Student Edition
5 Ways Your FLVS School Counselor Can Help You!
By Anne Flenner on September 22nd, 2017
FLVS Flex School Counselors are the direct line to our homeschool families in regards to academic advising, college and career planning, SAT/ACT information, scholarships, and more!
Have you reached out to your FLVS School Counselor lately? If not, now is the time!
Here are five ways your FLVS School Counselor can help you! Continue reading
Five FLVS Electives That Teach Life Skills
By Guest Blogger on September 5th, 2017
This article was originally written and published in the FLVS student newspaper, News in a Click.
Despite money management being a highly important life skill, a survey conducted in 2016 states that only 17 states in the US require a personal finance class to graduate high school. This has remained unchanged since 2014. Luckily, FLVS offers a “Personal and Family Finance” class to help prepare students for graduation. This is only one of many important electives that FLVS offers! Continue reading
To Program or Not to Program?
By Florida Virtual School on August 31st, 2017
To program, or not to program? That is the question. If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t learned to program yet – but if you’re like most people, you probably should.
Many people don’t learn about programming because they think it doesn’t relate to their personal or career interests. After all, not everyone wants to be a professional programmer, right? However, should a person take a finance class only if he/she is going to be an accountant? Continue reading
FLVS Corkboard: Back to School Edition
By Florida Virtual School on August 24th, 2017
Some of you may be new to FLVS and others have been with us through the summer, but we want to officially welcome everyone to the start of the 2017-18 school year!
This year marks our 20th anniversary, and we could not be more excited. FLVS has come a long way from our humble beginnings in 1997 when we opened our virtual doors. Now we are celebrating 20 years of innovative student learning! Check out our video, milestones, pinboard, and more at
You can also subscribe to the blog to view our 20-year series! Continue reading
Inspirational Quotes to Share with Students
By Guest Blogger on August 17th, 2017
School counselors are in the unique position to support students with issues related to both school and home life. They are trained to provide counseling and guidance to students of all ages.
This guidance may take the form of one-on-one sessions or phone calls with online students, presentations to high school classes about college applications, family support and information nights, or small group peer-relation work. Continue reading
New Course and Certification Opportunities
By Elizabeth Fulcher on August 9th, 2017
Many don’t like to see stores stocking back-to-school supplies as early as mid-July.
I personally love it! As a parent and educator, I believe it’s a fresh start for students and teachers. Here at Florida Virtual School, we have students who take classes year round in our Flex program, but we also have students who follow a more traditional calendar with our Full Time program. Full Time students will be returning to school this month, and I want to share some of the exciting things happening this school year.
I’m particularly thrilled for FLVS Full Time students to come back this fall. If you’re attending FLVS Full Time this year, find resources to help you start the year off here! Continue reading
If You Build It, They Will Come
By Guest Blogger on July 31st, 2017
It was late 1997. A group of six teachers and four support personnel had spent five months learning about teaching online from any source we could find.
We were building courses in Lotus Learning Space, and preparing to register kids for this new thing called Florida High School. There had been tears, there had been elation, and there had been a lot of supposition about what teaching online meant.
We nervously sat around a small round conference table waiting for the phone to ring after we opened registration for the first time ever. We kept saying to each other, “If we build it, they will come,” but would students really want to try this? The “Web School” pilot in Orange County in the 1996-97 school year drew some students, so we had hope.
Finally, after an excruciating wait, the phone rang. We had our first student! Continue reading
Rock On: Expert Advice from Two Master Teachers
By Florida Virtual School on July 20th, 2017
Every time I look back at my career as a teacher, I realize how far I have come.
What I find truly astounding is that what made the most impact in my practice was not learned in the resounding hallways of my Alma Mater or the momentous conference rooms of the many in-service training sessions I’ve completed, but interacting and networking with my peers. Sometimes I will get the best idea from asking a question or brainstorming in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) session.
And just like a movie flashback, I am back at the topic for this blog!
I wanted to ask some questions to our teachers that everyone else also asks. It was difficult to single out one or two teachers, because here at FLVS I feel that I am teaching in the middle of a rock festival and every teacher I know is a rock star!
To narrow it down, I reached out to two of our Teacher of the Year nominees, Amsler Burns and Kellie Shellenberger. Continue reading
Summer Fun
By Guest Blogger on July 10th, 2017
This is the final post in a series by former FLVS student Makaila, a model, author, and student advocate.
Hey FLVS, it’s Mak – with my very last summer post in what has been a fun year writing for The Virtual Voice.
Summer. Summer. Summer. Those three words used to play on repeat in my head, and where from? High School Musical of course.
Summer is in full swing and you know what that means…vacation! Get excited, and enjoy your time off before a new school year begins. You earned it.
So, to get you amped for the rest of summer, let’s talk summer plans! This month, I plan to go to the beach with all my friends. I can’t wait to soak up the sun, play some volleyball on the sand, and go swimming. I go to the beach all the time, but going in the summer is always my favorite. I don’t have to worry about studying for a test, doing an extra credit assignment, or turning in a new essay.
Of course, at FLVS you may be taking a course over the summer – but that doesn’t mean you can’t relax! Continue reading
Embracing Nostalgia: The Good and The Bad
By Guest Blogger on July 5th, 2017
This post was written by Charissa, a student in the FLVS Creative Writing Club.
Have you ever passed by a place you used to visit when you were young and a nostalgic feeling started to resonate in your chest?
The feeling blew you back in time a bit, and sparked that good memory concealed in your mind to come and revisit. It was probably a joyous occasion, and that feeling of ancient and special happiness surfaces again.
Well, what if something bad happened to you? Would the nostalgic feeling be the same? I highly doubt it would. If I visited a place that held a bad memory, I would feel suffocated by air tainted with unhappiness and regret. I wouldn’t have a happy and elated feeling in my chest. I would feel empty and alone.
Something I have realized in this society is this:
We all have our good places reminding us of the joy and happiness life can bring you, but we also have our bad places that are a reminder of how the world can be messed up sometimes. Some people have one more than the other. Continue reading