FLVS Flex Elementary

Vote for FLVS Elementary!

By on October 28th, 2016

elementary-studentThe first day I took my son to Kindergarten, there were some chairs stacked outside his classroom in the hallway and I actually thought about climbing up the chairs to “peek in” and see how he was doing.

I wanted to know what he looked like in class, how he did with the other kids, and how the teacher treated him.

At FLVS Elementary, our parents tell us they have learned so much about teaching by watching our first-rate teachers.

Our Elementary program is currently up for an Innovate to Educate award for our “Innovative Class Time for Virtual School Students” and you can help!

Vote for us to win every day on Facebook through October 31, 2016. Continue reading

Meet the FLVS Flex Elementary Principal

By on October 21st, 2016

We are celebrating the 2016-17 school year with a blog series featuring FLVS faculty and staff. Meet the creative and dedicated individuals who make every day a great day at FLVS!

meet-an-flvs-elementary-principalDid you know that FLVS has a new FLVS Flex elementary program for grades Kindergarten – Grade 5?

It’s true! The program is even up for an award for its innovative online “Class Time.” (Vote for us on Facebook here through Oct. 31!)

Leading this innovative program is Sarah Sprinkel who serves as its principal and biggest cheerleader. She was one of the program developers working with a team of FLVS administrators, curriculum specialists, school counselors, and teachers to create a virtual education experience that personalizes online elementary curriculum for each and every student enrolled.

Sarah brings her years of experience inspiring elementary school students as a classroom teacher as well as working with school districts on their policies and government relations to enhance early childhood education. As FLVS Elementary program principal, she uses her diverse leadership experiences to ensure the school is exceeding the expectations for the students. Sarah works closely with her dedicated staff of instructors, support staff, and advisors looking forward to expanding the virtual program.

I am honored to share with you my interview with Sarah Sprinkel. Continue reading

Blueprints for Building Community

By on August 11th, 2016

Back to School Blueprints for Creating CommunityWhen I share with people (especially those who are teaching in traditional classrooms) that I’ve shifted into high gear preparing for a new year with my students, I must admit, I’ve gotten a lot of puzzled looks and questions, like “What exactly do you need to do? I mean, you teach virtually.”

Before I answer (or take offense), I take a relaxed breath and smile.

Because, like them, exactly one year ago, I didn’t have a clue.

So how do virtual elementary teachers prepare for a new crop of eager learners? Luckily, for all the new teachers just starting this adventure, the blueprint is surprisingly similar to a brick-and-mortar school. The 2016-17 year kicked off this past week by building community. Continue reading

Redefining the Three Rs

By on June 17th, 2016

Relax and RechargeRelax, Refocus, and Recharge

Not long ago, I came across an online article 16 Signs You’re a Little (or a lot) Type A. The title is a bit of a contradiction because you are really not “Type A” but, as the article points out, you might be in that “spectrum of behaviors or traits.”

Now, before we go any further, I encourage you to read the article to find out if you are a little, or a lot, Type A. (In full disclosure, I LIVE 13 out of the 16 signs!)

The good news is that being “this way” can help you stay on task or give you job security, since it’s believed many employers are looking for us! The bad news is that this term was coined by a doctor who studied a connection between a certain type (A) person and heart problems. Yikes! Continue reading

This Year’s Biggest Surprises

By on June 7th, 2016

Elementary SuprisesThe 2015-16 year for FLVS Flex Elementary students is coming to an end…

And what a GREAT year!

Our amazing Kindergarten – 5th grade students experience flexible and fun learning in a way that suits them. As a teacher, being a part of this amazing program has offered all kinds of opportunities to grow and connect.

So what were some of my biggest surprises this year? Continue reading

The Power of Picture Books

By on November 13th, 2015

The Power of Picture BooksOn my day off this week, I find myself eagerly drafting my first blog post for FLVS because (as all writers understand) I not only enjoy writing, I need to write.

So given my literacy background and current position as a first grade teacher at FLVS, I think I’ve chosen the right topic for me and you, my readers.  Author Randy Pausch eloquently says, “Your passion must come from the things that fuel you from the inside.”

My own children were quite young when I started my career in early childhood education, but it was clear to me then (and even clearer now) that I am passionate about beautiful picture books and quality children’s literature.  Continue reading