Guidance Counselors
Class of 2018 Senior Survival Guide
By Guest Blogger on May 24th, 2018
Earlier this year, our FLVS Full Time Senior Class officers presented a “Senior Survival Guide” to the current juniors. Their presentation was fantastic and full of great tips from the viewpoint of a student. Whether you’re looking ahead to senior year or graduation is a few years down the road, several of these tips for FLVS students apply to any grade level.
Now without further ado, here are the top 10 tips for surviving senior year at FLVS from our Class of 2018.
5 Ways Your FLVS School Counselor Can Help You!
By Anne Flenner on September 22nd, 2017
FLVS Flex School Counselors are the direct line to our homeschool families in regards to academic advising, college and career planning, SAT/ACT information, scholarships, and more!
Have you reached out to your FLVS School Counselor lately? If not, now is the time!
Here are five ways your FLVS School Counselor can help you! Continue reading
Inspirational Quotes to Share with Students
By Guest Blogger on August 17th, 2017
School counselors are in the unique position to support students with issues related to both school and home life. They are trained to provide counseling and guidance to students of all ages.
This guidance may take the form of one-on-one sessions or phone calls with online students, presentations to high school classes about college applications, family support and information nights, or small group peer-relation work. Continue reading
By Guest Blogger on April 24th, 2017
We all deal with the grueling task of being tested, whether we are in grade school, in college, on the job site – or dealing with everyday situations (parenting, teaching, etc.).
It seems we face some sort of test in our life every day, whether a paper/pencil exam or making the right moral choices. As a school counselor, I am tasked with assisting students and parents with making the right choices to successfully work their way through school – academically, socially, and emotionally.
Today I want to focus on the academic realm and the tests and exams that all students must go through. I’ll share tools to help them be successful when faced with these assessments.
Some of the points I will share can cross into other facets of tests that we all go through in our personal and professional lives as well.
Be sure to save this handy acrostic blog post full of tips for your next big exam!
R.E.A.D.Y. … S.E.T. … T.E.S.T. Continue reading
Happiness Starts with YOU!
By Amy LaGrasta on February 4th, 2015
Attitude is Everything.
Have you ever thought about it? It’s true. In 2014, I read The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. You should read it too! It has really helped to change my mood and shape a new way of positive thinking. In the book, Achor posits that daily affirmation of three happy or good things, no matter how big or small, will help your mind re-focus on the positive.
I have really worked hard to exercise the “three good things daily” practice. My team also shares positive things in their world regularly, creating a positive team and work environment (And if you know anything about counselors, we deal with some pretty tough stuff!) Overall, this daily habit creates a mindset focused on being grateful. It has positively affected my attitude at home with my family and at work with customers and colleagues. Continue reading
Battling the Holiday Blues
By Amy LaGrasta on December 17th, 2014

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” “Joy to the world!” and “Tis the season to be jolly” …
These popular holiday song lyrics explain how we all feel during the holiday season, right? Not so.
For many the holidays can be filled with anxiety, sadness, and loneliness. There are a variety of reasons why people may feel the holiday blues.
Whatever the reason may be, there are ways to help plan ahead and get through the holiday season. Continue reading