Teacher Communication
Algebra Instructor Helps Build Online Student Confidence
By Katie Hodgins on May 9th, 2023

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of our incredible Florida Virtual School (FLVS) instructors! Although this is a dedicated week to celebrate our phenomenal teachers, it’s something we love to do every day. We recognize the hard work and support our teachers dedicate daily to their students, and so do our students. Annette G., an FLVS homeschool student, faced challenges understanding the material in her math class, Algebra 1. But with the support and guidance of her Algebra teacher, Amy DeFrance, Annette finished segment two with high achievements.
Continue readingThe Benefits of 1:1 Teacher-Student Communication
By Guest Blogger on July 20th, 2020

One concern parents express about moving their child from the traditional brick-and-mortar school into online education is a potential lack of student-teacher connection. Some worry the inability to physically approach a teacher’s desk leads to a more impersonal relationship, less help, or limited attention. I’m here to tell you, it’s quite the opposite!
Continue readingPlanning Tips for Teachers Moving Online
By Florida Virtual School on June 8th, 2020

As the majority of Florida’s education system transitioned online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, much focus has rightly been on helping students cope, both academically and emotionally. However, teachers who teach in a traditional classroom setting have also made the transition, in emergency conditions, and require support.
We know engaged teacher-student interaction is important to parents. To help that interaction continue, FLVS has tips to help teachers manage their online classroom, with tools they can use when they return to their normal classroom setting.
Continue readingTeaching is a Work of Heart
By Florida Virtual School on May 8th, 2020

Florida Virtual School teachers strive to serve students with excellence.
Behind every computer is a unique student who our teachers aim to nurture and support. We want to give a shout-out to our amazing teachers who provide more than encouragement and support – teachers who provide Works of Heart.
Continue reading5 Keys to Communicating with Students & Parents Online
By Guest Blogger on April 4th, 2020

The biggest key to success when teaching in an online environment (or basically in any other situation in the world) is creating strong relationships. Connecting with students and families is easier and more fun when a good relationship is established early on.
Continue readingThe Importance of Online School Attendance
By Anne Flenner on January 22nd, 2020
While a scientific study has not been conducted of how many FLVS Flex students “come to school” in their pajamas, we do know that it is one of the perks of online learning!
Comfy clothes are a benefit, but sometimes it is difficult for students to approach online learning with the same structure as they would a traditional school. While students don’t have to get up at a specific time and get dressed each day, attendance is still important. Continue reading
Blueprints for Building Community
By Guest Blogger on August 11th, 2016
When I share with people (especially those who are teaching in traditional classrooms) that I’ve shifted into high gear preparing for a new year with my students, I must admit, I’ve gotten a lot of puzzled looks and questions, like “What exactly do you need to do? I mean, you teach virtually.”
Before I answer (or take offense), I take a relaxed breath and smile.
Because, like them, exactly one year ago, I didn’t have a clue.
So how do virtual elementary teachers prepare for a new crop of eager learners? Luckily, for all the new teachers just starting this adventure, the blueprint is surprisingly similar to a brick-and-mortar school. The 2016-17 year kicked off this past week by building community. Continue reading
FLVS Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week!
By Guest Blogger on May 1st, 2015
Teacher Appreciation week is the one week per year where the focus is on what an important role our teachers play in the lives of our students.
We hope you take time this week (and every week) to reflect on the awesome ways in which teachers influence the future. Our virtual teachers at FLVS may receive virtual flowers and gifts of thanks, but I hope all of our instructors know that their impact on lives is very real.
At FLVS, our instructors use instructional strategies to personalize learning every day of the week, all day long. From the first Welcome Call where teachers establish the important bond needed to motivate and inspire, to the final call where encouragement and the password are given for the last assessment, our teachers personalize learning for students. Continue reading
Getting Past the Fear of DBAs
By Guest Blogger on March 19th, 2015
This article is based on student work published in the FLVS student newspaper, News in a Click.
If discussion-based assessments make you nervous, these tips from FLVS students may help!
DBAs are verbal assessments and are often the most dreaded assignments for FLVS students. Instead of comfortably typing essays and worksheets on their laptops, students communicate with an instructor one-on-one over the phone.
But why is this so terrifying? Surely the verbal component of the DBA is not intimidating, especially when the assignments are approached by the instructor as a conversation instead of an oral exam.
TIP: Did you know that DBAs can be completed in a live lesson setting or over a video call? Ask your teacher about this option! Learn more in this post about mastering the DBA.
However, if you compare talking on the phone for twenty minutes to being the only student called on to answer random questions for 20 minutes in a classroom, you can see why students are reluctant to dial their instructors’ numbers. Continue reading
Finding Connection in a Virtual World
By Guest Blogger on February 19th, 2014
As published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Students, like all people, want to feel valued and cared about. They crave connection, understanding, and desire relationships that make them feel positive about themselves. Finding acceptance and encouragement at school can often be difficult, but at Flexpoint Virtual School, students have the opportunity to not only navigate their education, but to establish great connections as well.
FlexPoint Virtual School is an established leader in developing and providing online and blended education solutions to students in grades 6-12 worldwide. It was created during the 2000 Florida State Legislative session as the national and international arm of Florida Virtual School, the first statewide, Internet-based public high school in the United States. Continue reading