, we’d like to introduce you to someone who not only wrote a book—he had it published while in 8th grade.

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How Teamwork Makes the Dream Work at FLVS

By on August 4th, 2020

Florida Virtual School (FLVS) employs more than 1,800 instructors across our spectrum of educational models. Each one of those instructors is driven by a passion to empower students of all ability levels regardless of their circumstances or specific challenges. The need many families face to keep some normalcy in their children’s education during COVID-19 has been seamlessly and enthusiastically met by FLVS instructors and leadership.

Our instructors are among the best in the nation! An essential part of why we are able to exceed expectations and deliver a superior educational experience is the culture of cooperation and teaming among our stellar educators.

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Meet Nimue, Spreading Awareness Through Art

By on July 30th, 2020

Every year, students explore their hobbies and interests through Florida Virtual School (FLVS) courses, clubs, and activities. This year, FLVS Flex student artist Nimue took 5th grade Art to develop her techniques and learn about various art forms and styles, but this was not the start of her journey. Nimue began painting when she was just 4 years old! In fact, many of her family members are artists as well.

When Nimue was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a connective tissue disorder, her family introduced her to painting to help improve her focus and mental health.

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FLVS Awarded International Recognitions

By on July 28th, 2020

The year 2020 has been an unprecedented one on so many levels, but it’s been said that the best way to get through tough times is to focus on the good stuff whenever you can, so we are happy to share some good news! Florida Virtual School (FLVS) was recognized six times this year by worldwide industry leaders for achievements in education and technology, winning four international awards. 

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Finding Success with Florida Virtual School

By on July 25th, 2020

This post was written by Tangela Walker-Craft, parent of a FLVS Flex student and graduate.

I attended traditional public schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Homeschooling was not something that I ever planned to do when I became a mom. I even taught at traditional public schools for several years before I had my daughter. I knew nothing about homeschooling.

During that time, when I was teaching high school, many of my best students shared with me that they had been homeschooled at some point during their lives.

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FLVS Students Exceed Community Service Goal

By on July 22nd, 2020

It’s no secret that our Florida Virtual School (FLVS) students are amazing and take their education seriously, but did you know many of our students also have a penchant for generously volunteering in their communities? This 2019-20 school year, Mae Martin, Student Activities Coordinator, reported that FLVS Student Club members completed 3,439 volunteer hours, surpassing last year’s total and goal. Additionally, FLVS Full Time High School students recorded nearly 31,000 cumulative community service hours that qualify for Bright Future Scholarships when they graduate.

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The Benefits of 1:1 Teacher-Student Communication

By on July 20th, 2020

One concern parents express about moving their child from the traditional brick-and-mortar school into online education is a potential lack of student-teacher connection. Some worry the inability to physically approach a teacher’s desk leads to a more impersonal relationship, less help, or limited attention.  I’m here to tell you, it’s quite the opposite! 

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