Student Edition

In The Spotlight: FLVS Sports Stars

By on January 21st, 2022

Have you ever wondered how many Florida Virtual School students partake in sports? There are hundreds of student-athletes at FLVS, but today I will feature four students who actively participate in sports. Continue reading this article to know all about these amazing FLVS sports stars!

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Start Fresh with Health & Wellness Courses or Clubs

By on January 3rd, 2022

New Year’s resolutions can be easy to make and even easier to break, but having goals for the new year—especially health and wellness ones—can help you start fresh. Florida Virtual School (FLVS) has courses and clubs to help you connect with friends, learn new strategies for taking care of your mind and body, and achieve success in 2022!  

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Inspiring the Next Generation: 2021-22 Team Members of the Year

By on December 13th, 2021

It takes a village. Especially when you’re serving thousands of students across Florida, and the country, virtually and amid a global pandemic. But every day, our exceptional teachers and support staff commit to putting students first and inspiring them to believe the sky’s the limit. That is why we are thrilled to recognize and honor their accomplishments with our annual awards.

Read on to see how this year’s honorees are revolutionizing online learning, making a difference, and inspiring the next generation of learners.

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