Educator Edition

Celebrating the Teachers of Today…and Tomorrow

By on October 4th, 2019

Every year, World Teachers’ Day provides an opportunity to address issues related to educational instruction and our dedicated teachers who are educating the next generation. The 2019 theme of World Teachers’ Day is “Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession.” According to UNESCO, “The day provides the occasion to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide, to take stock of achievements, and to address some of the issues central for attracting and keeping the brightest minds and young talents in the profession.”

I started my full-time career in secondary education in the Fall of 2003. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting thousands of students. Continue reading

Teacher Honored for Excellence in Distance Learning

By on June 27th, 2019

Florida Virtual School is proud to announce that one of our teachers, Lisa Fabulich, was honored with the prestigious Excellence in Teaching/Training award by The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA). The award was presented at the 2019 International Distance Learning Awards show at the 2019 National Conference in Nashville, TN. The award is presented annually to organizations and individuals engaged in the development and delivery of distance learning programs.

In February, Lisa Fabulich was also selected as the 2019-20 FLVS Teacher of the Year from more than 1,500 instructors. Lisa, an FLVS Full Time Biology teacher, masterfully uses the online classroom to create rich, thematic environments for her students to discover new ideas and explore their understanding of complex scientific concepts.

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FLVS Corkboard: Summer Edition

By on June 10th, 2019

Ah, summer. It’s the ideal time for hanging out with friends, heading to the pool or the beach, soaking up the warm weather, enjoying cookouts, reading good books, and maybe taking a vacation with family. It’s been a great year, and you’ve earned a break!

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” – John Lubbock

In between all the fun, be sure take a few minutes to catch up on FLVS happenings! Continue reading

6 Interesting Facts About Teaching at FLVS

By on May 15th, 2019

At Florida Virtual School, we value our diverse and dedicated team of instructors who are the foundation of our students’ success.

Teachers new to online learning often have questions about the technology or how they communicate with students. At FLVS, our award-winning student information system, Virtual School Administrator (VSA), allows us to manage, track, and engage our students. Our learning management system allows students to access the curriculum, coursework, and teacher feedback. While these tools facilitate quality instruction, the relationships teachers build with students remain central to the online teaching experience.

Want to learn more about what it’s like to teach in a virtual environment? Don’t miss the day-in-the-life video below and these interesting facts about teaching at FLVS! Continue reading

Brain Breaks for Online Elementary Students

By on April 11th, 2019

Brain breaks are a BIG part of most elementary classrooms that you will see today. These mental breaks help students refocus, get some wiggles out, and most importantly – have fun! 

Setting aside time for brain breaks is important in every classroom, especially in the virtual world where a lot of time is spent on the computer. We are always looking for ways to get our kids UP and MOVING!  Continue reading

Keeping the Student at the Center

By on April 10th, 2019

The 2017-18 school year marked the 20th anniversary of Florida Virtual School (FLVS). The 20-year anniversary of FLVS was not only a historic occasion for the first statewide Internet-based school in the United States, but also a significant and positive milestone for virtual education.

When founded in 1997, FLVS consisted of six teachers, four support staff, 77 enrollments, and six courses. The use of online education tools was still new for the high schoolers of 1997. Continue reading

Every Week Should be Children’s Week

By on April 3rd, 2019

Do you feel that? It’s spring. Flashback with me to times of simple childhood pleasures…picking little bouquets of yellow dandelions, blowing on those puffy spheres to scatter the seeds in the wind. Using color chalk to play hopscotch in the driveway. And pinwheels. The simple joy of making those colorful curls whirl and twirl. Ah, simpler times with not a care in the world.

That was my childhood. Continue reading

Following Science in Space: NASA’s Asteroid Mission

By on February 27th, 2019

Love space science? Follow us on Instagram for live STEM events throughout the year, including the SpaceX Crew Dragon test flight on March 2, 2019.

Two and a half years ago on September 8, 2016, I was able to witness the launch of OSIRIS-REx to share with our school community.

I’m sure you’re wondering what that means, right? OSIRIS-REx is a NASA asteroid study and sample return mission. OSIRIS-REx stands for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security Regolith Explorer. Its main goal is to obtain a sample of at least 60 grams of rock from an asteroid called Bennu, a near-earth asteroid with lots of carbon in it. Now if you’re wondering exactly how much 60 grams is, one candy Skittles is approximately 1 gram. Imagine 60 of those and that’s how much of Bennu we will be bringing back to the Earth. And wait for it…it will take seven years before the mission is completed!

During our live lessons for Earth Space Science, we’ve been discussing current science events and all things space – including updates from Bennu. Continue reading

Student Shark Advocate Works with Legislators

By on February 13th, 2019

This post was written by FLVS student and Model United Nations club member James A. La Fayette Jr.

Sierra Boodhoo is a 16-year-old student on a mission to make a positive impact on society. After experiencing racial profiling and bullying at her previous school, she switched to FLVS Flex in 7th grade where her interest in marine biology began. Her interest was sparked when she watched an episode of Shark Week with shark nets. She kept the flame going and researched sharks despite discouragement from others due to age, gender, and other societal bias.

She was told, “You are just an 11-year-old girl. Quit sharks. Switch to something girly like ballet.” Continue reading

Florida’s Black History Month Contest

By on February 5th, 2019

A few years ago, I wrote a blog about the importance of celebrating Black History Month. It is with the same unyielding support of diversity education that I encourage participation in First Lady DeSantis’ Black History Month essay and art competition.

The theme of this year’s contest is “Celebrating Public Service” – an opportunity to honor an African American whose service has made Florida a better place for all to live – and to win a four-year Florida college scholarship!    Continue reading