An Introduction to FLVS Curriculum

By on May 1st, 2020

At Florida Virtual School, we develop online courses designed for every type of student and any type of schedule. All of our options, including FLVS Flex, FLVS Full Time, and FlexPoint Virtual School provide the same award-winning curriculum.

Developed by our very own team of qualified curriculum specialists with expertise in their respective subject areas, our online courses allow students to receive a comprehensive, high-quality education. 

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Ideas to Keep Your Child Engaged at Home

By on April 28th, 2020

Now more than ever, balancing learning and life can feel like a juggling act. Need help keeping your child engaged in learning at home? Below, we’ve assembled a list of activities from Florida Virtual School and external resources to help keep children entertained, engaged, and learning through the end of the school year and into summer!

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How to Oversee Your Child’s Online Learning

By on April 27th, 2020

Many parents have been sailing uncharted waters as they shift to online learning. As an online educator with elementary children who have taken a few online courses, I have been at the helm of online education in more ways than one. As parents finish out the school year, we are here to support their experience.

Here are a few tips to support your child’s online learning. You’re on your way to smooth sailing!

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Creating Social Presence Amid Social Distance

By on April 24th, 2020

Like most educators in the past weeks, I’ve been thinking about students across the state of Florida, particularly students who have little to no experience with online learning.  My mind also wanders to their teachers and the fast-paced transition to online teaching and learning each of them has been facing.

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More than a Credit: The Value of an Online Course

By on April 23rd, 2020

The Florida legislature recognizes the need to prepare students for a rapidly-changing future. In 2011, a requirement was introduced that every Florida student successfully complete one online course in high school. However, the benefits of online learning extend far beyond a transcript!

Our students agree—our online courses are more than just a credit!

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Developing Independence as an Online Learner

By on April 20th, 2020

When students first start learning from home as an online learner, you may hear them utter statements like: “I don’t understand how to do this. I’m so frustrated.” Or perhaps: “Ugh. I’ll do it later. I can get it done really quick.” Maybe even: “Man, this is tough! My old school was so much easier!”

Starting anything new can be a challenge! Becoming an online learner is no different. Learning online takes a different skill set than the traditional face-to-face classroom.

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Finding Connection through Student Clubs

By on April 17th, 2020

Many are surprised to learn that FLVS offers students the opportunity to join student clubs and activities. As an online school, we know how important it is for our Kindergarten-12th grade students to get involved outside of taking courses. Students need a safe space to explore interests, strengthen skills, build their resume, and most importantly, make connections and friends.

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FLVS Students Host Online Game Jam Session

By on April 14th, 2020

Game designers and developers often gather in creative events known as Game Jams. Their goal is to program playable games in a short period of time. The excitement of a fast deadline and challenge has spurred many professional and Indie game creators to generate award-winning titles. These Jams encourage collaboration, quick problem solving, and creative thinking—and are a lot of fun!

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Tried & Tested Tips for Teachers Going Virtual

By on April 8th, 2020

With so much panic and chaos going around us due to COVID-19, it is easy to get anxious and overwhelmed. This can be especially true for teachers whose schools have closed for an extended period of time. You may have been asked to leave your routine and embrace a virtual environment overnight and that can be very stressful.

To all the teachers out there, you’ve got this!

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