Student Resources

Tips on How to Stay Organized This Year From a Florida Virtual School Student

By on September 20th, 2022

As the new school year approaches, emotions fluctuate within all students. Some may feel excited and ready to conquer a new academic season. Others may feel anxious and fearful for the next ten months of nonstop work ahead of them.  

Negative emotions create a negative mindset, and therefore can impact student’s success negatively. A positive mindset comes from feelings of being prepared and organized. Although staying organized seems like a difficult task, at the end of the day it takes minimal effort and will help you put your best foot forward for this school year.   

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6 Strategies to Succeed as an Online Student

By on March 30th, 2020

Whether you recently made the decision to pursue a flexible and safe learning environment, or your school is temporarily closed and holding classes online, you’ll probably have a lot of questions about how you can succeed at Florida Virtual School (FLVS).

While this may be a new style of learning for you, you are not alone!

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Celebrate Literacy Week 2017

By on January 23rd, 2017

Albert Einstein Library Quote

Photo Credit: Chronicle Books

Each year the state of Florida and FLVS dedicates one full week to celebrate all things literacy.

Appropriately titled “Celebrate Literacy Week,” the entire state joins together to share their love for literacy through activities that include reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking!

Celebrate Literacy Week is presented by Just Read Florida and the Florida Department of Education to remind everyone that “Literacy Changes the World.”

Now in its seventh year, Celebrate Literacy Week allows school districts and families to engage in fun activities that bring the community together for the love of reading.

The Just Read Florida website provides a comprehensive list of activities that all families can enjoy during this event. They even include a printable bookmark to help us all keep our place as we read, read, read! Did you know that the more a child is exposed to print and books the more successful a reader they will be as they grow? Continue reading

12 Months of Life Skills for Student Success

By on January 13th, 2017

Life Skills for StudentsAs we start a new year, educators and parents all have a common goal for 2017 – to ensure that our children have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful for college and a future career.

What if we each set a goal to teach our students one skill a month?

If all of our students put this plan into action today, can you imagine the impact we could make on our future generation?

Today’s workplace values creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication skills. Managing time, setting goals, handling stress, and a variety of other skills can help students succeed in all of these areas.

Ready to get started? Check out the guide below and set reminders on your phone or calendar to help you stay on track.  Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: December Edition

By on December 14th, 2016

FLVS Corkboard December 2016Dashing through December…in an FLVS kind of way…completing all assignments…improving all the way…ho, ho, ho!

Can you feel it? That sudden surge of excitement that loudly exclaims we are at the mid-year mark and ready to scratch off another year under our belts. Students, let me let you in on a secret…you’re not the only one excited about a break…shhh.

Whether you are a student or teacher sitting in a brick-and-mortar classroom or you plug in daily for online education, the rush from Thanksgiving to New Years can make it hard to focus. But buckle up—we are almost there!

December certainly has been bustling with activities and many of our students enjoyed immersing themselves deeper in technology during Computer Science Week with an Hour of Code (FLVS style, of course). Others recently journeyed to faraway lands, all from the comforts of home during the FLVS 2016 World Fest. No passports were needed, just the willingness to tune in and celebrate different cultures and hear travels and tales from some of our amazing teachers. Continue reading

Let Your Summer Sizzle with STEM

By on June 30th, 2016

Summer STEM IdeasThe countdown is over and summer is now in full swing!

Can you hear the rejoicing cries of school-age children saying “no more alarm clocks,” “no teachers,” and “woohoo, no homework!”

Ask students what they want to do as they’re just beginning to submerge themselves in summer-break mode and more than likely you’ll get answers like: relax, watch TV, see movies, go to the beach, and chill with friends. Continue reading